The fifty-five-meter-tall Titan ape weighs more than 300 tons. The corn leaves under its feet were also crushed, and the man and the beast had to switch to larger leaves to fight.

The huge ape figure is like a twenty-story building. Qin Yuan, standing in the shadow, can clearly feel the violent power contained in its body.

The two eyeballs, which are larger than humans, stare at Qin Yuan, and the pressure of the giant rushes in.

It's so oppressive that it makes people breathless.


Qin Yuan is not a human.

Seeing this scene, he showed a sunny boy-like smile.

Spread his hands, defenseless.

"The complete Titan ape!"

"That's interesting, come on!"

"Hit me and see."

"Come on, don't hold back your strength, use your strength, use all your strength!"

Two streams of hot air spurted out of the ape's nostrils.

I have never seen such a request in my life.

Then satisfy you!

His face was slightly angry, and he quickly clenched his left fist, which expanded a circle under the muscle agitation, and punched Qin Yuan on the corn leaf.

In Qin Yuan's eyes

The opponent's fist was as slow as a sloth, and it would only take a moment to dodge


He was not going to dodge, this was a 1V1 real man battle

It was a turn-based game

Whoever dodges is a coward!


With a bang, the platinum corn leaf was pierced through the air, and even the air was blown up, and Qin Yuan fell down like a meteor



Rumble! !

He was blasted into the tree trunk below without any preparation. A big hole appeared in the tree trunk that was hundreds of meters thick. Through the hole, Qin Yuan could be vaguely seen behind the tree.

His clothes were tattered at this time, so he simply took them off, revealing his perfect eight-pack abs, chest muscles, shark muscles...

He flapped his wings and appeared in front of the giant ape again as if teleporting, with a smile on his face

"That punch just now was okay, 1000 tons of force?"


It was intact?

The Titan ape was numb, and its eyes were as big as LED laser headlights

That was 1000 tons of force!

The power to destroy an aircraft carrier

It didn't even hurt the opponent, this is unscientific


Qin Yuan was also quite surprised

The 600-ton force of the first stage of ordinary ancient species is already the limit

This Titan Ape weighs 300 tons alone, and 1,000 tons of force is definitely not the opponent's limit, which means that its current growth is still not high

Qin Yuan rounded his shoulders and walked towards the ape, his small body carrying a huge sense of oppression

"Now it's my turn, are you ready, little monkey?"

"Come on! I'm a Titan Ape, I'm not afraid at all!"

The Titan Ape imitated Qin Yuan's defenseless look, shook his shoulders a few times, and relaxed his muscles all over his body

Qin Yuan smiled evilly

"To show respect, I will also go all out, you must not defend yourself!"

After that, Qin Yuan began to transform into a bug man

Form 1: Hades Dark Crystal Emperor Ant

The muscles crystallized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person turned into a five-meter-tall dark blue dark crystal emperor ant, with ice-blue blades all over his body, and the purple dark crystal gems on his head and chest were extremely dazzling

The crystal spikes on his shoulders and arms were crescent-shaped, and his five claws were hanging down, with his eyes full of contempt for living things

The wings behind him spread out, like a true god descending

"You should feel honored to see my full strength"

There are very few people who can really let themselves use the combat form, at least the big fool in front of him doesn't need it

My current gene growth has reached 8% after hanging up and practicing

800 tons of force in normal state, 1600 in insect form, double critical strike

3200 tons of force in insect form

This punch

How should you deal with it?

At the moment when Qin Yuan turned into insect form

The Titan Giant Ape's muscles tightened. It obviously couldn't feel Qin Yuan's breath at this time, but its intuition told him

It's best to admit defeat!

Otherwise, you might die!

His face changed

"Wait...wait a minute, can I surrender?"

"In a turn-based game, how can you surrender?"

I want to run after the fight?

You've got all the good stuff?

Wishful thinking!

"But I can make an exception and let you defend and be prepared!"

"Really? You're a pretty good person!"

The Titan Ape crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his muscles were tense to enter a defensive posture

"I'm going to fight"

"Come on!"

The Titan Ape's muscles instantly swelled to twice their original thickness, and it looked like he was defending seriously

"I'm really going to fight!"

"Come on!!!"

The Titan Ape clenched his back teeth, and a layer of faint black light covered his black hair. This was the beginning of using genetic energy for defense

"Are you really ready?"

"I TM..."

It happened in a flash

InThe moment the Titan Ape relaxed its guard, Qin Yuan appeared in front of the ape as fast as lightning and punched it hard on the head

I asked you to defend

Do you really dare to defend?

"Ah, hit me!"


Blood splattered, and the Titan Ape flew backwards


Bang bang, breaking countless corn stalks and leaves, and white juice flowed out of the broken stalks and leaves, emitting the unique fragrance of the plant


The Titan ape stopped after being blown into the mud. It lay on the ground with its arms and legs spread out. One hand covered its eyes, and two tears silently slid down the corners of its eyes.

"Don't hit the ape in the face... wuwuwu... you are too bullying the ape..."

"Oh! It's not dead yet?"

Qin Yuan had come to it without knowing when. He didn't hold back when he punched it just now. A normal Titan should have died with 3200 tons of force hitting its head.

The ape king covered his head and choked.

"My head... is harder."

Qin Yuan showed an evil smile.

"Headstrong? Hehe! I'm curious about how hard it can be?"

The ape king shuddered in fear.

If the punch just now hit any part of his body, he would have exploded. Only the skull is special.

That's how he escaped.

If it happens again.

This man is really going to kill him!

If he hits again.

The ape will die!

"New Ape King, I surrender to you"

The Ape King turned over, knelt down and kowtowed, raising his hands to express his surrender

The Titan Ape Clan worships the strong, and Qin Yuan defeated it in a 1V1 challenge with his physical strength. There is no reason to continue fighting

And if he continues to fight

he will really die!

Qin Yuan stretched out a finger and gently stroked the ape's outstretched hands to express his acceptance of its surrender

"Get up, now tell me about the nearby humans"

"And the platinum corn and the treasures in the forest"

"Tell me everything you know"

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