Thunder and lightning

Blue Dragon Yunju made a domineering appearance

Everyone on the battlefield did stop and stare at it

The giant dragonfly floated in the air and nodded respectfully to Blue Dragon Yunju

"Respected Qin's left envoy, this is a misunderstanding"

The Titan Giant Ape did not recognize Yunju, and shouted with wide eyes to let it come down and get beaten

"Big python, are you strong? How dare you order me? Come down and die!"

The Titan did not recognize it

But the Aphid King next to it did!

It got a lot of related memories after eating people

Including the whole process of Qin Yuan's founding of the country, including the five leaders and two messengers of the Dark Crystal Legion

"Monkey! Don't..."

It was too late to stop it, the Titan Giant Ape had already rushed up

Fight first!

It pressed down, concentrating all its strength under its feet. With a bang, it rushed towards the giant dragon in the sky with its legs.

It opened its arms to grab the white dragon and strangle it to death, but it grabbed air with its hands.

Or, it grabbed a cloud of mist.

What the hell?

"Where's the snake?"

The Titan Ape's expression suddenly froze, and its body began to fall rapidly.

The blue dragon immediately launched an attack.

"Gorilla, I don't like you! So please die."

You are the second one who dares to fight me in the clouds.

The blue dragon controlled the thick clouds to launch an attack. When the clouds were condensed and carried genetic energy, the damage was not much worse than other elements.

"Hundred Mist·Beast Attack"

The clouds turned into beasts, and hundreds of beasts came out, and they were all 1 The giant beast over 5 meters high, biting, clawing, tail whip, headbutt...

Various attacks hit the Titan Ape, and a continuous roar broke out

The ape was angry and roared to the sky


Then, the blue dragon attack followed

"The dragon swings its tail"

The 80-meter-long dragon tail whipped like a whip

There was only a bang

The Titan Ape fell like a meteor, drawing a beautiful straight line in the night sky


Falling to the ground

Head on the ground, limbs scratching the ground

After a lot of effort, he pulled his head out

The big move of Canglong Yunju was also accumulated. He raised his head and exhaled a breath of cold air to the sky

"Yun Ai·Ice Kill"

The temperature of the entire battlefield dropped rapidly, and the soldiers in coats were shivering

Diamond-shaped snowflakes began to fall, then hail, then ice cones...

Finally, ice blades


Knives raining from the sky!

The Titan Giant Ape was dumbfounded. How could this scene, this range, and this face-slapping speed seem so familiar?

"No more fighting! I give up"

The Titan Giant Ape is reckless, but it is not stupid (it thinks so)

It is easy for a heavy warrior to fight a mage, but this mage is immune to physical attacks!

So what's the point of fighting?

Just surrender, it's not shameful!

The Aphid King flew out in time to plead for mercy

"Lord Canglong, please stop. We are all subordinates of Lord Insect Emperor! We are your own people! We are your own people!"

Canglong Yunju was stunned when he heard this, and then he stopped attacking

The entire battlefield was covered with frost, and all the people and insects were shivering with cold

The temperature of the battlefield dropped to minus 50° in an instant

The members who were originally seriously injured did not need to be rescued now, and they were directly frozen to death on the spot

The Titan Ape was the most severely frozen, and its entire body was completely frozen into a huge ice sculpture. It could only blink frantically in the ice to ask the Aphid King for help

The Aphid King explained to Canglong Yunju very seriously

"Lord Canglong, this is the new little brother of the master. It has a brain disease, so don't bother with it."

He nodded his head with his front paws, indicating that the monkey was not very smart

Canglong nodded, and it also smelled the master's pheromone

And who would bother with a fool?

Canglong poked his head to a hundred meters above the Titan Ape, and gently waved his tentacles to thaw the ice.

"Gorilla, do you still want to fight?"

Unexpectedly, the Titan Ape bowed down.

"Second brother! No more fighting. From now on, Qin Yuan is the boss and you are the second!"

Canglong Yunju:......

I don't really want to be the second.

And I don't want a stupid brother like you.

"Forget about this matter. I ask you to answer. Where did the master go? I need to report something important to him."

"Boss? It's like this. There is a bastard called Shadow Vanguard who invited the boss to his home as a guest. He said that there was a black disaster and asked him for help."

Canglong frowned.

Black disaster!

It just happens to know

This guy's information has been seen in the highest archives of the Qin State. He is one of the 32 natural disasters of the Dragon Empire

He is one of the few top-level strongmen in the world

"Where can I find the black natural disaster?"

"Follow the black bird...I should be able to find it"

The black bird



DarkShadow Pioneer sneezed, it always felt like someone was talking about it

"You guys take care of the tribe, I'm going to report the situation to Lord Calamity"

"Yes! Lord Pioneer" ×22

The Shadow Pioneer Crow soared into the sky and flew towards the redwood forest

It also wanted to try to see if it could knock something good out of the Redwood King

It would be even better if it could knock out the essence of life!

Excitedly rubbing his hands

But when it came to the former redwood forest, it found that only a piece of plowed land was left

It actually moved

"What a pity!"

Redwood King, you're lucky!

Shadow Crow secretly thought it was a pity, and spread its wings again, flying towards the direction of the pheromones left by Black Scourge.


On a rock wall, Black Scourge was found standing guard.

"Boss! The casualties of our tribe have been counted, and there are also the remaining meteorites."

"36,855 tribe members died, 6,554 were seriously injured, and 133 were slightly injured. Currently, there are more than 83,320 mutant crows left."

"As for meteorites, there are still 100 kilograms of genetic skill meteorites. How much should we pay the Insect Emperor?"

Black Scourge pondered for a moment, and after carefully considering the pros and cons, he had a clear idea in his mind.

"This Insect Emperor is very powerful. We should try our best to make friends with him. Even if we give him a little more supplies, it is worth it."

"What do you mean?"

"Give him one kilogram?"


Shadow Crow was stunned.

One kilogram?

You are really generous!

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