The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 105: Stealing the limelight

Li Yi thought to himself, if I told you that there is awakening liquid, wouldn't it scare you to death?

However, he glanced at the life-suspicious looks of the five of them and felt that it would be better not to irritate his new companions too much.

When the seven people came to the so-called concentration camp, Xu Zhiyong discovered that this so-called concentration camp was also built by people with supernatural powers.

A large room with a civil structure and glass windows.

Inside is the playground floor.

There are a lot of people living here densely.

Some of these people set up their own tents, and some just made a mat.

There is no dividing line.

It's messy, noisy, and smells bad.

The weather is hot, and the sour smell when you walk in makes you doubt your life.

But when drinking water requires a water superpower or finding bottled water, no one can have the luxury of taking a bath.

The taste is naturally great.

And I'm afraid those with some ability, whether for privacy or security, would pay for food and rent another place to live.

But Xu Zhiyong didn't think it was anything.

Five kilograms of grain per person is not much.

And you can live in the community for a month.

The upper echelons of this base at least gave these people a shelter.

"Boss, do we want to stay here?" Li Yi's face turned blue.

They looked at the people in the concentration camp as if they were used to this smell.

"Why don't they just set up tents in the remaining areas outside the concentration camp? It's better to set up outside than inside. There are already tents." Li Yi couldn't help pointing to those who had tents.

A man sitting in the corner next to him heard this, raised his head and said: "Sometimes everyone enjoys the cool outside at night, but when they sleep outside, they are afraid that if a zombie sneaks in, they will be the first to bite them."

"A zombie sneaked into our base before. People outside were close to the wall and dozens of people were killed."

"And there is no protection from the rain outside. Who dares to get wet in the rain of the last days? There are no doctors to treat you now."

After the man finished speaking, Li Yi probably understood.

It's not that I can't sleep alone outside, but I'm afraid that zombies will sneak in and bite me first.

Everyone got together and felt that at least the probability of being bitten was lower.

Another reason is the fear of getting sick in the rain.

After all, the two red rains that fell after the apocalypse were a bit scary.

The man who spoke looked at the group of people and said, "I see that you are living a good life in the last days. I think I will come here like the people in front of me and go back to rent a house."

Xu Zhiyong raised his eyebrows and had no plans to leave for the time being.

However, he would not wrong himself. He picked out a low stool from the space and sat down to chat with the elder brother.

"Brother is right. Let's come over to see the situation and decide to change places. Brother, you are so good at judging people."

Just as Xu Zhiyong was about to speak, Li Yi ran up and output.

Xu Zhiyong: "..."

He glanced at Li Yi coolly.

The latter shrank his neck, raised his hand and shouted: "I just help the big brother to chat with such a big brother."

Wuwu Li Yi felt bitter. He just saw that the boss seemed to want to inquire about the situation of the base, so he planned to help.

He can't say it directly in front of other people in this base.

I just hope that the boss can understand what he means and know that the subtext of his so-called chat is to help him find out the news.

Xu Zhiyong's mouth twitched, feeling that Li Yi looked like a drama queen.

He took out a bag of instant noodles and handed it to the man.

In the astonished look on the man's face, he smiled faintly and said: "Brother, a group of us are new here, and we don't know the situation of this base and what we need to pay attention to. If you know anything, you can remind us."

"Yes, yes, meeting each other is fate. We are brothers from all over the world, and it is not easy to travel around the world. Big brother will teach us some experience to prevent us from causing unnecessary trouble." Li Yi quickly agreed.

The five Wang brothers:.

Xu Zhiyong: He suspected that this guy was stealing his limelight.

The man smiled awkwardly and said: "I don't know much. We don't know anything about the big shots in the base. But there are not many people in our base, about two thousand."

"I don't know much about the others."

While Xu Zhiyong's group was chatting with the men, two people suddenly started to quarrel in the concentration camp.

The sound was relatively loud and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone fell silent and looked at the two people.

A thinner middle-aged man scratched his neck and shouted: "Those countries are stupid to begin with, and none of their leaders are smart. They obviously have so many nuclear weapons, why do we still have to be persecuted in this apocalyptic world? Those damn zombies should be used Nuclear weapons destroy them."

Another slightly stout middle-aged man replied: "Nuclear weapons? Blow up where? Blow up our county? Blow us survivors to death together?"

"The whole world is full of mutated animals and plants. Even the fish in the river have mutated, and probably the sea too. Then you let the leaders of those countries blow up the whole world, and see which zombies, animals, or plants die first?" Perish first, no matter who perishes first, human beings will die first.”

"You think you are the smartest in the world, the most thoughtful, and you know how to use a hammer. Didn't you see that the people at the base made homemade land mines and threw zombies, and the plants around you are growing like crazy?"

"He's just like a lunatic who only knows how to make noises."


Fortunately, they didn't argue with this person, otherwise they would be made to doubt their life.

Some onlookers echoed: "That's right, don't use things with high radiation. Haven't you seen that every time the plants grow wildly in the places where the superpower team throws land mines, the mutant plants that are born love to eat living people or living animals?"

"Yes, in the east of our county, there was a base with special abilities team that encountered several zombie animals and dropped several landmines. A piece of weed around the back mutated and grew into a big tree in a few days, eating many people. "

"Hey, this world can't be saved. Humanity will perish in the future."

"Why are you talking so harshly? If the world didn't throw nuclear weapons, how could human beings be extinct? Although we don't evolve as fast as these animals and plants, we can still survive, right?"

"Who knows, anyway, those of us who have not awakened our powers will be eliminated sooner or later. Now that we are out looking for supplies, the death rate is getting bigger and bigger. One day, none of us will come back."

When these people were talking, they did not forget to tighten the packages around them.

The man sitting in front of Xu Zhiyong and the others kindly reminded them: "We live in a concentration camp. With a large number of people, there will be chaos, and materials can be easily stolen."

After all, in this day and age, everyone has everything. If things get messy and supplies are stolen, then the chance of survival is really gone.

Without waiting for Xu Zhiyong's reply, he added: "It's the same if you go to rent a building. Some people with metal powers can open your door directly."

"So you have to be alert when you go to bed at night. No one here dares to throw away supplies. It's just that the base doesn't care who steals what, but no human life is allowed in the base."

"The superpowers in the base are very powerful. Before the concentration camp, someone secretly killed people in the middle of the night because of personal grudges, and was interrogated by a psychic superpower in the base. So the Jiayang base has relatively good rules."

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