Seeing him nod with a smile, Bai Aji followed him quietly.

It was like a wandering soul in the rainy night, passing through the rain curtain with a silent and cold breath, until it began to hover over the corpses.

Perhaps it was because it was extremely hungry.

When diving down, Bai Aji excitedly neighed.

It was like the neigh of a real horse, and it resounded throughout the Sentinel Ridge in an instant...

For a moment, the four corpses stood there like wooden stakes, motionless, like food placed on a plate.

Although not so exquisite, it was still delicious.

The first dish Bai Aji chose was Qin Shan.

That's right.

It hated this low-level creature that had spoken rudely to its master.

When diving down.

Bai Aji almost became a state of nothingness. Even Chen Jing didn't have time to see its movements clearly. It had already hugged Qin Shan tightly in its arms and flew into the sky, starting to eat like a snake.

No biting.

No chewing.

It was a kind of raw swallowing with deep hatred.

"Finally I can take a break..."

Chen Jing knew that Bai Aji could handle the next thing, so after collecting the envelope left by the old man, he put on his bag and walked into the old house.

After a while.

He came out again.

But this time he was not empty-handed, but holding a broom made of sorghum seedlings, waving the broom while shining the light with his mobile phone, carefully dealing with all the footprints left by Bai Aji outside the house.

When he finished all this.

Bai Aji had also eaten up the four special delicacies that belonged to him.

Because he had not received Chen Jing's order, he did not dare to land at this time, and could only hover in the air at a low speed, making a wronged hum from time to time.

"Don't come down, I'm busy..."

Chen Jing shook off the water drops on the broom, and did not intend to take it back to the old house, but put it outside the coal shed.

Otherwise, it would be too strange to have a wet broom in such a clean house.

At this moment, Chen Jing was like a parent who was cleaning, and Bai Aji became the child who was so scared that he hid on the sofa and dared not put his feet on the ground.

It was not until Chen Jing took the relic whistle out of his bag and held it high to signal it to go home that the pitiful Bai Aji dared to come down.

During the descent, Bai Aji's body deformed violently.

The closer it was to Chen Jing, the smaller its body became.

Until it became a thin, curved black line and drilled into the whistle...

"Be honest, if I don't let you out, then don't come out."


Chen Jing ignored the sound of Bai Aji humming in the whistle.

He used his mobile phone to light up the yard for the last time, making sure that there was nothing missing, and then he slowly returned to the second floor of the old house.

The bedroom on the second floor was where Chen Jing lived when he was a child.

Before entering the house, Chen Jing turned on the light and took a look.

As he imagined, the bedroom was a mess.

"These bastards are so unreasonable... Not only did they break in, but they also messed things up..."

Chen Jing picked up the photo frame that had fallen on the floor, wiped it with his sleeve and put it back on the desk.

The photo in the frame was old and looked a little blurry under the erosion of time.

After all, the photo was taken in a photo studio in the countryside, where the clarity of the film camera was probably not even comparable to that of today's low-end mobile phones.

In the photo.

It was Chen Jing, who had just turned one year old.

Fair and tender, pink and chubby.

The big eyes were round and bright, as cute as a porcelain doll.

The old lady just held Chen Jing in her arms and sat on the armchair, her smile as kind as ever.

In order to look better when taking photos with her grandson, she also specially wore a new cotton coat that she only wore during the Chinese New Year, and her hair was tied up with a horn hairpin.

Chen Bofu stood behind the old lady, expressionless like a human-shaped wooden stake, but now Chen Jing looked at it carefully and could see Chen Bofu's infatuated dullness.

Time flies like an arrow and a steel knife scraping bones.

Although more than 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye, Chen Jing still felt very uncomfortable looking at this photo.

"Now is not the time to feel uncomfortable..." Chen Jing rubbed his face, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and without any hesitation, pressed three numbers and dialed.

Before the call was connected.

Chen Jing yawned and fell on the bed he slept in when he was a child. Although this musty wooden bed was a little small for him now, he still felt safe sleeping on it.

"Hello, Anshui County No. 1 police officer."

The call was connected soon, and a young man's voice came from the other end.

"Hello, I want to call the police..."

Chen Jing's face showed no expression, he was calm as a mess, but when he spoke, he pretended to be scared to the point of trembling.

"I, I suspect my grandpa has been kidnapped!"

