The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 125: A place to survive

"Haha." Wang Leju said with a big smile on her face: "You little girls are at the age of flowers. It's time to call me aunt. If you were my daughter, you see I can't stop talking, so hurry up and clean up together. , go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Wang Leju's face froze, and then she enthusiastically urged the young girls in this dormitory.

She lowered her eyes to cover the sadness in her eyes.

If her daughter was still around, she would probably be no more than a few years younger than these girls.

In the peaceful world before the end of the world, it was even harder to find her girl, let alone in this troubled world.

She only prayed that her daughter could also meet a kind-hearted person like Base Chief Xu and have a place to live.

At the same time, the dark Hujiagou exuded a strong smell of blood.

Three black shadows cautiously approached Hujiagou under the blood-red moonlight.

One of them lowered his voice and said: "Brother Zhang, something is wrong in Hujiagou. I heard a few days ago that there are living people in Hujiagou. Even in the last days, it is too quiet now."

Another person asked: "Will you go to bed early to save energy after the end of the world?"

"Is there a knot on your head? Even if you sleep, how dare you not even be safe from the night watchman?"

"Damn it, if you don't tell me that I ignored this phenomenon, then something must have happened. Brother Zhang, we should be careful."

Zhang Jianye has a good temper and did not say a word when he heard the two arguing. He just said in a breathy voice: "Keep your voice down. If there are people with developed hearing powers inside, we will be easily discovered when we talk here."

The two nodded repeatedly and replied in the same breathy voice: "I understand, Brother Zhang."

"Then what do we do now?"

Zhang Jianye stared at the silent village for a moment, but there was no movement inside. He waved his hand, and the three of them lowered their bodies and bent down to enter the village.

The rest of the village is already a bit deserted, and the weeds have grown quite tall these days. There is only one large yard that looks very clean, without these messy weeds.

There must be people gathered in the big courtyard.

The three of them walked around the village in the moonlight and then approached the big courtyard.

The closer we got to the big courtyard, the stronger the smell of blood became.

One person said: "These people make the smell of blood so strong, are they not afraid of attracting man-eating trees and zombies?"

Zhang Jianye shook his head: "Depending on the situation, it is unlikely that there are any survivors inside. Even if there are survivors, they will leave because of such a strong smell of blood."

The three of them entered the large courtyard, listened quietly for a moment, and found that there was no sound of breathing inside.

Although they are not superpowers with improved hearing power, their hearing has improved a lot after becoming superpowers. If there are people in this big yard, they can still hear the sound of breathing if they calm down.

There was no sound of breathing at this moment. The three of them carefully opened the doors of each room in the large courtyard and found that no one was there.

"This result is normal." Zhang Jianye was mentally prepared for this.

"I don't know what happened. Such a strong smell of blood."

"Fortunately, there are no zombies in the village in the wilderness, otherwise all the nearby zombies would be gathered here."

Zhang Jianye took a thicker wooden stick and lit it with fire power.

He took the wooden stick to the courtyard where the smell of blood was strongest, and found more than twenty blood stains on the ground, but not a single body.

This strange situation made the other two superpowers suddenly become quiet.

A gust of night wind blew by, and the silent little village was deserted. The strong smell of blood filled the noses of the three of them with the wind.

"Hey, I suddenly feel a little cold."

"Riyo, your legs are a little weak."

Zhang Jianye felt a little scared when he heard this, as calm as he almost cursed.

"You're not afraid of the dead, why are you afraid of this?" Zhang Jianye was quite dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhang, this is different. I'm not afraid of dead people or zombies, but I am afraid of ghosts."

"Stop talking, I don't know you can't talk about this stuff at night." The other person shivered, secretly thinking that he was unlucky to have walked into such a strange place.

"Since there is nothing here, let's go back to the town first and bring other colleagues over to take a closer look tomorrow." Zhang Jianye didn't want his parents to worry, and he was also afraid that if there was an accident, his parents would have no one to take care of them.

So seeing that there was nothing to find here for the time being, and it was a bit weird, I simply took the two of them back home.

The three of them were people with special abilities, and their walking distance was far inferior to that of the group of women brought by Xu Zhiyong, not to mention that the group of women were also carrying luggage.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, after walking for about two hours, the three of them quickly returned to the town.

Wang Mang led his brothers to watch the night. When he saw Zhang Jianye, he rushed forward excitedly and said, "Brother Zhang, the boss is here and he saved a group of girls, hehe."

"??" A row of question marks slowly appeared on the faces of Zhang Jianye and the others.

Wang Mang excitedly punched the superpower next to Zhang Jianye and said, "Damn it, our base commander is here, you idiot, just look like this."

Only then did Zhang Jianye and the other three people react.

"Our base commander is here?"

"When did you arrive?"

"Are all our relatives here safely?"

The three questions were blasted at Wang Mang like cannons: "You guys come one by one. It makes my head hurt."

After he finished speaking, he was faced with three even more confused faces.

Wang Mang: "!!"

He tiredly waved to the novice brother next to him and said, "Give these criminals some fat hair."

This younger brother was the most pleasing person to Wang Mang recently. He had to keep him with him every day, especially when talking to people from the counties below Binghai City. He wanted to tie his younger brother Jiang Zhi to his belt.

Zhang Jianye and the others have been together for such a long time, and they exchange a few words from time to time. If Wang Mang spoke less of his hometown dialect and spoke slower, they would still be able to guess many daily conversations.

Unfortunately, after the end of the world, the living environment has undergone earth-shaking changes, resulting in great changes in the language used in daily conversations.

Even when people like Zhang Jianye faced Wang Mang, they would often fall into autistic isolation that they couldn't understand.

The younger brother Jiang Zhi and Wang Mang are from the same province, and because their hometowns are not too far apart, their hometown dialects are almost the same. In addition, he is very proficient in Mandarin, so he successfully squeezed out a lot of ordinary people and became the number one in front of Wang Mang. Little brother.

I heard that after hearing Wang Mang's order, he quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brothers, let me answer for Brother Wang Mang. Our base commander arrived in the town before and then went to the countryside below to rescue a group of women. Today it was just dark. We just got back to school, and your family members are all safely at the base, and not a single hair has been lost.”

"Rescued a group of women?" Zhang Jianye's heart skipped a beat when he thought of those young female zombies.

"Yes, those women are resting in the dormitory building right now, but Boss Wei asked us not to disturb them. Anyone who bullies others or harasses them will be removed from the team."

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