He smelled a special smell on that girl.

It was like flowers and fruits, refreshing.

Although the smell was very faint, it was indeed there.

That's right.

That was the smell of a superhuman, Chen Jing would never make a mistake.

Chapter 74: Former classmates

The person next to him.

It seemed that he was no longer the Li Mobai of the past.

When this answer appeared in Chen Jing's mind, he didn't know why he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

In his memory, Li Mobai was not a person with a lot of brains.

To be precise, he had no brains, and his skull was full of muscles.

But now...

Li Mobai gave Chen Jing the feeling of a person with a lot of brains.

Whether it was concealing his identity as a superhuman, or the matter with the association, or the answer in front of him.

Chen Jing had wondered before.

He knew that Li Mobai didn't like those high school classmates, so what was he thinking? Why did he inexplicably want to fund a class reunion?

Was it to show off that he was living a good life?

Or was there some other reason?

Until now, Chen Jing finally understood...

What exactly was the reason for Li Mobai to hold a class reunion.


The girl who looked shy and introverted should have an inseparable relationship with Li Mobai's class reunion.

But there was one thing Chen Jing hadn't figured out yet.

Although the girl had the smell of a superhuman, the smell was very faint, looming, and could even be said to be infinitely close to ordinary humans.

Completely different from the superhumans he had met before...

This has nothing to do with strength or level.

It's just a simple difference.

It's like the relationship between modern people and ancient apes.

"Smith mentioned the awakening of superhumans...Could this girl be a superhuman who hasn't awakened yet?" This conjecture suddenly flashed through Chen Jing's mind.

Before Chen Jing continued to analyze the possibility of this conjecture, Li Mobai had already greeted his high school classmates and introduced Chen Jing to everyone, fearing that these classmates would forget the "invisible man" on campus.

In fact, Li Mobai didn't need to introduce.

Everyone recognized who the handsome guy next to him was.

Chen Jing's facial features have hardly changed over the years, except that he has become a little more mature and more bookish.

In fact, from his student days to entering society.

Chen Jing is not a person who follows the crowd.

For example, now.

Compared with those who came to attend the class reunion, Chen Jing seems to be an alien, and he is not even a part of the field of adults.

Almost everyone present looks much more mature than Chen Jing.

The young girl who used to dress up by putting on lipstick now has a delicate makeup that is hard to find fault with.

And those passionate teenagers who don't know how to dress up have now learned to wear suits and ties, and they look more successful than each other.

Only Chen Jing is still dressed like a student.

Simple dark casual pants, plus a slightly loose hooded sweatshirt, and ordinary sneakers that cost no more than 200 yuan.

Maybe the most valuable thing on his body... is just that face.

After all, his face was so exquisite that it was outrageous that there was no sign of it growing ugly. It was a natural look that even the top plastic surgery hospitals could not make.

Red lips, white teeth, clear eyebrows and eyes.

Those peach-like eyes were always watery.

Indescribably moving.

"Isn't this Chen Jing!"

A young woman in a deep V dress suddenly said.

She stared at Chen Jing with shining eyes, as if she wanted to eat him.

The woman who was speaking had fair skin, beautiful face and long legs. The dress made of expensive materials perfectly outlined her hot figure.

"Yes, I called him..." Li Mobai pulled Chen Jing and motioned him to follow him and sit together later.

"Chen Jing! Do you still remember me?" The young woman held her chin with her hand, smiled gently, and stared at Chen Jing playfully without looking away.

"Sorry... You have changed too much... I can't recognize you at once..." Chen Jing replied awkwardly.

The social phobia made him subconsciously clench his fist and clasp his thumb tightly on his index finger.

"I, Yang Han, the one who wrote you a love letter!"


Seeing that Chen Jing really didn't seem to remember her, Yang Han smiled carefreely and asked Chen Jing to sit next to her without caring.

"As for Yang Han, you didn't agree to her confession at the beginning, and then she often brought a group of gangsters to block you. Have you forgotten?" Li Mobai spoke in a low voice and pulled Chen Jing to sit in the innermost seat.

"Oh... I remember." Chen Jing nodded in confusion, and his memory was so vague that he could only remember one or two fragments.

