Deep Space Era·473.

Mr. Wu announced that he would join the "Deep Space Temple" and stayed in the "Kakosha Mother Planet" as a councillor.

Deep Space Era·540.

The reproduction of the Deep Space Families seems to be different from that of other sequences of Families. Children bred by the Families are born with the blood of the Deep Space Families and do not need to seek the identity granted by the Families Master...

Because of this.

The Temple has always encouraged the Families to reproduce, which has led to more and more Families... In desperation, the Temple can only announce the start of the second territory expansion project, intending to plant the flag of the Deep Space on all the ownerless planets within 100,000 light years.

Deep Space Era·541.

Although the "Deep Space Civilization" only expands its territory to those ownerless planets, some planets with rich resources will have other troubles in the process of exploration and expansion even if they have no owner.

For example, some interstellar civilizations that are also colonizing abroad.

They also need such resource-rich planets as their bases.

Deep Space Era, March 1, 541.

Yan Que, as the representative of the "Deep Space Civilization", attended with 32 other interstellar civilizations and started a meeting on "new star development".

The meeting did not go smoothly.

Because Yan Que's personal bodyguard Wei Nan did not like to engage in verbal battles with these "outsiders", Wei Nan killed six members of the interstellar civilization without warning less than ten minutes after the meeting started.

Deep Space Era, March 2, 541.

In the "Deep Space Temple", everyone started a meeting on how to quell interstellar disputes. Almost all the older generation of families attended. Among them, Chen Bofu, who was in the main seat, said this...

"You are all stupid because you have lived a good life? If someone fights with us, then fight! What's more, it was those bastards who declared war first! If we don't fight, wouldn't it be embarrassing for my grandson?!"

Deep Space Era, March 3, 541.

In the boundless vacuum universe, the "Deep Space Civilization" participated in the interstellar war for the first time. This was a terrifying battle that affected more than 30 interstellar civilizations...


Deep Space Era, March 4, 541.

The war ended.

Sequence Night accepted the surrender from 32 interstellar civilizations.

The expansion project of the Deep Space Territory was restarted.

The target was extended from 10,000 light years to 100 million light years.

In December of the same year.

The Deep Space Clan, who had stayed in Sequence 7 for hundreds of years, began to advance on a large scale and break through the natural barriers.


Deep Space Era, 613.

In the known material universe, the "Deep Space Civilization" has become a recognized "top intelligent civilization". Whether it is based on the evolution of biological gene paths or the evolution of external objects using cutting-edge technology, the "Deep Space Civilization" is a unique existence.

Not only that.

The "kindness" shown by the "Deep Space Civilization" is also widely praised in the interstellar.

All intelligent beings who have heard of the "deep space civilization" know that these creatures who call themselves the King's followers yearn for a future without disputes and wars. They are not the kind of madmen who are keen on competing for resources and starting wars.

Of course.

These deep space followers also have something that puzzles other intelligent beings.

All followers, regardless of gender, age or age, firmly believe that there is a legendary "king" who is sleeping, and the meaning of their existence is to wait here until the "nameless king" wakes up from his sleep, until the "king" comes to "Kakosha".

By then.

All followers will be bathed in endless glory.

Deep Space Era·700 Years.

The second phase of the expansion project of the interstellar territory was declared completed.

The "Interstellar Parliament" called for by the "Deep Space Temple" was also established in November of the same year. The first batch of interstellar civilizations joining the parliament reached more than 13,600...

Deep Space Era·800 Years.

Under the supervision of the "Interstellar Council", no war has ever occurred in the material universe. Facts have proved that the mediation methods of the Council are still very effective, for example... let Wei Nan, who is called a "war madman" by other civilizations, go to the battlefield for a walk.


Deep Space Era·913th year.

The blood elder of the "king".

Chen Bofu announced his sleep at a regular meeting of the temple.

In his words...

"Just waiting like this is too torturous." Chen Bofu is so old at this moment. Even with his great-grandson by his side, his emotions are always in a very collapsed state.

Because Chen Jing disappeared for too long.

It seems that everything about the changes in deep space and Mr. Wu's induction are meaningless illusions.

If he continues to live in such torment every day, Chen Bofu is really afraid that one day his emotions will collapse, causing him to go crazy and do something irreversible.

So he chose to sleep.

In the south of "Kakosha's mother planet", in an unknown mountain range... He asked Armitage and others to use the memory blueprint as a reference to build a mansion that was one-to-one with the old mansion of the Chen family in the surface world.

Chen Bofu fell into a long sleep in the mansion, and Chen Jing's offspring "Xiao Hei" also chose to go to the old mansion to accompany the old man, and continued to patiently wait for the return of "father".


Deep Space Era, 1013 years.

Li Mobai in the surface world completely cut off contact with everyone in the inner world.

