Qin Yuan collected the insect crystal of the deep-sea electric eel, inserted his hand into its still twisting body, and began to absorb genetic energy.

The deep-sea electric eel is indeed not weak, but unfortunately it met Qin Yuan.

If it is really elementalized, it may take several days and nights to fight, and it will be difficult to chase it once it escapes.

But after the experience of dealing with the sand crocodile, an elemental creature last time,

This time,

I directly used the power of rules to completely block its elementalization, making it unable to dodge my attack in a short time.

Then it will be easy.

Punch, get off work.


Absorbing genes...

In the distance,

A new group of kingdom guards arrived and began to clean up the mess and dragged the body back to the kingdom.

In fact, it is not a body.

Just These are the scales left on the ground after the laser battle, which are equivalent to human hair.

Collect them and return them to their families, and then compensate them with a pension.

"New recruit, hurry up! There is still a hair over there, don't drop it..."

On the other side

The electric tribe was reluctant to leave for a long time

They were always unwilling to believe that their king was killed in a second

The great overlord of the deep sea

died so sloppily

It turned out that it was not 7/3

But 3/7

Qin Yuan killed the lightning eel king 7 times in 3 seconds

The electric jellyfish looked at this group of confused electric tribes and began to speak passionately

"Everyone, the king must be still alive, it is faking death and waiting for an opportunity to act!"

The eyes of the fish lit up


Our invincible king can't die so easily. He used his skills to fake his death.

The lightning shrimp jumped out to agree.

"That's right! Our king is faking his death."

"Although its head exploded, its crystal core was dug out, and its genes were extracted, its body is still twisting. Well... it was still twisting just now, but now it's hard."

"But... that's not the point. The point is that the king is waiting for us to save him! Are we going to be indifferent?"

"Kill humans, save the Thunder King!"

All the fish responded in unison.

"Kill humans, save the Thunder King!"

"Kill humans, save the Thunder King!"

The huge momentum attracted everyone's attention. , all the fish around were attracted and looked over here

Including Qin Yuan who was absorbing genes

Qin Yuan glanced over here

The double pupils of the god of death and the eyes of destruction, the eyes like the god of death, the eyes looking at garbage

Just one glance

All the fish beasts opened their eyes wide and stood still, as if the pause and mute buttons were pressed at the same time

All quieted down

You can hear a pin drop

It was so quiet that even a sesame-sized bubble in the sea water could be clearly heard


Qin Yuan retracted his gaze

The fishes breathed a sigh of relief

Finally... I can breathe...

Oh my god!

It scared the fish too much

I thought it was time to wash it

At this time

A blue-green electric fish swung its tail and came close to the electric jellyfish and lightning shrimp

"Two pioneers, are we going to save the king now?"


The electric jellyfish raised its hand and slapped it, its face full of anger

"Didn't you see that the new king was absorbing genes? Don't you have any eyesight?"

Ah? This....

Isn't it

The king hasn't even passed the seventh day?

How can you do this?

Didn't you swear to defend the king of the tribe and follow the King of Thunder and Lightning?

I don't understand?

The blue-green electric fish was puzzled and looked at the lightning shrimp with hope


He got another big slap in the face

"MD idiot! Can't you see that our new king is doing business? What are you whispering about?"

The blue-green electric fish covered his face and cried

What you call business

is watching the new king suck the bone marrow of the old king?

I don't understand!

"Wuwuwu... You bunch of traitors, I'm ashamed to be with you, I must tell General Thunder Ray everything that happened, say..."

Oh no!

What if this stupid fish tells the truth here, then the two of them will be finished?

Regardless of whether the Electric Clan will convict them, the ray couple will definitely kill them to pay for their beloved daughter's life.

Thinking of this, the electric jellyfish and lightning shrimp immediately approached and stared at the blue-green electric fish with a murderous look.

"What?" ×2

The blue-green electric fish's lips trembled, but its eyes were firm.

It decided to follow its heart.

Not afraid of power.

Fight to the end.

Gritted its teeth.


"The deep-sea electric eel king was unfortunately poisoned and was about to die of the poison. It met a kind-hearted human who passed by and helped it detoxify. Unfortunately, the toxin entered its brain. In the end, it had no choice but to blow up its head to heal it."

"I didn't expect that even so, the toxin still penetrated into its bones."

"The kind-hearted human race did not change its original intention. It is admirable that it insists on the principle of being a good person to the end. It crushed the eel king's brain and pulled out the crystal core, extracting bone marrow, and finally successfully treating the toxins"

"Unfortunately, the deep-sea electric eel king was electrocuted to death"

"Unfortunate death..."

"How sad, it's not sad enough!"

"Because we have a new king, the human race will inherit my will and the power of thunder and lightning, and will use thunder to shatter the darkness, and will eventually lead the electric race down from the peak!"

Well said!

The blue-green electric fish said everything passionately, and looked at other tribesmen with a guilty conscience

Not good

Too deep into the play

Accidentally, it almost ignited

"Ahem, two adults, is this okay?"

"Very good! Very good! "

The electric jellyfish and the lightning shrimp smiled at each other. If you are General Manta's enemy, then you are our friend


Above the sea

Qin Yuan has completely absorbed all the genetic energy of the third-level deep-sea electric eel

[Current gene growth 100%]

[Obtain new fantasy beast gene: element·lightning]

[Element·lightning: can control the power of lightning, multiply itself, and issue powerful lightning damage]

Elementalization can be immune to physical attacks, and can also stimulate the body's cells to become stronger, and can be used in combination with a variety of abilities

Qin Yuan's eyes are full of interest, and the corners of his mouth are smiling

"Interesting! ”

Raise one hand and aim at the sea

“Thunder·Listen to my command”


Lightning began to gather in Qin Yuan’s hand, gradually solidifying into a lightning bullet

“Lightning takes shape·Qilin arm”


Lightning began to move, with a small strand spiraling from the fingertips, gradually transferring to the arm, the lightning at the finger position gradually increased, became larger, and the blue light was strong

A Qilin head emerged

“Thunder beast·Qilin”

Qin Yuan threw a punch forward, and a huge 30-meter-tall lightning Qilin rushed out and exploded in the sea


Intuition told me that the power of lightning could be developed in more ways

Now I have only touched the tip of the iceberg

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