
You won't kill yourself by doing push-ups, right? !

" hundred..."

Chen Jing finished the last push-up with great difficulty, gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. Even though his hands were shaking like Parkinson's disease, the expression on his face remained calm.

"Is it strong?" Chen Jing asked, his face frighteningly white.

"It's even better!" Baiaji gave a thumbs up on his claws.

After receiving this answer that was immediately flattering, Chen Jing felt a little embarrassed no matter how shameless he was...

Is this still strong?

So strong!

"I'd better be a summoner with peace of mind..." Chen Jing touched Bai Aji's head, feeling a little disappointed.

Maybe he was really suppressed some time ago.

When he thought about returning to the otherworld soon, he was so excited that he didn't even sleep well last night. He started running around the pool a few times at dawn, and then started doing push-ups under Bai Aji's puzzled eyes.


Chen Jing is about to start working hard.

He felt that the first thing he had to do when he returned to the other world was to find the Yellow King's Courtyard and advance to a higher order.


He feels that he shouldn't be so lazy!

Aren’t the protagonists in the novel practicing diligently day and night? Then he can do it too!

"It seems I can't..."

Chen Jing decided to accept the reality.

After all, each old descendant awakens in a different sequence and has completely different abilities... I usually deal with the old man and Wei Nan a lot, and I always feel that there is no difference between me and them, but now it seems that the difference is quite big.

At least Chen Jing already had a preliminary judgment on his physical fitness.

Apart from being in better spirits than before, being able to stay up for several nights without dying, and having improved endurance... his abilities in other aspects have been very limited.

Just like strength.

Although a part of it has been improved, the overall level is still within the reach of ordinary people. It is estimated that even the extraordinary people of the [Ether Association] cannot compare.

But fortunately, his mental state is much stronger than before.

Ever since Chen Jing went to the other world.

He never had the nightmare that used to haunt him again.

Those medications prescribed by the psychiatrist.

Naturally, he stopped.

For this reason alone, being an old descendant is pretty good.

At least I no longer suspect myself of mental illness as often as before.

"Ji Ji..." Chen Jing touched Bai Aji's head pitifully, "You have to protect me from now on... Why do I feel like I will die if someone gets close to me..."

Bhaiaj didn't know what to say.

But it's for sure.

I don’t like the strange name “Jiji” at all!


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 6 hours, 1 minute and 31 seconds]


"I'm finally going back..."

Chen Jing sat cross-legged next to Bai Aji, using its soft belly as a pillow, staring at the light screen in front of him in a daze.

Although he left the other world for only ten days.

But I don’t know why, it always feels like a long time has passed.

Maybe it's because the "home" there gave him a sense of belonging...

Crazy grandpa.



There's also Grumpy, who lives on the top floor, and Lawrence, who lives in the underground garage.

Although Chen Jing's time with them was very limited, after leaving the other world, he found that he missed them a little...

Maybe I’m also missing the kind of life that doesn’t require too much thinking.

In the real world, he finally has someone he can rely on.

How is it like the real world...

Someone put a gun to his head as soon as he returned from time travel. This kind of thing would never happen in the other world. With Chen Bofu's temper... Whoever dared to embarrass his grandson would have to kill the whole family.

"We'll see them soon."

Chen Jing's heartbeat was inexplicably faster. He always felt like he was being taken on a spring outing when he was a child. He had not felt this sense of anticipation for many years.


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 5 hours, 53 minutes and 41 seconds]


In Li Mobai's apartment.

"Okay, those who can be contacted have been contacted. If you can't be contacted, just leave it to fate..." Wang Elai was lying on the sofa. There was an obvious black and purple mark on his right eye, as if he had been hit by something. .

"We're in trouble."

Li Mobai sat on the single sofa by the window, staring at the electronic clock in front of him with a solemn expression...

Countdown above.

He adjusted it according to the time mentioned in the examiner's speech.

The error won't be too big.

"Currently, there are only more than thirty people we can contact... The members of Yajing account for the majority..."

"That's enough."

Li Mobai interrupted Wang Erlai's words.

No matter how unfavorable the situation is now, he still has confidence in himself.

"Only this few people... join the group to keep warm?" Wang Elai frowned, feeling a little pessimistic.

"It's just a matter of slowing down the plan." Li Mobai said with a smile, "It would be interesting to let the association's top management live for a while and slowly eat away at them step by step..."

"You should be sure that we are all candidates, right?" Wang E was still worried at this last moment, with a hint of anxiety in his tone, "If the selected candidates don't have us, then all the preparations will be in vain..."


Li Mobai smiled confidently and flicked his fingers on his knees.

"All extraordinary people will be selected, you don't have to doubt it, but I can't explain it to you now... You should understand."

Wang E Lai didn't say anything else, put his hands on his eyes, squinted and stared at the chandelier on the ceiling.

"Are your eyes better?" Li Mobai asked.

"Don't force me to scold you." Wang E Lai frowned and turned over, facing the back of the sofa, not wanting to say a word.

This grandson!

What a pot, right? !

"I've said that the breath judgment of extraordinary people will not be wrong. You don't believe it, and you still want to fight with others..."

When Li Mobai said this, he couldn't help laughing, especially when he thought of Wang E Lai's competition with Qiao Youning...

Wang E Lai just pounced on him with courage, and Qiao Youning squatted down with her head in her hands as if she was scared, and the other party pounced empty in an instant.

Then she stood up suddenly again, and her head hit Wang E Lai's jaw directly...

To be honest, Li Mobai really thought that this old guy was going to die at that time.

With the sound of bones breaking, Wang E Lai rolled his eyes and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he was an experienced superhuman, so he didn't fall down, and turned around to continue sparring with Qiao Youning.

The result...

"I can knock you out for several hours with my eyes closed and my fists swinging randomly, and you are still not convinced?" Li Mobai asked with a smile.

Wang E Lai seemed to be asleep at this time, with his eyes closed and motionless, but the corners of his mouth would twitch from time to time...

At this time, Li Mobai looked away and looked at the bedroom with the door closed.

Qiao Youning was hiding there.

Even though she had transformed into a superhuman, her personality had not changed much.

Just like a copy of Chen Jing...

Introverted, shy, and socially anxious.

But it's okay this way.

It takes almost no brains to make a silly girl like her obedient.

"Five more hours..."

Li Mobai glanced at the electronic clock, then turned his head and looked at the cloudless sky outside the window.

Everyone was waiting.

Whether it was people who were preparing for the exam or those who were at a loss and held despair for the future... they were all waiting patiently, waiting for what would happen in five hours.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Li Mobai was a little sleepy, but he still forced his eyelids to close.


Five hours.

Four hours.

Three hours.

Two hours.

One hour...

"Why is time passing so slowly..."

Chen Jing did not dare to close the light screen in front of him, and had been waiting anxiously, but the further the countdown went, the more restless he became.

"One hundred million candidates... they shouldn't cause any big trouble just after crossing over..."

Bai Aji yawned lazily, and was not surprised by Chen Jing's self-talk.

From morning till now, Chen Jing has not stopped talking.

Sometimes he was particularly expectant, and sometimes he seemed extremely anxious. Even Bai Aji didn't know how to comfort him, so he simply shut up and didn't say anything.


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 00 hours, 1 minute, 00 seconds]


Just as Chen Jing watched the countdown approach the last minute, Bai Aji, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, suddenly sat up and looked around in horror as if he was looking for something.

"What's wrong?"

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