Outside Luolan Kingdom

A 30-meter-tall and over 100-meter-long lightning eel led thousands of sea beasts of the lightning clan to surround the entrance and exit of the kingdom

Sea beasts of various sizes surrounded the outside of Luolan Kingdom

Although the deep-sea electric eel is not the largest, it is the strongest with flashing lightning all over its body

[Fantasy Beast Species: Deep-sea Electric Eel]

[Element: Lightning]

The King of Lightning Fish Beasts

The overlord that no one dares to provoke in this sea area

At this moment, the deep-sea electric eel had fierce eyes and a mouth full of fangs. It swam to the gate of the kingdom and roared

"Asshole! Hand over the land human who killed my lightning clan! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences..."

The guards inside the gate picked up the loud speaker and replied

"Impossible! Qin Sheng is the faith of our kingdom, and it is absolutely impossible to hand him over to you "

"Besides, our Luolan Kingdom is impregnable, what can you do to us?"

Although the deep-sea electric eel is strong, it is impossible to break through the defense of the ancient kingdom

The buildings of the ancient kingdom are very solid. Even the peak of the fourth-level natural disaster cannot be shaken from the outside, let alone it, a peak of the third level

And there is

The blue super ocean current that occurs every fifteen days is simply a natural barrier. Ordinary foreign races cannot invade at all

The ancient kingdom is mostly internal struggles

At this time

The electric shock jellyfish jumped out from the back with a confident look, raised its head, and pointed at the guards with its tentacles

"You ungrateful guy! If you don't hand over the humans, my electric tribe will guard the door of your Luolan Kingdom to death and never leave!"

"Starve you to death!"

How about it?

Are you scared?

The guards looked at each other with shock on their faces, and many fishmen were full of anger in their eyes


Guarding the door every day, never leaving, isn't that what we are doing now?

Damn it

After all this time

They are here to steal my job? !

If you want to be a security guard, just say it directly, why are you making so many roundabout ways

If you are here to attack the city, that's fine

But are you here to steal my job?

Cutting off the fish's source of income is like killing the fish's parents

I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all!

Screw him!

Ancient countries like Luolan Kingdom are feudal

Every fifteen days of ocean currents, they Luolan Kingdom will be taken to different places


The country will only go out to exchange materials once every six months on average

Let's take a step back

It's completely no problem for the kingdom to maintain its own production and sales for ten years. It's a joke to think that they will starve to death by besieging the city

But to say that the city guards will be unemployed

is enough!

The captain of the city guards turned his eyes

and instantly thought of the reason for the attack

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! You are so vicious!"

"Oh? You actually want the king of my Luolan Kingdom, the sea god, the noble master Qin Sheng, and the village beauty Xiaofang to clean up your ass? How dare you! You can't stay here, activate the ancient weapons!"

Wipe the ass?

What is going on?

Why do I feel

As if...

Suddenly a pot was put on my head

A big black pot

The deep-sea electric eel was startled

What did I do?

Just want a person?

I'm not here to steal your jobs, is it necessary?

Is it necessary to pretend to be bitter and hateful and killed your own father?

"I'm warning you not to slander me! I didn't say those words, please put away those thick things of yours immediately..."

"If you mess around, I'll get mad!"

Ancient weapon

Diameter of hundreds of meters

Legend has it that it is a giant weapon exclusive to the Fifty-Five Kingdoms, specially used to hunt large sea beasts

Because of its great power, it consumes a lot of energy

Except for resisting foreign invasions, it will not be used easily

Four ancient weapons pointed at the Electric Eel King

The guards looked confident

They only heard about this ancient weapon from their grandfathers, and it has not been used for hundreds of years

It is specially used by the defense army to protect the kingdom from invasion

And... don't lose your job

Private property is sacred and inviolable

The same goes for your job!

"Ancient weapons, release!"


Four huge gun barrels with a diameter of hundreds of meters stretched out from the huge body of Luolan Kingdom

Adjust the muzzle and aim at the Electric Light Clan

This makes them want to escape instinctively, but due to the powerful pressure of the deep-sea electric eel, they can only stay where they are

The deep-sea electric eel is very calm

"Don't be afraid, if they dare to fire, I will stand in front of you, if you take a step back, you are not an eel!"

"They are just bluffing..."

"It's impossible to really fire!"

It's not like I haven't conquered the ancient kingdom before

The ancient weapons have long been rusted and can't be used, and even if they haven't rusted, they have signed an agreement that they can't use ancient weapons easily unless it's a life-and-death situationSo

It is impossible to launch a real attack


The captain of the city defense army is a fool

The captain of the guard


The four huge gun barrels lit up red, and an energy wave comparable to the peak of the fourth level sounded


Are you serious!

The deep-sea electric eel opened its eyes wide, a drop of cold sweat flowed down its cheek, and turned into a flash of lightning, pulling away and retreating!

"My king!"

All the electric light tribes were shocked

This is different from what was agreed!


The electric light tribes hurriedly fled, and all the fish were in chaos


Four red lights lit up

Turn all the fish into a blood-red color

The electric light tribe closed their eyes in despair, praying in their hearts that someone could save them!

It's over, it's over!

This is dead!



A huge roar sounded

After a while, there was no pain

Not dead?

What happened?

Did a fish block the attack for us?

Could it be…

The boss has a change of heart?

Opening his eyes, he saw that

Luo Lan Kingdom was swinging four boosters, and the whole sphere was running crookedly

Like a drunk pink sow, swinging its hooves to speed up its escape


The other party was actually running fast!

The lightning shrimp shouted hurriedly

"What ancient weapon! That's an escape booster!"

The electric tribes finally realized that they were fooled

But there was a blue lightning that was faster than them


Swish past the fish and chased after Luo Lan Kingdom

The deep-sea electric eel had anger in its eyes, and its upper and lower teeth were clenching and clicking

Dare to fool me, the king of electric light?

"You are too bullying!"

Fooling me? I will make you suffer!

All of you die!

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