
The water is full of weeds

Not only mermaids, but also many strange fish, with long fangs interlaced up and down, forming a fang mask

More terrifying than piranhas

And there are quite a few of them, dozens of them gathered into a black shadow, and whenever a large fish approached, they would immediately rush over and tear the other party into pieces

The male mermaids were building dams, and they had already built several dams in different places, but they were still worried

They still wanted to continue to build upstream, holding weapons made of stones and branches in their hands, and their lethality was extremely limited

Once they were attacked by a school of fish, they would only be chopped

Qin Yuan ignored these minions and flew forward directly, heading upstream

The further upstream you go, the narrower the 100-meter-wide river becomes. 100 meters, 90 meters, 80 meters... 50 meters...

Finally, you reach the end of the river, where there is a dark cave standing at the foot of the mountain. The cave is 100 meters high and more than 60 meters wide, just like the legendary dragon cave


After using the domain to explore and confirm that there is no problem, Qin Yuan closes the domain and enters the cave

An imperceptible blue light curtain flashes at the entrance of the cave



The blue dragon Yunju turns into a white dragon with golden eyes and scans the surroundings. It has beaten all the strong men in the forest, but still hasn't found the local snake that the master mentioned

Where is the snake?

Only perfect-level beetles, hemp bugs, and big earthworms were found...

Not a single super beast-level one was seen


Its eyes lit up and it found a flying super beast

Although it was not in the forest, but passing by


It would rather kill the wrong one than let it go

"Hey! Stop the super beast on the opposite side, you are suspected of speeding!"

Hearing this

The super beast-level black beetle immediately stopped flying, hovered in the air, and looked at Canglong Yunju vigilantly

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me?"

Her intuition told her that Canglong was not easy to mess with

But she was not a meat eater either, her uncle was the lord of the north, and the extreme cold disaster

The background was not comparable to that of ordinary insects

Canglong Yunju directly rolled up the female insect with clouds and mist and began to interrogate her

"Have you seen the local snakes around here?"

Local snakes?

I seemed to have seen a giant python when I flew over just now, but why did I tell you?

With such a bad attitude, you still want to ask for information?

"No, I don't know"

The blue dragon cloud colt narrowed its eyes, and its cloud felt that the female insect's heartbeat just increased for a moment

She is lying!

Cheating me?

"Okay, you asked for it, let me show you how powerful I am"

As he spoke, a cloud of mist enveloped the female insect beast

"What are you doing? I am..."

"Death Spin 2.0! Burn, Hot Wheels"

This time, the blue dragon cloud colt has learned its lesson and no longer uses its head to spin with it

It made its cloud tail the axis of rotation, wrapped the other party around its dragon tail and began to spin wildly

"Hahaha! Taste the big guy!"


The speed gradually increased, so fast that it was blurry


The female insect beast was swung so hard that her brain was smoking

The cloud colt grinned

Finally, a bug experienced the pain I felt at the beginning

Sure enough, the pain will not disappear, it will only transfer

When the pain is transferred to other bugs, I will get...


Double happiness!


"Don't... turn... anymore... I'll... tell you..."

The female insect beast finally couldn't stand it anymore and revealed the location of the local snake she had just seen

"South, there is a giant python in the south..."


I'll believe you for once

"If you lie to me, you're dead"

After saying that, Canglong Yunju left the black-armored female insect beast behind, flew up to the south, and headed towards the location of the giant python

After flying for less than ten minutes, a giant python was seen, winding around a giant tree, and its body length alone was no less than 500 meters

The deterrence emanating from its body was almost the same as Yunju, both were very powerful

Quasi-disaster level

When Yunju discovered it, its yellow vertical pupils had already been staring at Yunju


It spit out a scarlet forked tongue, and after confirming that Yunju had no help , immediately launch an attack


Crimson Field

The area within a kilometer radius turns completely scarlet, and the internal pheromones cannot spread out

Pheromones from outside can still come in, but it has no effect on the scarlet python

Because its tongue can accurately distinguish the opponent's smell within the field


Haze Field

The entire field begins to fog up, and the haze rises and fills the entire field


The scarlet python can no longer feel any smell when it extends its tongue again. Now both sides are in a blind state

How to fight?

Blind Fight

"Cloud·Hundred Beasts Cloud Attack”

Hundreds of beasts over 20 meters high came out and carried out carpet-style indiscriminate bombing on the forest below

The attack came instantly

Boom boom!

The scarlet python was caught off guard and screamed

But the haze and the scarlet field made it difficult for the sound to spread, so the two did not find each other's position in the end

The scarlet python aimed at the approximate direction of the attack just launched and began to counterattack

"Genetic skills: scarlet poisonous blood arrows·continuous fire"


The venom on the fangs turned into sharp arrows and shot into the haze

The attack did hit, but unfortunately Yunju is now in an elemental state, and the poison arrow attack has little effect on it

And at the same time, the actual position of the scarlet python is exposed

"Found you!"

"Look at me, the dragon swings its tail! "

A tail whip was drawn into the haze, and it seemed to hit something with a bang


A bloody mouth broke through the haze and bit towards Canglong Yunju fiercely, biting nothing in one bite

Eating a mouthful of mist

The two sides were in a tangle, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while

Canglong Yunju grinned, revealing his dragon teeth

Once the black disaster came to help, the snake would be dead

On the other side

A middle-aged figure stood in front of the black disaster

"Extreme Cold Disaster, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Your people bullied my niece, do you want to just let it go?"

"Huh? I haven't seen you for a few days, have you grown angry? If you want to fight, then try it."

"Extreme Cold Mode·Freeze"

"Dark·Endless Black Curtain"


The battle outside did not affect Qin Yuan's treasure hunt in the cave

In the dark cave

He found a strange cave with blue light at this moment

A cave in a cave?

The treasure is likely inside

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