Follow the planned path.

But how to take this road and what to do on the way, I neither know nor can choose.

"Lawrence was the first person to come up with the clue point of the 'Yellow King's Courtyard'. He should know where that place is, and this key should be the key to entering that courtyard..."

Chen Jing played with the door key murmuringly, and the thoughts in his mind seemed to be connected with each other.

"The old man left the key to me... probably just to let me go to that place..."

Thinking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel curious.

What exactly is there in the Yellow King's courtyard?

Why do you have to keep paving the way for me to go?


Do I have a reason to go?

Chen Jing sighed, puzzled.

"Forget it...think about it this letter first..." Chen Jing threw the key to Huang Wang's courtyard into his backpack and squeezed it together with Huang Wang's Holy Grail.

And the moment he zipped it up.

The light curtain that he had closed suddenly lit up again.


Tip: An important medium for candidates to obtain promotion sequences has been detected!


Chen Jing looked at the words on the light screen with a surprised expression.

Before he could think too much, these words were refreshed again.


Promotion tips:

Candidate No. 0’s awakening sequence is “Deep Space”.

Candidate No. 0's current sequence level is "Sequence 1·Lost Familia".

If a candidate is willing to be promoted to a Sequence 2 Legacy, the following three conditions must be met first.

1: Candidates need to hold the medium "Old Relic·Huangwang Courtyard·Key to the Door".

2: Candidates need to enter the "Old Ruins·Huang Wang Courtyard".

3: Kill "The Blasphemer Zhao Pseudo-Xian".


"Old man... you not only cheated on me... you were also responsible for assigning tasks to me?!" Chen Jing's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

In fact, since becoming an old descendant, Chen Jing has been wondering why he has never heard of the "divine enlightenment" mentioned by the old man and Wei Nan?


It is said that every time they reach the threshold of the promotion sequence, they can hear the weird and unpredictable divine revelation.

It was like "God" was speaking in their ears.

Tell you what kind of thing you need to do, or what kind of relic you need to obtain as a medium, or you need to perform some strange ritual... and then you can proceed to the sequence upgrade.

"Is this the divine inspiration they are talking about..." Chen Jing read the information on the light screen several times and murmured thoughtfully, "I didn't expect that sequence advancement requires so many conditions..."

The key is the medium.

This is the first condition.

Find the Yellow King's Courtyard and enter it.

This is the second condition.

If we just look at the actual situation, these two conditions can basically be considered satisfied, but only the third promotion condition... makes Chen Jing a little wary.

"Kill the 'blasphemer Zhao Pseudo-Xian'... This guy can't be the BOSS monster in the Yellow King's courtyard..." Chen Jing felt a little headache. Judging from the title of this BOSS, he felt that it would not be so easy to deal with. .

At this time, Chen Jing looked at Smith's body not far away and suddenly remembered some of what Smith had said before.

Smith said that the reason why they knew the existence of the stone tablet was because of the secret language that appeared in the tunnel.

The translated meaning of those ancient words the stone tablet, there is the key to the courtyard of the gods.

"It seems that the Courtyard of the Gods they are talking about...should be the Courtyard of the Yellow King...the key in the stone tablet...this can also be matched..."

Chen Jing looked at the study in front of him, which looked like it had experienced a fire, and felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

The old man spent most of his life locked up here to study this stone tablet.

In the end, the study became like this, and everything was reduced to ashes...

Is it because of that stone tablet?

Maybe the old man dug up the stone tablet and blew it up in order to dig out the key?


It's possible...

But will that thing explode?

Chen Jing shook his head in confusion, put his backpack on his back again, and then pulled out the paper from the envelope.

"There are quite a lot of words written..."

The letter paper was neatly folded, and when you unfolded it, you saw that it was densely packed with slightly scrawled handwriting.

This is all the old man's handwriting.

Chen Jingneng recognized it.

You can't go wrong.

I have to say that the content of this letter is very heavyweight. Just the first few sentences made Chen Jing stunned.

"Jingjing, when you see this letter, I believe you have dealt with the trouble that comes to your door."

"If the four of them die, they will die. They are not good things anyway. Don't have any psychological burden."

