Weak, excited.

There is also the pleasure of being able to get revenge.

"The mother star...is born..."

Chapter 887: Making a choice for destiny (Part 1)

The mother star of deep space is the true core of deep space. It is far more mysterious than the "origin" that Chen Jing had previously perceived. At the moment when the mother star revives, it is no exaggeration to say that all creatures in deep space can sense it. .

It was a wave of energy that escaped wildly without any scruples.

It doesn't care what these weak creatures think, nor does it care whether these creatures are afraid or confused... Even if there is a red king who has surpassed the limits of the Creator, it still releases the power from the origin unhurriedly. breath.

In today's deep space environment, only a very small number of creatures were transformed into dependents by Chen Jing, and those groups that he rescued into deep space completely maintained their original state, so when they sensed the aura of their home planet, hour……

Whether they are intelligent creatures in the conventional sense or low-level creatures with no intelligence at all, they all fell into a state of "stagnation" in an instant.

No matter what they are doing at the moment, no matter where they are.

The breath of the mother star is like a call from the gods.

All living things... stopped at this moment.

However, Kakosha's dependents had no such reaction at all... No, to be precise, their reaction was more intense and excited.

The inner world plane.

Except for Li Mobai, who possessed the "Original Equation", everyone else... yes, everyone, every creature he saw, knelt down the moment the aura of the home planet appeared.

It was an indescribable kind of fanaticism. Even Chen Jing's family members didn't understand why they had to kneel down. They almost instinctively knelt down on the ground and faced the direction of their home star to perform a deep-space ceremony.

"This is a kind of spiritually induced pollution..." This conjecture suddenly appeared in Li Mobai's mind, but the next second, his body suddenly trembled, and an indescribable severe pain spread rapidly from the inside out. It was as if the entire body was about to fall apart in an instant.

It wasn't until this disrespectful "guessing" in Li Mobai's mind disappeared that the sudden and severe pain stopped.

"Fuck..." Li Mobai was confused for a moment, because he knew exactly what happened to him.

That's right.

Li Mobai knew the source of the pain, which was caused by the deep space energy in his body... After being transformed into a Familia by Chen Jing, the energy in Li Mobai's body was completely infiltrated by the deep space, so at this moment he and other Familia There's no difference, it's just that I can rely on the "Yuanchu Equation" to stay sane.

When that disrespectful "guessing" appeared in Li Mobai's mind, the deep space energy in his body instantly fell into a state of riot. Billions of energy particles began to run rampant in his body, eager to destroy his body. Fierce as if torn to pieces alive.

Li Mobai knew that this was not done by the mother planet, and the mother star did not bother to punish a madman like him who did not know the heights of the sky... What punished him was the seemingly unconscious deep space energy.

This energy is absolutely different from energy in the conventional sense, at least Li Mobai can see it now... The deep space energy flowing in the bodies of these dependents is actually alive, almost the same as those conscious living creatures.

It's because they sensed the breath of their home planet.

It was they who knew Li Mobai's disrespectful thoughts...

"I was wrong! Don't create a new account!" Li Mobai gave in without hesitation and used the "Yuanchu Equation" to forcefully eliminate distracting thoughts on the Lingtai, for fear that he would lose his life due to some disrespectful thoughts. .

He finally understood.

The ones kneeling on the ground to salute the mother planet were not the dependents.

It's the energy flowing in the body of the family members.

They are very similar to Chen Jing. They are both part of the parent star and are all descendants of the parent star.

"Do we... win?" Li Mobai contacted Chen Jing, wanting to get a definite answer from him.

At this moment, all the red dots on the metal screen had disappeared, but Li Mobai knew that... this appearance of total annihilation was just an illusion. As the "hub", the old man and the others must still be alive.

If there is any accident, Chen Jing will definitely contact him as soon as possible, no need to think about it!

"A Jing? Can you hear my voice??"


I don’t know why, but the “call channel” that the family members use to communicate seems to have been affected in some way. The signal has become extremely poor, and there are even current noises similar to poor phone signals...

After waiting for about half a minute, Li Mobai still didn't get a response from Chen Jing, which caused his newly excited mood to cool down by 80%.

"A Jing!! Can you hear my voice??!" Li Mobai's calls became more frequent, and his tone couldn't help but become urgent, "What's going on over there? Are the old man and the others okay???"

At this stage, Li Mobai is not worried about Chen Jing at all, because as Chen Jing's direct family member, he can clearly sense that Chen Jing's aura is constantly changing, and is gradually breaking through the limits that were previously insurmountable...

However, Li Mobai could not sense the auras of Chen Bofu and the others, so there was no way to determine whether something had happened to them.


"Did something happen to you over there?!"

"Damn it, brother, please don't reply to me..."

Just when Li Mobai was worried, the harsh electric noise suddenly disappeared, and the familiar voice appeared in his mind again.

"I'm fine."

Chen Jing's voice was unnaturally stiff. Although his tone was shockingly calm, Li Mobai could still hear the subtle change.

"Old man, they are all fine. I will send them back now, and then I will build a 'safe zone' in deep space. You guys go there and stay there first..."

"Safe zone..." Li Mobai thought thoughtfully, and then asked, "Are you ready to go to war with the King in Red?"

"Yes." Chen Jing replied.

"But your current aura seems to be inferior to..."

Before Li Mobai could finish speaking, Chen Jing interrupted him.

"Time is running out."

Chen Jing's voice became increasingly blurry, and there was a feeling of labor between the lines, as if he was fighting something, and every word he spoke was using a lot of effort.

"It takes time to be promoted to Sequence Nine... but I can't wait... If I complete the promotion... everyone will die... The Red King will not let you go..."

