The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 10: Absolutely safe

Xu Zhiyong opened the door, and Ye Qi and Wen Shanshan, who were still discussing, were as quiet as chickens for an instant. Ye Qi blocked his wife behind him, with guarded eyes.

Then Guan Caiwei walked out from behind Xu Zhiyong.

The couple felt relieved when they saw this scene.

They are not afraid of meeting a man and a woman, but they are afraid of meeting only men.

In this apocalypse, men are more terrifying than men and women.

Suddenly, Wen Shanshan's eyes narrowed, her mouth opened slightly, and she said, "You, are you that big star Guan Caiwei?"

Guan Caiwei subconsciously showed a very friendly smile, as if she had been recognized by passers-by countless times in the past.

In that second, she realized that it was already the end, so she just nodded slightly towards Wen Shanshan.

Ye Qi's eyes flashed across Guan Caiwei's face following his wife's words, and he was surprised. He didn't expect that they could meet a big star here.

The other party looks better than on TV.

But because of this, the couple felt more at ease with the strange man standing in front of Guan Caiwei.

Xu Zhiyong remained silent until the star recognition ceremony was over, then he spoke calmly.

"Welcome both of you to the safe base. I am the person in charge of the base."

The couple's thoughts were still focused on aliens committing crimes. Ye Qi's first reaction was when he heard this.

"The first person to arrive at this base can become the person in charge of the base?"

Xu Zhiyong was noncommittal. He was not interested in answering such questions and continued to say what he wanted to say.

"It is forbidden to maliciously injure and kill people in the secure base. Well... I don't know what the punishment will be if it is triggered."

Don’t know the punishment?

Xu Zhiyong's non-answer was regarded as acquiescence in the eyes of the couple. And this lack of punishment made the couple think it was because Xu Zhiyong didn't understand what aliens would do.

Wen Shanshan thought of the aliens and said cautiously: "Then, if you abide by the laws inside, will you be harmed in any other way?"

She really wanted to wonder if the aliens would randomly pick a few people to play with.

But worried that aliens might hear this, Wen Shanshan changed her question to a tactful way.

"As long as you abide by the rules of the base, you are absolutely safe in the base's protective shield!"

Xu Zhiyong still has the patience to explain now, because in order to expand the number of residents in the future, these two people are ready-made free labor, specifically responsible for explanations.

When Ye Qi heard the protective shield, they had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Guan Caiwei, who was standing aside, stretched out her slender finger and pointed at the blue screen.

The couple suddenly realized.

Isn't this just a protective shield? Not even zombies can get in.

"Except for 201, you can do whatever you want with the other rooms in the shield."

Xu Zhiyong then threw down some survival supplies to the couple and closed the door.

He had just studied how to open the mission hall and warehouse.

First, we need to wait for the base to be upgraded and the protective cover area to increase, and then use the zombie crystal core as an energy core to support the operation of the mission hall and warehouse.

These things can be discussed later. Xu Zhiyong ignored them and planned to take a nap first.

On the fifth floor of the hotel, a middle-aged woman carefully opened the door a crack.

Seeing that there were really no zombies outside, she led her three-year-old daughter out of the room.

The little girl had obviously been taught many times by her mother and spoke in a very low voice.

He asked softly: "Mom, where are we going?"

She covered her growling stomach with her thin arms and was sensible enough not to clamor for food.

"My dear, let's go to the second floor. Keep your voice down so that no one finds you."

She had also seen what was going on on the second floor while hiding here. She had been hungry for two days in a row, relying only on water to fill her stomach. The only few biscuits she had were given to her daughter. The middle-aged woman could no longer bear the hunger.

Her daughter was too young. She placed her daughter upstairs and was afraid of other strangers who were still alive, so she could only take her daughter to the second floor.

After all, the second floor...

The middle-aged woman suppressed the thoughts in her mind and took her daughter to the second floor.

Since the elevator was out of service, they took the safety ladder.

The empty and dark safe zone makes people feel terrified.

After finally entering the second floor, the bright light in front of them made both mother and daughter loosen their biting lips.

Ye Qi and Wen Shanshan had just moved the supplies to the room and planned to close the door.

Hearing the noise, the two of them raised their heads to look out.

The middle-aged woman also saw someone, and her body, which was already weak from hunger, suddenly gained a little more strength.

Half holding her daughter in her arms, she hurried forward.

Without saying a word, she plopped down and knelt down in front of the couple.

He begged in a low voice: "Please, please save me and my daughter, my daughter is still young..."

Although Ye Qi and Wen Shanshan knew that the end was coming, food was very precious.

But the two had been living in a warehouse before and had no shortage of supplies.

I just escaped from the warehouse tonight and received a bunch of supplies from Xu Zhiyong.

So when Wen Shanshan heard the little girl's growling stomach and looked into those big clean and clear eyes, she felt soft and said to her husband: "How about we share some with them?"

Ye Qi is not the kind of hard-hearted person. He didn't stand up to save people in the warehouse before because he knew that he still had a wife to take care of. Secondly, he only had one more person to stand up, so it had no effect at all.

Now facing the hungry mother and daughter, I heard my wife's words again, turned around and entered the house, put a bag of food in a plastic bag and brought it out.

"Here are some instant noodles and bread, as well as two bottles of water."

Handing the food to the middle-aged woman, Ye Qi pursed his lips and said, "We don't have much. If we give it to you this time, you will have to rely on yourself next time."

Under the current situation, it is impossible for him and his wife to keep raising this mother and daughter.

After all, they themselves don’t know how long they can survive, and how long the food in their hands can last.

"The apocalypse has only been a few days, and there are still a lot of supplies in nearby supermarkets or stores. No matter how bad the hotel is, there should be supplies in reserve." When he said this, Ye Qi's heart lit up.

"If you are willing, we can go look for supplies in the hotel together after dawn tomorrow. I have just discovered that there are no zombies in the hotel, so it is safe for the time being."

"By the way, you didn't meet me when you came in..."

Before Ye Qi finished asking, his wife secretly pulled him behind him.

The middle-aged woman was carrying food and responded to Ye Qi's words with gratitude on her face.

"What happened?"

"Encountered the hotel's warehouse?"

"No, we just came down here because of the slander. We were in the room and didn't dare to come out. Then I will look for supplies with you tomorrow."

The two parties made an appointment. After thanking Ye Qi and his wife, the middle-aged woman couldn't wait to leave, planning to go back to her room to have something to eat with her daughter.

Ye Qi closed the door, then looked at his wife and asked doubtfully: "Why did you stop me from asking just now? Is there something wrong?"

Wen Shanshan first looked around, then lowered her voice and said: "You asked her harshly if she heard those aliens like us before entering the protective shield... that mysterious voice, what if it was this mysterious voice?" The owner of the voice doesn’t want others to know, wouldn’t it be exposed if you say it?”

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