Chapter 66: Keep your weapons hidden and wait for the right time

"Well... we have already understood the basic situation. How about this, you go back and wait for our news."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

It was already noon when they came out of the police station.

The scorching sun burned the earth without restraint, and even the sultry air seemed to have turned into a burning substance.

Without the protection of the air-conditioning cold wind, Chen Jing felt like he had walked into a furnace.

In a small shop on the street, Chen Jing bought a bottle of ice-cold mineral water and drank a few sips while standing on the street before feeling better.


"Don't make a sound, I know."

Chen Jing stood at the bus stop hiding from the sun, seemingly drinking water and waiting for the bus nonchalantly, but the corner of his eye was always focused on a Santana not far away.

When he first entered the police station, Chen Jing noticed the old car that seemed to be old.

It had been parked on the side of the road without moving.

There were two people in the car.

The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat must be about fifty years old. He is wearing headphones and seems to be listening to some music. His fingertips are crossing the screen from time to time, and he can't help but laugh a few times while shaking his shoulders.

The person sitting in the passenger seat was a woman. Because she was wearing a steam goggle, Chen Jing couldn't see her face clearly, so he could only judge from her clothing and skin condition that she was probably no more than thirty years old.

The woman had been sleeping on the car seat with a U-shaped pillow around her neck. She seemed to be sleeping soundly and her breathing was extremely steady.

If ordinary passers-by saw them, no one would think much about them, and would forget about them in a blink of an eye.

But the problem is...

Chen Jing is not an ordinary person.

He is of old descent.

And through contact with Smith and others, Chen Jing has been able to easily judge the difference between ordinary people and "extraordinary beings". This has almost become a biological instinct...

If you really want to use metaphor.

In Chen Jing's eyes, ordinary people are just a ball of flesh exuding turbidity.

And those extraordinary beings all have some kind of ancient fragrance.

Like flowers and fruits, refreshing.

Chen Jingdu had the urge to bite them...

"It's different from the smell of the aboriginal people in the other world. The smell of the ordinary people in the other world seems to be different..."

Chen Jing suppressed the emotions in his heart and drank ice water slowly, his eyes wandering.

He was certain that the two people sitting in Santana were extraordinary beings.

It is also certain that they come from the [Aether Association].

If not, how could it be such a coincidence?

Before he even arrived at the police station, they had already stood guard by the roadside. They had no intention of moving the car now, as it was obvious that something was going on.

But Chen Jing feels...

They are not here for themselves.

Chen Jing had also wondered before, why Smith didn't notice anything strange about him at first, and then later decided that he was a transcendent?

Think about it.

Chen Jing felt there was only one possibility.

Worship Aji.

Yes, the "smell" in Smith's mouth actually comes from the smell of Baiage...

That was not some mysterious energy aura.

It’s just pure “flavor”.

Even ordinary people can smell it.

If there is, if there is not.

Decay and decay.

Although that smell symbolizes some kind of "ancient existence" and has a very strong characteristic, most people cannot distinguish it. At most, they will only think that it is a smell similar to mold.

Smith once compared the smell emitted by Baiage to "the smell of ancient ruins."

So infer from this.

These extraordinary beings were not aware of the identity of his old descendants at all, but they did see the extraordinary nature of Bai Aji.

And it is precisely because Chen Jing is often next to Bai Aji that the "strange smell" on Bai Aji's body has been partly tainted by Chen Jing... It can even be said that Smith compared him with that seat because of this. The ancient ruins were connected together, and it was determined that he was a hidden transcendent, and Bai Aji was also proof.

If you were not a supernatural being, how could you possibly control such a terrifying monster?

"It seems that the extraordinary beings in this world are worse than the aboriginal people in the other world. They can't even distinguish the energy aura of the old descendants..."

Chen Jing screwed on the cap of the mineral water bottle and looked back at the 802 bus that was gradually slowing down and entering the station.

"I'll go back to the provincial capital to pack my luggage first, and then go through the resignation procedures. When I move back to Sentinel Ridge to settle down, I won't have to worry about anyone discovering my identity..."

Just because the extraordinary beings can't discover it for a while doesn't mean that they won't be able to discover it for the rest of their lives.

If that day comes.

Maybe some members of the [Ether Association] will also enter the other world.

Wait until they come back.

Maybe you can tell the difference between the old descendants and ordinary people. that point, who cares?

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