On the other side

Qin Yuan's hometown Yu'an City

Looking from above, it looks like a feather

To the east of the feather, a dark mass of beasts stood at the gate

It was the Qin State's First Legion led by the Rhinoceros Beetle, and Bai He was the deputy for this operation

The Rhinoceros Beetle, which had obtained the genes of the natural disaster-level fantasy beast, led an army of 100,000 to the city

The Rhinoceros Beetle shouted at the tower

"Come out, Yu'an City base! Open the gate and surrender, and you can save your lives. Otherwise, we will break through the gate and kill you without leaving a single piece of armor"

On the tower

A man dressed as a general stood at the highest point, and his eyes were full of a murderous aura. He stood straight and shouted loudly

"What a joke! We are the Dragon Emperor "The city of the country, is it comparable to you idiot forces?"

"You still want me to open the gate and surrender? Are you worthy?"

The rhinoceros beetle was immediately angry after hearing this and was about to attack, but was stopped by Baihe

"Captain, let me fight first, you are the last one"

It was not easy to have a chance to show off, Baihe was itching to do it

After saying that, he winked at the rhinoceros beetle, indicating that he could leave it to him

Then Baihe frowned, exuding a strong momentum, and challenged the people on the tower

"Baihe Liaohuo is here, who dares to fight me?"

The tower immediately caused a commotion

Several leaders of the Yu'an City Military District began to quarrel fiercely

"The enemy has started to challenge, what should we do? The most important person in our military district There are only a few excellent insects! The opponent's energy fluctuations are likely to be perfect."

"How about we send three excellent ones?"

"Go to hell, go and invite the genius of the Xiao family."

"Xiao family! Are you talking about the one whose engagement was broken off?"

"Yes, go!"


Bai He waited for five minutes, but still no one dared to come out to fight, which made his side's momentum suddenly high.

The defenders were panic-stricken.

Bai He continued to talk nonsense.

"No one dared to respond to the challenge? I'm afraid your top leaders have abandoned you and run away a long time ago?"

"You can't even handle a small fry like me? The 100,000 brothers behind me are all better fighters than me."

"Let you Isn't it a death wish to stay on the city wall?"

Seeing the army's morale unstable and the reinforcements delayed

The general gritted his teeth and sent out an excellent insect man

"Go, try to hold it back!"

The excellent insect man raised his fist and bowed to the general in farewell

"I will definitely not disappoint the general's high hopes"

"Well! Don't worry, I will take care of your family"

The insect man soldiers walked out of the city gate with the determination to die, and the two sides looked at each other across two miles

"I am the special forces king, You Xiaoqing, and I am here to learn from you"

"Special forces? Die!"

The white crane spread its wings and flew up, quickly approaching the soldier king

"White Crane Double Wing Slash"

Just as he was about to chop off the other's head, the soldier king unexpectedly took out a diamond-shaped shield on his back


He actually blocked it

"Genetic Armament? Do you think you can defeat me with this?"

"Genetic Skill: White Blade Double Feather Slash"

The white crane's wings stretched forward

The hundreds of feathers on the wings were like a huge sword net, and the overwhelming sharp blades and arrows attacked the opponent

Dang! Ding ding! ! ......

All feathers were blocked by the opponent's shield

The soldier king behind the shield sneered

"This is purple gene weapon. Without attack damage above super beast level, it is impossible to break my defense"

"Really? What if this is the case..."

The white crane spread its wings

"Genetic skills: White blade double feather attack·Second stage"


The feathers that just shot behind the soldier king and at his feet seemed to feel the huge magnetic attraction and began to pull back at lightning speed

More than twice the speed of shooting

Puff puff puff puff......

The gorgeous red rose bloomed, and the soldier king's whole body was pierced, and he fell to the ground with a bang

Soldier king, dead

The shield in his hand also fell to the ground, and was picked up by Baihe, who also mocked the official

"That's it?"

"I advise you to open the gate and surrender quickly."

In order to be quick, Bai He did not hesitate to use his ultimate move.

The whole process took no more than two minutes, and a bug man with a purple shield was solved.

The general on the tower was gritting his teeth and wanted to fight in person, but he was an ordinary person and had no ability to fight.

He looked at the adjutant beside him.

"Is the young master of the Xiao family not here yet?"

"He is here, the young master of the Xiao family is already in place, but he said that after the matter is done... he will prepare 10 noble ladies for him, and only the families of officers."

"This bastard!"

The general clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of anger. If the situation was not critical, he would never hire such a guy.

He is so lustful.

What is in his mind?

How could Yu'an City produce such a scum?

That's all. Now I have to give up with pain."Take 10 of my concubines and give them to him, and give him 73 to 82."

"Yes! General!"

After that, the adjutant left.

Bai He carried the insect head of the King of Soldiers and flew around the 100,000 Qin army, and began to show off crazily.

"Empire powerhouse? No more than that. Today we will flatten this Yu'an City base, and all the soldiers who resist will be killed without mercy! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The shouts shook the sky.

The 100,000 troops were in high spirits again.

At this time,

The enemy challenged on the tower, and a 30-year-old man stood on the tower.

"I am Xiao Huohuo, a young man from the Xiao family. Does Bai He of the Qin army dare to fight me?"

He wanted to challenge Bai He by name, but he didn't come out for so long.

Isn't it obvious that he invited all the helpers?

Baihe immediately flew back to the side of the rhinoceros beetle, pointed at the city wall and replied

"Boy, you saw that I was seriously injured in the battle just now, and you want to take advantage of the beast's danger? Don't even think about it"

"Do you dare to fight with our captain?"

The rhinoceros beetle now controls its body size to 20%, so it looks only six meters tall and doesn't look very strong

Xiao Huohuo on the city wall directly agreed

"Okay! If I win this battle, you retreat now"

The rhinoceros beetle's eyes showed a strong murderous intent

"If I win, you open the city and surrender, do you dare?"

"Why not!"

Xiao Huohuo transformed into a bug man and jumped down from the city wall

With a bang

landed right in front of the rhinoceros beetle

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