"That's it..." Smith lowered his head unwillingly.

For a moment, Chen Jing forgot what he should ask. He was stunned for a while before he slowly recovered.

"What kind of bullshit supernatural abilities are you talking about! It's useless!"


"What you call awakening doesn't mean taking some stimulants or something, right?"


"To be honest, I'm disappointed in you."

Chen Jing sighed in despair, feeling that this world was too simple.

I dare to call myself extraordinary with this kind of ability...

Oh no.

I seem to have overlooked that this is not another world.

An ability like Zhou Guojian's ability to easily dodge bullets is a superpower for ordinary people!

It’s not an exaggeration to even say that he is a real, weakened version of Superman!

"We are not you. The ability you possess is unimaginable by everyone in the association. If possible, can you tell us how your ability..."

Smith's yearning for knowledge far exceeded Chen Jing's imagination. Even if he was at a disadvantage or even a desperate situation, he still asked Chen Jing questions.

But before Smith could finish his words, he was interrupted by a strange sound.

That sound was strange.

It's like something is crawling on the muddy ground...

"what sound……"

Chen Jing subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and Smith also turned his head.

The next second.

They were all stunned in unison.

"Alive... alive..." Smith's eyes trembled violently, and the extreme fear made his voice become much thinner, as if he was deliberately suppressing a scream, "How could they survive?!"


Zhou Guojian, Qin Shan, Xu Wan.

The bodies of the three of them had risen from the ground.

The corpse seemed to have no ability to control its balance. It staggered as it walked, as if it would fall to the ground in the next second...

Their empty eyes were as dark as death.

From the slightly open lips of these corpses, Chen Jing found that something seemed to be occupying the inside of these people's mouths.

Gums and tongue are not visible.

All that can be seen is a squirming mass of "black asphalt".

"Did you do it?" Chen Jing looked at Bai Aji in surprise, suddenly realizing that he still seemed to know too little about this friend.

Baiaji whimpered and nodded, then turned to stare at the three corpses with interest.

Along with Baiage's whimpering sound, the three weird corpses began to dance a strange dance.

Ordinary limbs have been twisted beyond the limits of human beings. The terrifying scene is so terrifying that it can give people nightmares just by looking at it...

"Can you control corpses?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask.

"Uh-" Bai Aji nodded.

After getting this exact answer, a bold plan suddenly popped into Chen Jing's mind.

A plan that would get him out of trouble!

"I know what to do with you."

Chen Jing turned to look at Smith, with that gentle and kind smile that made Smith feel cold.

"You...you want to kill me?!"

"Hey! Why do you think so!" Chen Jing said angrily, "I'm not a devil, how could I kill someone just because I say kill..."

Chapter 60 Life is drowned in the rain

The rainy night was cold and biting.

Under the thunderous light in the sky, three silent corpses were dancing strangely.

Chen Jing and Smith were like spectators, silently enjoying the performance kicked off by Bai Aji.

"I thought you were letting them wiggle their hands..." Chen Jing glanced at Bai Aji, who was playing with the corpse enthusiastically, "I didn't expect you to be quite artistic."

The corpse twisted in a regular pattern.

Although their postures are weird and they look like they are dancing in a group of demons, if you look at them more, you will find that... their twists are quite interesting.

It's like a ritual dance used by some ancient tribe.

Weird, weird, mysterious.

"Ha-ha-" Baiaji grinned high, and suddenly a human-like laughter came out of his mouth, with a happy look in his vertical pupils.

"You...let me go...killing me will do you no good..."

Smith couldn't tell whether it was cold sweat or rain running down his face. In his eyes, Chen Jing was simply more terrifying than those so-called demons.

Even for a moment, Smith couldn't help but doubt.

This young man named Chen Jing... wouldn't have killed many people, right?

His extremely calm and gentle behavior is not what ordinary people should look like.

Just like now.

Chen Jing quietly enjoyed this "song and dance drama" on a rainy night, as if the corpses were beautiful and holy dancers in his eyes.

That kind of appreciation for art was something Smith found hard to understand.

It's also what he fears.

He felt that Chen Jing was like a pervert.

"Let me go...I will remember you as a favor..." Smith first prayed in a low voice, but seeing that Chen Jing was unmoved, he couldn't help but yell hysterically, "I am the elder of the [Ether Association]! You can’t kill me! You will die if you kill me!”


