Seeing Wang Gousheng so active just now

I wanted to give him a chance to perform

Now it seems that he is useless

Qin Yuan showed a sunny and handsome smile

After drinking another glass of grape juice, let's do it ourselves!

After drinking one glass

Standing up

But just when he stood up, he found that the grape juice was full again?

What happened?

Qin Yuan tilted his head and showed a puzzled face


"Did I drink it just now?"

No matter

Drink another glass

The last glass


An hour later

Wang Gousheng came to the king with blood all over his body and panting, holding the heads of two guards in his hands

Head raised, mouth corners grinned, revealing sharp serrations

"King, you have come to this day? What tricks do you have?"

The green fish king's mung bean-sized eyes narrowed into a slit, showing calmness Calm, not panicking at all

Because it still has a trump card

As long as the ancestor comes out, even General Wang can be killed instantly

Thinking of this

It shouted

"Ancestor, save me!"

Wang Gousheng immediately stood ready, looking around with full vigilance

Hearing this

Qin Yuan also put down the snow grape juice, and immediately expanded the field to observe the target within a radius of ten kilometers, ready to take action at any time

But he could not find the trace of the other party's ancestor at all

I frowned immediately

I had a bad premonition in my heart

What's going on?

Isn't it really that bad that I met a super strong man with ten laws?

Isn't even my field able to detect it?

Is the other party an ancient myth species?

Or stronger?

An existence beyond the myth species?


After a while, there was still no response

Until the mermaid next to him, feeling that the atmosphere was a little awkward, kindly reminded the king

"Your Majesty, didn't the ancestor die of dihydrogen monoxide poisoning last year?"

Dihydrogen monoxide?

Isn't that water?


That's right!

The ancestor choked to death while drinking water last year!

I had forgotten about it


"I surrender"

The king shamelessly tore off a piece of fig leaf, raised it above his head and shook it wildly

The ancestor has already died, what's the point of fighting?

Surrender and you lose half!

Maybe he can still survive

Wang Gousheng showed a cruel and grim smile, and brought the king to Qin Yuan who was drinking snow grape juice

"Sir, we have captured a king and several beauties. What do you think we should do with them?"

"Well! After I finish the last cup, we will go to the treasury to have a look"

"Okay! Sir"

The last cup


After dusk

Everyone set out to the treasury

The king led the way in front, and Qin Yuan and Tiantian and Eryu chatted in the back

Qin Yuan was very generous

"Don't be polite, just pick whatever you like and take it away"

Look how generous I am

It's not mine anyway

Take whatever you want

Move whatever you want

The head of the Collens family suddenly had golden eyes

Money! These are small coins on the seabed!

As a businessman, the opportunity to come to the royal treasury is very rare

Today, I can come here thanks to my daughter's excellent cup-adding skills. It is said that there are piles of gold in this royal treasury

I'm rich!

Now they are rich!

With the king leading the way, everyone soon arrived in front of the treasury. The king took out the key and opened the treasury.

What came into view was a golden color.

Golden light glittered.


Except for Qin Yuan, the other fish were very interested in these treasures.

Gold and jewelry are even less valuable than insect crystals in the end times.

They are only valuable in this unbroken underwater world.

Qin Yuan walked past these jewels and walked inside. The king and Wang Gousheng hurriedly followed behind him.

The head of the Colens family quickly directed the servants they brought to start moving things.

"Wa Qu, a full box of gold, pack it up and take it away."

"Wow, pearl treasures, take it away."

"Wow! Ganoderma lucidum! Take it away."

"Sir, that's a silicone pad."


Qin Yuan didn't like anything along the way. Ordinary gold, ordinary jewelry, broken antique bowls, ordinary dolls...

"That green-skinned king"

"Are you sure this is a treasury? Not a utility room?"

Why is it all a pile of junk?

Not even a single valuable thing?

Nothing but trash and sex

Your family has been passed down for a hundred years, so there should be at least a few orange treasures, right?

This is too shabby

The king smiled awkwardly

"They say that wealth cannot last for more than three generations, and it has been passed down to me for thirty-third generations, and the family treasure has been almost squandered"

"But the treasures in the special area may be of interest to you"

Treasures in the special area?

Everyone saw the crossroads sign in the center of the treasure house from afar, where there was a design plan of the entire treasure house

The entire treasure house is very large and is divided into four areasDomain

The current area is the treasure area, and there are three other areas, namely the equipment area, the medicine area, and the special area

Southeast direction?

Qin Yuan thought for a moment

"Special area? Then let's go and have a look"

After all

You can't come to someone's house empty-handed!

It's embarrassing

Leaving empty-handed, how rude!

I have to take something away, otherwise how can I live up to my strength!

Actually, I don't want to take it

But my muscles won't let it go!

Passing by the medicine area, there were all some low-end medicinal materials that could not be named, but the king kept introducing them.

"This is a ten-year-old salted fish that has never turned over."

"This is a thirty-year-old shrimp rice wine, which is aphrodisiac!"

"This is a fifty-year-old seaweed that can treat arrogance."

"This is a hundred-year-old deep-sea frozen fish that can be used as a weapon."

"This is..."

For Qin Yuan,

All these things are garbage.

The kind that he would not even look at if placed in front of him.

The king asked flatteringly.

"My lord, do you like any of them?"

How could I, a great emperor, like these garbage?

How could it be possible?

Qin Yuan showed disdain.

"Oh, you want to impress me with some mundane things? How could it be possible?"

After that,

he took a sip of the thirty-year-old shrimp rice wine in his hand.

You know what, it tastes really good.

Everyone soon came to the special treasure house, and the king raised his hand and pressed it on the stone slab.

This is actually a fingerprint password lock!

I didn't expect that this seemingly underdeveloped underground fishman kingdom is full of technology

Ding ding ding!

"Fingerprint recognition failed!"

The king turned his head and smiled awkwardly

"Sorry, I've been slacking off for years, and my fingerprints are all worn out, but it doesn't matter, I still have the password!"

"Please enter the password"

"The password is 'Resurrection, my love'"

"Wrong password! You can enter it twice now"

"Huh? That's not right"

"Wrong password! You can enter it once now"


"The password is correct! The treasure house is opening for you..."

Ka Ka Ka~

The ten-meter-high mechanical stone wall door rotated and twisted, slowly opening to display the treasure house in front of everyone

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