He announced that he would give up his plan to transform the human race and completely give up on the world he had put in a glass bottle.

"Whether you want to fight or fight, let them go."

Li Mobai said this before falling asleep, and it was the candidates who were expelled back to the other world by him who brought these words to everyone.

"A Jing is right, I really can't hold it anymore..."

In Li Mobai's opinion, the long sleep that Chen Bofu chose was too boring. He didn't want to sleep like a dead person... So his last choice was to copy a Turing space and use his own ability to create a living place where he was the only one alive. digital space of things.

It held one of his best memories and was also what his dream life should be like.

There are not so many intrigues and fights, and there is not so much heaviness in realizing ideals and ambitions. That kind of relaxed tone can only exist in his imagination.


Of course it's fake.

But at least in that virtual place.

He could have a real dream.

Chapter 908 Final Chapter: The Future Beyond Time (Part 2)

"Turing, I was not satisfied with the last simulation. Why the hell did I only score over 600 points in the college entrance examination? Is it difficult for me to get a perfect score?!"

"What you say must be true..."

"It's so real! I want to experience it, okay! If I had known I would have given you more care when I created your AI! Look how stupid you are..."

It’s another summer afternoon.

It was an extremely familiar scene before me again.

A little sunlight leaked out of the shadowy trees outside the window. The door to the computer room was open, and the sound of play was deliberately suppressed inside. The teacher was filling in the form at the end of the corridor. Only Li Mobai stood outside the door and recited his "born" child. "Turing".

Although this is not the first time he has simulated it, Li Mobai will feel an inexplicable sense of alienation every time it starts... Although he has tried very hard to simulate all this to the extent that he cannot distinguish between true and false, it seems like Still not that real.

Like a dream.

The distorted and hazy filter enveloped everything in front of him, and even the light seemed warm and false.

Everything seems so familiar.

Everything seems so strange.

"I have to get a perfect score this time to achieve success..." Li Mobai muttered a curse, then turned around and walked into the classroom.

at this time.

An exceptionally white hand stretched out, holding a pair of shoe covers in its palm.

"Look, I said you will definitely forget to bring it... Qiao Youning, here is this for you. If they deliberately lose your shoe covers, just say it. If the teacher doesn't care, just ask Mo Bai. Isn't he the executive deputy head teacher of our class? Let He cares!"

The speaker walked in front side by side with a girl, passing Li Mobai and entering the classroom first.

The jerry-built wooden floor creaked, and the smell of plastic chassis and computer desks filled the air. Li Mobai put on his shoe covers and hurriedly followed, fearing that he would not be able to catch up with the two acquaintances in front of him...

The classroom is still the same.

Stingy schools are even reluctant to replace large-capacity computers.

They were still sitting in the corner of the classroom.

"Everyone create a new blank folder and rename it to your own name...Sun Hao! If you click the mouse button again, I will sue your class teacher!"

The boy by the window still listened to the teacher's words. While his classmates were laughing and joking, he had already obediently created the folder according to the teacher's instructions and then turned to look over.

"Why are you using Typing? The policeman you taught me last time caught thieves was quite fun..."

"Chen Jing, I can help you drive." The girl sitting in the front row turned her head secretly, her voice timid.

"Why are you still like this... You still look like this after simulating it..." Li Mobai murmured, looking at the familiar face in front of him.


This is Chen Jing.

Chen Jing in high school.

There is no difference from Li Mobai's memory.

It was obviously horribly real, but it also made Li Mobai feel horribly fake.

"Simulating what?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"It's nothing, I mean, you look more well-behaved than anyone else, but in fact you are more rebellious than anyone else. How about you study hard and learn how to hide this thing secretly like us..." Li Mobai poked Chen Jing with his hand. There was a clanking sound inside the school uniform pocket, causing the teacher standing in front of the blackboard to turn around and scold, "Who doesn't have long ears dunking the mouse ball again!"

"You're going to die!" Chen Jing covered his pocket and glared at Li Mobai angrily, "You dunked a lot more mouse balls than I did!"

Li Mobai laughed dumbly and raised his head to take a look.

The teacher was writing today's topic on the blackboard with chalk. Some people secretly opened CS, while others were playing Typing to catch thieves.

The girls in the other row are collectively looking for non-mainstream avatars that match the sad temperament with a ferris wheel background on the avatar website. From time to time, they will open the post bar to find some school gossip to relieve their boredom...

The noisy cicadas chirping outside the window are still ringing.

Li Mobai thinks so.

It is complaining to the bald teacher.

"The next semester will be the senior year of high school. If we don't play more now, we won't have the chance..." Chen Jing muttered and opened the game carefully. While observing the teacher's movements, he quickly typed on the keyboard to catch the thief in front of him.

"Ajing." Li Mobai suddenly called him.

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