On the deck

A skeleton was kneeling

It held a cane and a triangular green meat in its hands

"My Lord, these are all my artifacts, I present them all to you"

When Qin Yuan took over the two artifacts, his soul claws began to shake violently, and the three artifacts were like old friends who had not seen each other for many years, hugging each other tightly

It can be seen that the three of them wanted to merge, but they were restricted by the body of the artifacts and could not merge

Others may not be able to do it

But Qin Yuan is different

The rules of disorder can disrupt the rules, and the rules of order can rearrange the rules. When the two The combination of these rules is the omnipotent rule

The power of the rules can be extracted and reorganized again

At the beginning, the order rules and disorder rules on the golden bell attracted each other, and the disorder rules were not bound by the artifact, so the omnipotent rule was finally obtained

Now it is of great use

"omnipotent rule·peeling"

"omnipotent control·reorganization·fusion"

The power of the rules in the three artifacts was stripped out to form a blue sphere

●Double rule power: soul (cannot fuse genes)


Can't fuse, can only be sealed into the artifact?

Is it a problem of rank?

Or is it a mismatch in size?

No matter, it's about to dissipate

"All-powerful control·Seal"

The blue sphere was sealed into the triangular meat block, and then an eyeball emerged after a while of wriggling

[Soul Wolf Atomoye's left eye (red 6 stars): an eye with double soul rule power, which can imprison the soul, control the soul, and increase its own rule power level by +1 in a short period of time]

[Side effect: soul backlash]

6-star artifact?

This is really a rare thing


The left eye already has the eye of death

What will happen when two artifact eyes merge?

The eyeballs wriggled and collided

Finally merged into one

Double pupils merged

Double pupils appeared!

It's not two eyeballs side by side

Instead, a cyan ring appears outside the pupil to wrap it up, like a double-ring bull's eye

Monocular double pupil

The pupil turns red, and outside is a cyan ring, with a brown pupil underneath and then the white of the eye...

"Okay, let's talk about the gods and the great secret treasure"

The skeleton tells the story

The so-called gods, it doesn't know much, but in fact, the ones who appear in the world are not real gods, but candidate gods

Each planet has multiple candidate gods, but in the end, only Select a true god to completely control the power and rules of the planet

The first god candidate who woke up soon came to the sea world and stole the soul dagger of the white skeleton

Later, the god candidate met Qin Yuan and directly G

It looked for the smell of the artifact, passed through the crack in the fog space, and went from the sea world to the blue star to find its lost artifact

"Wait, the sea world? Isn't this the blue star?"

"When you stepped into the fog, you have entered the sea world! Don't you know?"


It's bad!

This is the real calculation!

That wretched god wants to lock himself in the sea world forever

"How often can the crack in the fog open?"

"I don't know, the last time I saw it was a few days ago, and it was opened 5,000 years ago"

5,000 years ago?

It's still an antique that has lived for a thousand years!

Qin Yuan looked at the humanoid skeleton in front of him with curiosity and put his hand on its head.

[Phantom Beast Species: Soul Bug]

[Second-level Extraordinary: 100%]

[Bug Power Index: 320 points]

[Phantom Beast Ability: Soul is not extinguished, life does not stop]

[Side Effect: Any body possessed will decay quickly, and only the soul can remain in the world, but the soul will still die if it is killed]

"Go on"

"The news about the great secret treasure is related to the mermaid tribe under the sea. Legend has it that they have artifacts that can control the sea, magic weapons that can destroy the continent, and spiritual mirrors that can predict the future"

"After After 500 years of searching, I have found the islands they often appear on. I can take you there at any time."

A spiritual realm that predicts the future

There may be clues to get out

"Well, let's go now. Let's find the mermaids first."

The skeleton shouted to the zombie

"Set sail, set sail"

This ship looks huge, and I thought it would be very heavy, but I didn't expect it to be slow.

"What is the power system of your ship?"

"Hehe! Of course it is the most advanced high-tech active navigation power system, with 300 perpetual core drivers and a dedicated independent graphics card."


I didn't expect this seemingly shabby ship to be so advanced?

It seems that I underestimated the technology of this world.

Qin Yuan stood at the bow and looked down


Too advanced!

Active navigation powerSystem, 300 perpetual motion internal drive

It means 300 zombie sharks pulling the boat wildly

Exclusive independent light graphics card

It means the leading zombie shark has some fluorescent powder sprinkled on it

No wonder it is called a perpetual motion machine!

One night passed

The surrounding sea fog dissipated, revealing the full picture of this world

The sun looks a circle larger than the blue star. At a glance, there is a vast blue ocean in front and a white sea of ​​clouds above the head

The upper and lower double sea world

The whole world seems to have no land

Qin Yuan sighed when he saw such a scene


How to go back now?

This is not a mirror world, but a complete sea world. It is not so easy to destroy it

This is a place where even skeletons can use the second-order rules

It must be a place full of strong people


Strong people like clouds?

Isn't that my paradise?

Qin Yuan's face showed a sunny smile

Wouldn't it be possible to eat here to your heart's content!

The strange ship was moving very fast, and soon it approached a gourd-shaped volcanic island.

The skeleton pointed to the middle channel of the island.

"My lord, that's the mermaid that appeared in that position. It seems that a group of humans appeared during the fog a few days ago. I ate a few of them..."

"Okay! Stop the boat and go down with me. Let's go meet this mermaid tribe."

This thousand-year-old antique knows a lot of secrets of the world.

It's like carrying a living encyclopedia.

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