After beating the base commander


The deputy base commander rushed over after hearing the news. He looked flustered and immediately ran to stop the fight

"Your Majesty, you can't fight like this. If you keep fighting like this, something bad will happen. If you break your hand..."

"If I break your hand, it will be a big sin! I have a stick here, use this!"

"This works well"

He handed over a spiked mace, and one blow guaranteed to kill everyone

The base commander fainted from shock, and the deputy base commander had a look of pity on his face

Qin Yuan also stopped and stared at the deputy base commander in front of him

"Is this base commander actually fake? He doesn't understand the ways of the world at all?"

On the whole,

This is most likely a stand-in

The real base commander can't be so stupid

Who can sit in this position is not a smart person?

The deputy base commander was shocked

"Did he say something treasonous and offend Your Majesty? Just kill him."

"Forget it, I don't want to get involved in your base's affairs. Bring up the herbs I need."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Someone bring the things up."

Three or five soldiers came to Qin Yuan with boxes, which were

Dead Brain Grass, Golden Silk Heart, Hundred Yin Grass, and Earth Root

"Your Majesty, we searched the entire base for the Thousand Suns Flower and Life Essence you mentioned, but we couldn't find them, but there might be some at the auction tonight."

"What does this mean? Aren't you in charge of the auction?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know that this auction was organized by the Frenzy of Disasters. They just borrowed our venue. Our base doesn't dare to control it at all."

The deputy base commander had a bitter face

My base The strongest one is only a super beast, but the number of super beasts entering the city in the past few days has reached double digits

Several natural disasters have also appeared

Everyone is terrified, even the rich second generation who go out to play dare not show off

For fear that the other party will suddenly explode and transform while showing off

Shout, I am a certain natural disaster, and the three-year agreement has expired...


Too scary

Qin Yuan put away all the herbs and was about to leave

"Since I have found my stuff, I will take my leave"

"Your Majesty, wait a minute! I dare to ask, can my Zhongjiu base form an alliance with the Qin State?"

It's really scary to have no backing

Today, the frenzy natural disaster comes to hold an auction, tomorrow the tornado natural disaster comes to drive, and the day after tomorrow the extreme cold natural disaster comes to skate...

The base is really going to be ruined

Even if they have everything If they don't do it, the base will have to spend a lot of manpower and resources to monitor and guard against them

In case of emergency

Once the other party dares to launch an attack

All senior officials

Run away immediately, never stop

The natural disaster level is too terrifying, just like a mountain pressing on people's chests, making them breathless

"It depends on your sincerity. If you can take out something that makes me excited, it's not impossible"

After saying that

Qin Yuan spread his wings, broke through the glass with a bang, and flew into the sky

Cloud Horses lived in the sky, and the black natural disaster was waiting for the two outside the city

"Return to the city"

One person and two beasts began to fly back

This time they hardly stopped on the way, and returned to Dongxing City again an hour later

Lü Xiuyi was still crying while hugging his mother

Qin Yuan was helpless

This guy's tears could close a hundred archangels

"Stop crying, get up and work"

"Oh... OK..."

Everyone took the herbs to the Lu family's medicine workshop, and Lu Xiuyi showed his superb medicine-making intuition

Just do this first, then that, and then this

[Successful refining]

Everyone was curious

"Is this the soul-restoring potion? Is it really useful?"

Qin Yuan stretched out his hand

"Give me the medicine, it needs to be processed"

After handing the medicine to Qin Yuan, he raised his finger and dripped a drop of soul oil made from the artifact, and then dripped a drop of his own venom

●[Highly toxic·Soul-torturing powder]

Effect: It can torture human souls to collapse and disintegrate. If there is no soul in the body, it will forcibly capture the soul and whip it crazily to collapse and disintegrate

Everyone looked at the black bubbling potion and couldn't help but shudder

Is this really an antidote to save people?

Why does it look so poisonous?

"Don't worry, this will definitely bring your mother back to life"

Lü Xiuyi is quite knowledgeable about medicines. The bottle in your majesty's hand looks more and more poisonous.

"Your majesty, are you sure it's a normal life? Will it turn into a zombie or something?"

It's hard not to doubt the reliability of this thing

Qin Yuan smiled confidently

"Don't worry! Detoxification, I'm a professional"

Everyone was stunned

For some reason, there was always a bad premonition in my heart

Qin Yuan poured all the medicine into Lu's mother's mouth

A magical scene happened. Lu's mother's body began to twitch, and the amplitude became larger and larger. She actually jumped up on the spot.Breakdance


She opened her eyes in horror, as if she had encountered something terrible


"Kill me now"


It hurts so much

Qin Yuan stretched his nails and inserted them half an inch into the middle of Lu's mother's eyebrows


He doesn't know how to treat, he only knows how to detoxify

Detoxifying himself is a piece of cake, his mother's condition is just at the stage where she can be saved

If it's a little later or her head and heart explode, she won't be saved

"Okay, just bandage it and it will be fine"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you very much, Your Majesty"

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, you Just give me the method of refining medicine"

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish

After learning the art of refining medicine, you don't need to ask a pharmacist to help you refine medicine

You can refine medicine yourself

Once and for all

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Lv Xiuyi taught very seriously, and gave all his skills and experience to Qin Yuan

At the same time, he admired his talent

"Your talent is rare in my life, and it is the strongest pharmacist I have ever seen"

Qin Yuan smiled

"It's just a small talent, not worth mentioning!"

"It's almost one-third of mine"


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