Chen Jingding nodded, as if he was really considering whether to let him go.

Seeing this scene, Smith was ecstatic.

As if he was grasping at a life-saving straw, he desperately promised Chen Jing things he couldn't do.

"The secrets of evolution we know, tickets to ancient Antarctic ruins, and... money, power! I can give you all these!!"

"Do you think I need this?"

Chen Jing reached out and patted Smith's thin shoulder, comforting him as he was about to collapse.

"None of this matters to me."

"Then...then what do you want..." Smith's eyes were red and he said desperately, "How about [Ether Association]?! I can give you the entire association!! By then you will be the top leader of the association. !”

"I said, these are not important to me."

"Then what's important to you! Tell me!" Smith shouted like a madman at the top of his lungs.

Chen Jing thought for a while and answered seriously.

"It's important to me without you."

Each of these words spit out from Chen Jing's mouth was like a precise scalpel, cutting into pieces Smith's last psychological defense.

Chen Jing slowly brought his face to Smith's eyes and asked quietly.

"If... that stone tablet is secretly taken away by you... what will the association do to you?"

Upon hearing this, the expression on Smith's face suddenly changed from fear to shock, and finally turned into a look of extreme despair.

Because he understood what Chen Jing wanted to do.

"I'll be in trouble if you live."

"Even if you die, I can't run away."

"So there is only one way to go..."

Chen Jing gently patted his back to calm him down, completely ignoring the fear in Smith's eyes.

At the same time, Bai Aji seemed to hear Chen Jing's thoughts.

It suddenly looked away from the three meat dolls, turned to look at Chen Jing, and then looked down at Smith, with a hint of excitement in its strange eyes.

"God will not forgive your sins...you will go to hell..." Smith's lips trembled, and he spat out the final curse in an almost extremely vicious tone.


Chen Jing was stunned by this somewhat innocent curse, and then he couldn't help laughing, raising his hand and pointing to Sentinel Ridge shrouded in fog...or the world outside Sentinel Ridge.

"Isn't this what it is?"

After saying that, Chen Jing took two steps back and widened the distance between the two parties.

"Actually, you know very well in your heart that if I were an ordinary human being, if my grandfather were still alive... would you let us go? I think our fate will not be any better than yours, or even worse."

Smith's lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something more, but Baiage did not give him this chance.

With a low roar like a beast, Baiaji began to gradually tighten his arms. The clamping force like a steel machine made the old professor in his arms completely unable to make a sound.

Just a few seconds.

Chen Jing watched Smith's face turn from red to purple.

Finally, it is as white as death.


Smith's body was thrown to the ground by Baiage like garbage.


"Good boy, you did a good job." Chen Jing caressed Bai Aji's face, his tone was as gentle as coaxing a child, "You bring the four of them into the house first, but you can't enter the house. And they can only stand, understand?"

Bai Aji nodded obediently, and then couldn't help but stick out his tongue full of eyeballs to lick Chen Jing, but Chen Jing nimbly dodged it.

"Go ahead, I'll be right back."


Chen Jing stared at Smith's body and couldn't help but sigh in his heart... How long had it been since he returned to the real world? Why did trouble come to my door out of nowhere?


The old man faked his death, but they were actually the ones he wanted to hide from?

Chen Jing raised his head and stared at the sky covered by heavy rain clouds, raised his hand to catch some rainwater and wiped it on his face.

"When it rains, people will die around you... What a bullshit setting..." Chen Jing muttered his dissatisfaction with his fate. He took out his phone and turned on the flash, squatting on the ground and checking it carefully.

This yard has been in disrepair and has not been maintained for a long time. Especially after the old lady left, the ground is overgrown with weeds and resembles a mass grave. Every time you lift your legs, your shoes are covered with yellow mud.

What Chen Jing was looking for on the ground were the footprints left by Smith and the others.

But it turns out that heavy rain is a good thing.

Especially for this kind of muddy ground, it only takes more than ten seconds of continuous washing to wash away a lot of things.

"Sure enough, I can't see anything..."

Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up, and then slowly walked towards the main entrance of the old house with his hands behind his back.

He was going to find Director Bai Aji and the four inferior actors to help him put on an interesting stage play in the old house.

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