"Chen Jing, have you found a partner?" Another royal sister wearing gold-rimmed glasses spoke.

Compared to Yang Han, she dressed more restrained and mature, and the slightly tight dark brown windbreaker made her look graceful and moving.

"No." Chen Jing shook his head shyly and didn't want to say more, trying hard to recall who the other person was in his mind.

"Chen Siwei." Li Mobai was very considerate, introducing others and reminding Chen Jing, "At that time, she wrote you a love letter, and you returned it without agreeing. Later, she gave it to me..."

"Yeah... I have an impression..."

After Li Mobai's introduction, Chen Jing had a rough idea in his mind.

The people who came were basically those who had done well in adulthood. Almost none of those who did not do well came. Only Qiao Youning, who sat next to Chen Jing, came.


Only the girl who was dressed simply or shabby, and was identified as a supernatural person by Chen Jing from the beginning... Qiao Youning.

When Li Mobai mentioned her name, many memories suddenly popped up in Chen Jing's mind.

At least compared with other classmates, he had more memories of this girl.

Qiao Youning was a miserable person.

Chen Jing felt so when he was in high school.

Because she was born in a family that favored boys over girls.

From her grandparents to her parents, no one liked her.

I remember that after a parent-teacher meeting in high school, the head teacher said this privately.

"If she was born in the countryside, she might not even have the opportunity to study."

Chen Jing heard this sentence from Li Mobai.

To be honest, what the teacher said was not exaggerated, because Qiao Youning's family was so outrageous.

Even Chen Jing suspected that the reason they let Qiao Youning come to school was simply because of her learning talent, and they wanted her to get into a good university and find a good job, so that she could help the family "reduce the burden"?

Chen Jing remembered that Qiao Youning had a younger brother.

All the love in her family was poured into that younger brother.

It was like this at the beginning, and it seems to be the same now...

"Youning, are you still sending money to your brother?"

Yang Han was one of the first few people to come.

Before Chen Jing and Li Mobai came, she had been chatting with Qiao Youning and found out a little about her current situation.

"Well..." Qiao Youning nodded timidly without saying a word.

"Youning, don't blame me for speaking harshly, your family is really a bit too much..." Yang Han said, glancing at Chen Jing, "Your brother has graduated from college now, right? He is still relying on you to support him?"

Qiao Youning smiled helplessly at Yang Han, but still didn't speak.

She is like a female version of Chen Jing.

Shy and introverted.

Like Chen Jing, she was dressed plainly and simply. Her light grey coat looked old and washed a little white.

"Chen Jing, you should still remember her, right?" Yang Han turned his gaze to Chen Jing.

"I remember." Chen Jing nodded and said a few more words. "She ranked ahead of me in several exams. She is a very good student."

"I'm glad you still remember her."

Yang Han smiled and said calmly.

"I heard that she didn't want to come to the class reunion at first."

Chen Jing was stunned and didn't understand what Yang Han was talking about.

"Later, she heard that someone was coming, so she was willing to come and join us... right, Youning?"

Chapter 75 People are like blank paper, and time is like a pen

Qiao Youning today is no different from the girl who always likes to lower her head in Chen Jing's memory.

She seems to have not changed over the years.

"Don't... don't joke..." Qiao Youning spoke in a low voice. When she noticed Chen Jing looking at her, she even blushed and didn't dare to look up.

What did Yang Han mean?

Chen Jing subconsciously looked at Qiao Youning, his head was a little confused.

Before he could think about it, Li Mobai suddenly shouted to the waiter.

"Stop chatting! Serve the food! I'm starving!"

"Don't worry, some people haven't arrived yet." Sun Zhicheng pulled Li Mobai and whispered, "Zhou Zixuan just sent me a VX message. He and Han Yun are downstairs and will be here soon..."

Before Sun Zhicheng finished speaking.

The door of the private room was suddenly opened by the waiter again.

A man and a woman came in.

"Fuck?" Li Mobai looked at the man who came in in disbelief.

"Fuck!" The man who came in looked at Li Mobai in disbelief.

Without waiting for everyone to say hello, the man who came in left with the young woman without looking back.

That's right.

Sometimes this world is full of coincidences.

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