
Zhang Xia murmured subconsciously, paused in her steps, and stopped in place.

Zhang Jianye didn't care about anything else, he came to Zhang Xia in three steps and two steps, grabbed Zhang Xia's hand and said: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back. Are you injured anywhere?"

"I'm fine." Zhang Xia glanced at the others around her and said, "You go to eat first. I met my brother. Then my brother and I will go find my parents together."

She originally made an agreement with several people to take out some supplies and ask the supernatural beings in the town to send them home or bring their relatives to the town.

Now that I have met my eldest brother, I think that when he comes back from Binghai City, he will either have his own strength or follow a strong team.

She planned to inquire about the situation first. If it was the former, her eldest brother was very powerful and could help these women who were in the same situation as her.

If it's the latter, then she has to ask the eldest brother's team if they are willing. If not, she can't cause her eldest brother to be disliked by the team because of this group of friends.

After waiting for others to eat in the canteen, Zhang Jianye realized that the younger sister hadn't eaten yet.

He packed a meal himself and sat in the corner with his little sister.

"How have you been lately? Your parents said you disappeared suddenly and were kidnapped by people from Hujiagou?"

Zhang Xia mentioned the matter lightly to avoid the seriousness. Seeing that her eldest brother was shaking with anger and his eyes were red, she quickly said: "I'm fine, I was just a little frightened. There are a few girls in my group who are fine too, but others people……"

Zhang Jianye understood the unfinished meaning even if he didn't listen.

He pursed his lips and said, "If the base commander hadn't killed those beasts, my eldest brother would have left their corpses intact."

He has a team, as well as weapons and supplies given to them by the base commander.

If you are willing, it is not difficult to kill the group of superpowers in Hujiagou.

"Brother Xu is a good person." Zhang Xia was very grateful.

"Yes, the base commander is a good man. He not only saved us, but also saved you. He also gave our family a safe living environment in the future."

"?" Zhang Xia looked at her elder brother in confusion, wondering why the other party emphasized the word safety.

She knew the survivor base.

Isn't the school in the town just a safe base established by the surviving people in the town after the apocalypse?

It must be similar in other places around the world, but the security bases are different in size.

No matter what the security base is, or how big the security base is, the degree of security in this end of the world is limited and cannot be absolute.

Why does the elder brother deliberately emphasize the pronunciation of the word "safety"?

Facing his sister's puzzled look, Zhang Jianye coughed and said, "You will know when you get to the base and become an official resident."

Official residents can feel the presence of the safety shield.

You can also know that within the safety cover, you are absolutely safe.

Even zombies cannot enter the safety cover.

This is true even if there are zombies with crystal cores behind them.

However, Zhang Jianye suddenly thought of the exotic plants that the base director brought back with Li Yi, and wondered whether those things could fit into the safety cover.

Even if you can, don't worry if you're inside the safety cover.

Presumably, if alien plants actively attack humans, they will also be controlled by the punishment mechanism of the safety shield.

"I'm looking forward to arriving at Brother Xu's safe base as soon as possible. Brother, when are we going to pick up my parents?"

Zhang Xia originally wanted to mention her sister-in-law, but her sister-in-law was in the city. Since her eldest brother was already in the town and proved that her sister-in-law was alive, he would pick her up.

If she unfortunately died in this disaster, she would be tearing out her eldest brother's heart by mentioning it now.

Zhang Jianye didn't notice his sister's hidden words. Now that the family was reunited, he was very happy. He reached out and rubbed his sister's greasy hair and said: "My parents, your sister-in-law, and niece are all in the dormitory. They didn't come out to see them yesterday." Lively, I missed you just now. I was here specifically to wait for you today, and my hard work paid off, and I really found you."

Zhang Xia felt relieved, everyone was fine. She slapped her eldest brother's hand away with the hand holding the chopsticks, and muttered: "My hair is almost knotted with oil, and it feels dirty even if you rub it."

Of course, Zhang Xia is not the least bit embarrassed about the condition of her hair.

There is very little water that can be used in the last days. Even if there is a water superpower in the village, the water that the other party releases every day is limited, and it has to be eaten sparingly, let alone used to wash hair.

So she hasn't washed her hair for half a month.

It's not just her, many people are like this.

Everyone is equally dirty, so Zhang Xia can't help but feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry, when you get back to the base, you can use water if you want." Zhang Jianye said with a cracked smile, "At least it's okay to wash your hair and take a shower."

Their base has taken the awakening liquid. Most of the residents in the base are superpowers, and there are also quite a few water superpowers. There is no shortage of water at all.

"That's right, not to mention there is no shortage of water. I'm afraid our base will have water supply restored to all floors after we return." Li Yi sat down with a rice bowl in his hands.

Picked up a sweet potato and started to eat it.


"It's so scary that you suddenly appeared." Zhang Jianye was startled. If Li Yi hadn't spoken, he really wouldn't have noticed that this person had come next to him.

"Water supply restored to the floor?" Obviously, compared to Zhang Jianye, Zhang Xia had become accustomed to Li Yi's elusive ability on the way back to the town from Hujiagou, and her focus was on water.

"Yes, I was already carrying out this work when we walked together with the big guy's legs. I think with the skills of those guys, when we go back, we can directly turn on the water pipe upstairs to use water."

Zhang Xia was stunned and murmured: "The survivor bases in big cities are too powerful."

After the apocalypse, there were still survivors in their village who had returned from outside. They had heard those people mention that since the water resources had been polluted, if they rested in a high-rise building midway, there would be no water to flush them when they pooped.

Although the other party was complaining, they also thought it was quite comical at the time. They knew that big cities were just like rural areas, and they could only rely on people with water powers to use water.

The water flowing outside has been polluted.

Only use water from your home water tank or mineral water.

If water from wells, rivers, and streams is used, zombie viruses may occur.

I wasn't going to die of thirst, so I didn't use that deadly water.

"Haha, sister, don't think too much. I won't mention other provinces, but among the survivor bases in Binghai City, our base may be the only one with this strength."

"Our base is the largest?" Zhang Xia's eyes lit up. She thought the base manager was very good and she was happy to join. But if the base is the strongest, then she will feel more secure.

"No, our base is not the largest, but it is the strongest and the most awesome base in the world. You will know later." Li Yi gave Zhang Xia a meaningful look and waited until the other party arrived at the safe base. He must take a good look at this shocked person.

Li Yi felt a little excited when he thought of that scene.

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