When Chen Jing said these words, Li Mobai only sensed eight very familiar auras, which were rapidly approaching the inner world.

"You go to the safe area and stay...Leave the rest to me..."

"Brother, don't be anxious! Tell me what's going on first!" Li Mobai panicked immediately, because what Chen Jing said sounded bad.

"It's useless to say it..."

Chen Jing smiled and left only the last words to Li Mobai.

"Brother, the optimal solution is already in front of me, I have no choice."

Chapter 888: Making a choice for destiny (Part 2)

At the moment when the mother planet revives.

Chen Jing and everyone in the ritual let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately nothing went wrong.

Fortunately, everyone is holding on like this...

In the almost irrational and desperate pursuit of the red king, everyone still survived until the last moment, and no one suddenly died suddenly before the finish line.

"I sensed it!!!" Keturt was the first to shout in excitement, unable to hold back his excitement. "That's a purer source than the aura on Chen Jing's body!! That's the mother planet!!!"

"We...won?" Dagon was still a little confused now. After all, he let the Red King kill him all the way. He was on the death list of almost every attack, so at this moment his head was almost like paste, and it was a little bit... I can't react.

"Tekeli! Tekeli!"

Tekeli is still the same as before. Even as an ancient god, he can't say a complete sentence. He can only shout "Tekeli Tekeli" non-stop, but his tone is quite excited, and he is obviously very happy.

"I'm really convinced...Is this fucking King in Red sick?! You're just staring at me and killing him alone, right?!"

At this moment, Xi finally dared to curse out loud. When he mentioned the words "King in Red", he gritted his teeth because he had obviously died more times than Dagon, so it was normal to feel a little resentful. .

Although having Chen Jing here means that you can continue to die and be reborn, the feeling of dying and resurrecting is not that comfortable. Who can bear it when he dies within two seconds of being alive again?

Zhong Tuxi even wanted to give the Red King some pleasure, just kill him and never come back to life again. He had had enough of this life-and-death torture.

"F*ck!" Chen Boxu's curse words still blurted out, but this time there was obviously no such heavy resentment, and the curse was just to enhance his mood, "We won!! My dear! Can you be promoted to Sequence Nine? !”

"Ajing, we succeeded!!!"

Qiao Youning couldn't help but cheer. Although her voice was very weak and she had exhausted all her efforts to help everyone reborn the last few times, she managed to survive... The most difficult level has been passed. What's next? Just wait for A Jing to be promoted to Sequence Nine, then kill the Red King and move towards a better future!

At the moment when the mother star revived, the black star and the deep sky splendor naturally broke away from the pivotal position of the orbit. The former shrunk directly and returned to hovering in Chen Jing's palm, while the latter floated around Chen Jing like clouds and mist.

It wasn't until Chen Boxu asked Chen Jing questions for the second time that everyone realized something was wrong.

Chen Jing was so silent that he felt uncomfortable.

After the home planet recovered, he didn't say a word, and he didn't even show any joy... Instead, he looked heavier than before.

"My dear grandson, are you okay?!"

"Ajing, why don't you speak..."

Seeing that the Black Star and the Deep Sky Colors came to Chen Jing's side, everyone no longer worried about the impact of leaving the hub on the ritual, and came to Chen Jing's side one after another...

"What's wrong with you?" Keturt looked at Chen Jing doubtfully, feeling inexplicably uneasy in his heart, "Did something go wrong again..."

"It's okay." Chen Jing shook his head, "It's just a small incident."

As the only descendant of Deep Space, Chen Jing was the individual who benefited the most after the recovery of his home planet... His body that was on the verge of collapse was instantly repaired by the Deep Space energy that poured into his body, and the previously excessive energy consumption was replenished.

Not only that.

The aura exuded by Chen Jing is also changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, increasing almost in an incredible way...

"A little episode..." Ketuert looked at Chen Jing thoughtfully, then looked back, "By the way, why didn't the Red King catch up?"

Hearing the three words "Red King".

Everyone present shuddered subconsciously, obviously traumatized by the previous one-sided slaughter.

"The mother planet blocked him for us." Chen Jing smiled, "He can't come for a while."

"But he will catch up sooner or later, right?" Ketuert looked scared, "Or let's change places first, I always feel that this place is not safe..."

"I'll take you back." Chen Jing suddenly said.

"Where to go?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"Kakosha." Chen Jing smiled, "You go back first, I'll come after I deal with the matter."

"You are not going to go to war with the Red King, are you?" Chen Bofu asked cautiously, and then patted Chen Jing again, with a warning between the lines, "You can't defeat that guy now, and revenge will not be rushed in a short time. It's not too late to find him after you are promoted to Sequence Nine!"

"If I don't send you back, how can I be promoted to Sequence Nine?" Chen Jing asked helplessly.

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and the worry on Chen Bofu's face disappeared.

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier! We are delaying you here, right!" Chen Bofu said, and then grabbed Keturt's arm, calling everyone to hurry back to Kakosha and not make trouble here.

Facts have proved.

Chen Jing still has a talent for lying.

At least at this juncture, no one noticed the strangeness in his eyes.

It wasn't until Chen Jing sent them all back to Kakosha that he responded to Li Mobai's call.

"Brother, the best solution is already in front of me, I have no choice."

At the moment when the mother planet revived, Chen Jing understood everything, because he heard the call of "mother" to him...


The mother planet is a living body.

It is the embodiment of deep space consciousness.

It is also the source of deep space.

At the moment it revived, it accurately conveyed a message to Chen Jing...and gave him this message in an urging tone and a caring tone.

The content of the message is not complicated.

The general meaning is to urge Chen Jing to return to the embrace of the mother planet as soon as possible, so as to embark on the process of being "bred" by deep space...

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