Dongxing City

Thick fog began to appear above the sky

Five city leaders and many powerful people gathered in the church. They all heard the huge dragon roar just now

Guessed that it was most likely the left guardian of the insect emperor Qin Yuan, Canglong Yunju

The five people were led by a white-haired old man, the awakener of the mythical beast species Vajra Cricket

He held a gem cane and had a long beard. He looked hunchbacked but actually powerful. His eyes were narrowed, and his eyes were full of cunning

"Everyone, the left envoy of the insect emperor Qin Yuan has arrived outside the city of Dongxing. What do you think?"


The only woman among the five stood up and slammed the table. She had an oval face, short hair, and conspicuous round jade earrings on her ears.

"Old man, you didn't tell us that this gorilla was the Insect Emperor's man?"

"That's right, that's right, you only said this now that others have come to your door"

"Master Zhu, what you did is not authentic!"


Everyone present turned their spearheads to the white-haired old man, who slammed his scepter to the ground


A large crack appeared on the ground, and the whole scene fell silent.

"Everyone, it's too early to pursue responsibility now. We are now grasshoppers on the same boat. We will prosper together and suffer together. Only by working together can we survive this crisis."

Several people cursed in their hearts, this old fox

The four of them had fled from different places. They were just resting here, but they heard that insect beasts were attacking humans, so they went out of the city to help fight the Titan Ape out of kindness.

After the fight, they found out that

the other party was the Insect Emperor's people, and they had no intention of attacking the city, but just stayed outside to wait for others.

This old thing was worried that the arrival of the Insect Emperor would damage his rule, so he designed to drag them into the water.

But now that things have come to this, they really can't get away easily.

A man who looks The wretched man with lip studs suggested

"We should strike first, otherwise it will be all over when the Insect Emperor's army marches over to join the Titan Ape and others"

"Indeed, just two super beasts have caused great losses to the five of us. There are countless strong men under the Insect Emperor. If all of them come, we will be dead"



"Okay! I agree too. Let's go and ask that lord to kill the Titan Ape together"

Just when everyone was full of confidence and ready to set out to kill the ape

A dragon roared in the sky

"Roar!!! I am the left guardian of the Insect Emperor, the person in charge of Dongxing City, get out of here!"

The faces of the five people suddenly changed

The left guardian of the Insect Emperor

Canglong Yunju

That's right!

How could I forget it

The five people looked at each other, and their brains crashed for a while

"What should we do?"

What else can we do? Run...

The old man with white beard turned his eyes, and seeing that the situation was not good, he made a plan in his heart

"You hold it back, I'll go ask that adult to come over"

The man with lip nails stretched out his hand to stop him

"No, you are the backbone of the five of us, the person in charge of Dongxing City, if you are not here, who will hold the left envoy of the Insect Emperor? Leave this thankless task to me, I'll do it!"

"Hey! Wait..."

The old man with white beard wanted to fight for it, but saw the man with lip nails turned into a flying insect, flapping his two wings as fast as a motor, flying away at high speed

There was still a selfless smile on his face

Looking at the man with lip nails disappearing into a black dot

The four people couldn't help but wonder, is he really going to call for help?

Why does it feel like... he is running away?

It must be an illusion!

It must be an illusion

Less than a minute later, a guard screamed at the door

"Ah!!! Help!"

Then a thick fog penetrated the crack of the door



The 15-meter-high church door was pushed open from the outside

A thick white fog poured into the church, spreading from the ground to everyone's knees


The sound of horse hooves rang out, and a figure on horseback appeared in the thick fog

Everyone's heart was in their throat


The man on horseback threw a round ball over, and it fell to the ground with a thud, rolling several times before stopping

Looking closely

It was the lip stud who had just escaped The man, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were ashen, and the corners of his mouth still had the joy of escaping, as if he didn't realize that he was dead

The guards beside him couldn't believe it

"This... This is Lord Yuan Dongqi!!"

"Lord Yuan, wuwuwu!"

The guards hugged their heads and cried


The four super beast-level bosses behind looked at each other, concentrating on guarding against the people in the mist

If you can kill the lip nail man in seconds, you can kill them in seconds

In the cognition of the five super beasts

Super beasts are the top combat power of humans

This lip nail man is an ancient super beast insect man, the top powerhouse among humans, and can even be said to beThe existence at the top of the food chain

Even the Titan Ape couldn't kill them instantly, let alone make him unable to react to his own death

What kind of existence could kill him instantly without him noticing

Could it be

The legendary natural disaster?

Tat tat~

The horse's head stepped through the thick fog, revealing its true appearance

This is a white horse with dragon horns, four silver dragon horns spread backwards

A pair of captivating golden pupils, and a pure white mane like cloud-like filaments on the neck

But the most eye-catching are the two dragon whiskers on the upper lip that flutter in the wind

Stepping on floating clouds, it's like a fairy horse descending to the earth

When the horse's back passed through the clouds

Everyone was shocked

On the horse's back was the Insect Emperor himself!

This was the first time that everyone in the hall saw the Insect Emperor in real life. He didn't have the white hair in the video. His eyes were as bright as the stars in the universe, and his high nose bridge had a perfect jawline.

It turned out that the Insect Emperor was so young and so handsome.

In short,

He was really handsome!

How could a young man like you be so handsome?

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The short-haired girl was the first to react and bowed her head and half-knelt to salute.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Insect Emperor!"

Except for the old man with a white beard, everyone present came back to their senses and bowed their heads and half-knelt to salute.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Insect Emperor!"

The voices were uniform and loud, resounding throughout the church

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