[Atomic State·Nuclear Explosion Ant Mode]

The whole body is shining with golden light, like a small sun

First, it aims at the bottom of the sea with a purple destructive ray, destroying a group of sea beasts that are staring at it, and then the whole body turns into light particles and travels far away

"Come here and fight, little sea spirit"


The little sea spirit has merged with the sea. At present, it seems that we can only exhaust its physical strength or beat it until it regains its sanity

The sea spirit follows Qin Yuan all the way to the sea level, and a battle between man and sea begins

Two seagulls fly across the sky

One has red hair and the other has green hair

"Hey! Look, man, what is that guy doing?"

The green-haired seagull looked over and saw a small golden sun attacking the sea with a laser

His eyes lit up

"Oh? Could it be..."

"Shooting at the sea?"

The red-haired seagull was silent. No wonder the thing on your head is green

"There's obviously a battle over there. Do you remember the mission the Seagull Queen gave us?"

Monitor all ships that stay at sea and find the ghost ship

"Red Ou, go find the ship. I'll monitor these two fighting things"

" Okay, I will leave pheromones along the way, you meet me as soon as possible"

After that, the two birds separated, and the green-haired seagull looked at the battlefield again, only to see the golden hat on Qin Yuan's body

"So bright"


"Nuclear fission·ultra-high temperature fission ray"

The golden sun hanging over the sea at night shot countless laser rays at the sea below

Swish, swish, swish~

The rays split and hit the sea water, causing a violent explosion



The entire sea area was turned into 100° boiling water, with a large number of bubbles and white steam rising from the sea surface

Hai Ling Not to be outdone, he released thousands of water jets, but they didn't cause any damage to Qin Yuan

One in atomic form, one in water element form

No one could hurt anyone in normal attacks

On the contrary, all the fish swimming around died

Qin Yuan grinned and showed his white teeth

"As expected of my chosen subordinate, he is quite capable"

"Don't die"

After saying that, Qin Yuan raised his hands flat in front of his chest, and a destructive energy accumulated and released, making a sizzling sound of electric current in his chest

"Nuclear Explosion·Star Collapse Cannon"


A red light lit up, illuminating the entire sea area like daylight


A red light several tens of meters thick rushed into the seabed and hit the main body of the sea spirit


BOOM! ! ! !

A violent explosion sounded

The sea was shaken, and huge waves of 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters...

The huge waves were overwhelming


It turned out that it was the sea spirit that had not yet died, carrying huge waves

But its divine power had been reduced by half at this moment, which meant that the star-breaking cannon just now still caused considerable damage to it, and it could only use divine power to repair the damage

"Wretched God, I will warn you one last time. If there is a next time, I will directly blast the rule of destruction into the center of the earth with one shot, let the blue star explode, and no one will live!"

After saying that, he looked at the sea spirit

"Destroy it·Divine power"


A painful wail came from the sea spirit, and its divine power was completely destroyed

But it also received serious damage

It turned back into a blue water ball elf, and its eyes were no longer murderous and tyrannical, but full of guilt and fear

"Ah... Your Majesty... I'm sorry..."

"Hai Ling, why don't you withdraw your ultimate move before apologizing?"

The raging waves are getting stronger and stronger, and have reached a height of a thousand meters. If this continues, a ten-thousand-meter wave is not impossible

This made Qin Yuan wonder, is it really the wave that the Devouring Sky Whale King raised three days later?

Is it still my fault?

"Ah, Your Majesty! Hai Ling has no strength to stop it"

Hai Ling used all his energy to recover after being beaten by Qin Yuan, and the last energy was also used to launch a wave attack. Now there is really no drop left

"Then let me do it"

How strong is the kinetic energy carried by the thousand-meter wave? The equivalent of a hydrogen bomb of 10 million tons exploding on the sea surface can instantly engulf a million people in Neon Country

Qin Yuan spread his wings, showed the red gem on his chest, and aimed at the thousand-meter wave

"Destruction rule·Full power"


The kinetic energy of the thousand-meter wave is still there, but the sea water is directly cut in half

Only one meter was destroyed, one meter horizontally

"Destruction rule·Death rule"


"Death destruction·Fall"

"All-powerful control·Suppression!"

The powerful force of rules burst out and suppressed the entire sea area

Stared at it

Everything was silent, the four seas were calm

A touch of golden blood flowed from the left eye

DeathThe side effects of the Eye of Death are backlashing again, the backlash of the power of rules

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

[Disordered rules, rejecting the backlash...]

[Rejection succeeded, backlash failed]

Oh, young artifact!

Don't try to take advantage of me

The eyeballs moved a few times again and then recovered as before

"Hai Ling, go back... Wait! Why do you still have divine power left in you?"

At this time, Hai Ling also exuded divine power, but unlike the golden divine power, it exuded blue divine power instead

"Ah! Your Majesty, I just... seemed to have comprehended something called the Law of Water"

Qin Yuan hurriedly detected

[●Mythical Species: Hai Ling]

[Gene Growth: 44%]

[Exclusive Gene Energy: 1 Fine Control, 2 Multiple Water Pressures, 3 Fusion, 4 Water Element Fit, 5 Water Control]

[Gene Skills: 1 Water Spirit Armor, 2 Full Moon Transformation, 3 Sea Mirror Reproduction]

[Phantom Beast Gene: Element·Water]

[Mythical Gene: Water Law]

This is it

Advanced to Mythology?

Isn't it too hasty?

This is a Mythical Species!

I was dying and laughing at the beginning, and finally succeeded in the promotion

Why is it so simple?

So unhappy!

Qin Yuan had a guess in his heart

Divinity + Law/Power of Rules, there is a high probability of advancing to the myth species. It was His divinity that infected the sea spirit, and the sea spirit happened to have comprehended the law

The combination of the two made the sea spirit advance to the myth

At the same time

In the fog

A dilapidated ghost ship as big as land was speeding towards Qin Yuan and the sea spirit

In the captain's room

A white skeleton, with green flames in his eyes, showed a surprised smile

Poke the cane on the ground

A powerful rule power burst out

"Found it!"

"Artifact thief!"

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