"Remember to let Baiaji eat their ruined corpses later, otherwise the consequences will be endless..."

"This old man...why...isn't right!"

Chen Jing felt that his scalp was about to explode, and he felt that the contents on the letter were indescribably weird.

The old man knew that four people would come looking for trouble, and he seemed to know who the people who came looking for trouble were, but the most important thing was... he actually knew about the existence of Bai Aji? !

How does this old man know so much? !

Chapter 63 The answer to same-dimensional bodies and time travel

"I can't tell you too much about my deal with 'Him', or it will be discovered by others, so I can only tell you some key points about this exam..."

"Jingjing, I believe you have discovered that in the other world, there is not only another 'you', but also 'me'. Anyone who has existed in the real world has appeared in the other world."

"In short, that world is the dimensional reflection of the real world, which is the term you have seen in the exam introduction... the same dimension body."

Chen Jing walked out with the letter in his hand, and the four corpses controlled by Bai Aji strode into the study.

Even if their walking posture was still weird and twisted, it did not affect the white ash floor being stepped on by them. A series of footprints.

When these corpses began to tap dance in the study, Chen Jing had already walked under the eaves outside the old house.

While untying the towel wrapped around his shoes, he continued to look at the letter left by the old man.

"In the vast universe, there are many dimensional spaces that cannot be perceived by the current level of human technology. If a dimensional space has bidirectionality, then this is a co-dimensional body."

"Two worlds connected by a co-dimensional body are like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. Whether it is the inner world or the outer world, they are actually real and independent worlds, not the virtual world you once suspected."

"Jingjing, I believe you must have been curious about whether you entered the inner world with your body or your soul."

Seeing this, Chen Jing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"In fact, between the two worlds that are co-dimensional bodies, all creatures have dimensional overlap, and this overlap characteristic cannot be explained by the current scientific level."

"When someone crosses the dimensional gap to the co-dimensional world, if the 'him' in that world happens to be still alive, then the two people will merge instantly... just like you, and those who are about to take this exam."

Instant fusion?

Am I no longer the original me now, but the me after the fusion of two "Chen Jing"? !

Then why do I only have my own memories in my mind, and no memories of "Chen Jing" in the inner world? !

"Impossible..." Chen Jing suddenly moved his eyes away from the letter paper, raised his hand in panic, and looked carefully at it with the help of the tungsten filament lamp in the eaves.

Under the dim light, Chen Jing's thin wrist was particularly slender, and his white knuckles were still slender, and there was no change at all.

Who am I?


Chen Jing's eyes suddenly became confused, and many memories that did not belong to him seemed to emerge from the depths of his mind... No, that memory might also be said to be his.

There are countless fragments in the chaotic memory.

"Grandpa, please stop killing people..."

"Grandpa, don't be angry first, we can talk to others nicely, we don't have to fight..."

"Grandpa, where is grandma..."

"Grandpa, look! That 'Atoner' is so big! Hey! Don't go over and catch it! I don't want it as a toy! Come back soon!"


"I am Chen Jing..."

"I am him..."

"He is also me..."

Chen Jing muttered palely, and Bai Aji, who was not far away, seemed to have noticed something. He walked quickly to Chen Jing's side and looked at him with a worried look.


Bai Aji's head with exposed bones kept rubbing against Chen Jing's face, and his whimpering cry could not hide his fear.

Seeing that Chen Jing was like a demon and did not move, Bai Aji suddenly became more panicked.

It paced back and forth beside Chen Jing nervously, and even wanted to raise its claws to gently push Chen Jing to wake him up.

But in the next second.

Chen Jing suddenly raised his head, and the confused expression on his face was gradually fading.

"I'm fine... don't worry..." Chen Jing was as gentle as ever, he gently stroked Bai Aji's face, "I just remembered a lot of things..."


Chen Jing has remembered.

All the memories of "Chen Jing in the inner world" were poured into his mind at this moment.

In just a few tens of seconds.

He received all the memories of another Chen Jing.

This feeling is not good.

It even made him confused at this moment.

He couldn't tell whether he was Chen Jing in the inner world or the outer world...

At this time, Chen Jing suddenly realized that the letter was still in his hand, he hurriedly picked it up and continued to read.

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