Seeing that these people didn't believe it, the middle-aged woman said anxiously: "If I lie, I will be struck by thunder and die. I really don't know the rest. Mr. Li, please let me go, please."

From Li Yongkang's perspective, he could naturally see that this woman was telling the truth.

He couldn't help but have a guess in his mind. Could it be that there were more than two people down there, but actually a team?

After all, before the end, people like them don't care who lives downstairs and how many people live there.

After the apocalypse, they only moved around on the upper floors of the hotel and never went down.

"When that couple gave you supplies last night, did you see how much supplies they had left?"

The middle-aged woman cried and said: "Mr. Li, I really don't know. They are very guarded and won't let me enter the house at all. What they want to give me is just a meal, which shouldn't be much. After all, such a kind-hearted person, if he eats There are a lot of them, and I will be given more, but in fact those foods are just puffed food, and there are several packets of them, but they can only fill my stomach.”

In fact, she knew that the couple must have more supplies, but she did not dare to say that she had already sorry for the couple and could not be more sorry.

"Brother Li, do they have the supplies in the hotel warehouse? We searched all over and couldn't find it. I think there is a high probability that they are in their hands."

"That's right, brothers got up very early today. Except for the second floor, this hotel has been completely destroyed. Not to mention the warehouse supplies, I didn't even see a bottle of condiments in the kitchen."

"Yes, the people on the second floor are too outrageous. They are just plucking all the hair out without leaving a single one behind."

Li Yongkang raised his hand and said: "Everyone, please be quiet."

Seeing that these people seemed more determined to cause trouble for the couple, the middle-aged woman felt anxious.

She suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "Mr. Li, I almost forgot something because I was so scared. The couple made an appointment with me last night to look for supplies in the hotel together today. I think they may not know about the supplies either. Somewhere, if they have already found the supplies in the hotel warehouse, I’m afraid they won’t take the initiative to ask me to look for them together.”

After saying this, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and watched the reactions of this group of people with bated breath.

"Is this true?" Li Yongkang's pupils shrank.

"It's absolutely true. If I lie even half a bit, I'll die." The middle-aged woman raised her hands and swore.

What she said was absolutely true. After all, the couple really asked her to look for supplies together.

Li Yongkang patted the middle-aged woman's face with his pistol and said: "Let you live for now. Just stay in the room. If there is any change, don't blame the brothers for being rude."

"If you lie, I will send your daughter to heaven myself."

After saying these words, Li Yongkang led people up to the seventh floor.

They must discuss this matter carefully.

Returning to the room on the seventh floor, Xia Bo remembered something and whispered it into Li Yongkang's ear.

Li Yongkang greeted everyone calmly.

"Everyone, sit down and take a seat. The situation on the second floor is beyond our expectations. I suggest that everyone discuss it before making a decision."

"Everyone heard what the woman said just now. Do you have any thoughts about the warehouse?"

Someone immediately affirmed: "If the woman on the fifth floor didn't lie, then she must have been deceived by the couple on the second floor. I think it was the couple on the second floor who took it. None of us have ever touched it. Who else besides them?" There can’t be anyone else in this hotel.”

"That's right, it can't be taken by zombies who only eat human flesh."

"Zombies eat human flesh. Even if these monsters are interested in supplies, they should be interested in pork and meat. In such a large hotel, in addition to meat dishes, there must be vegetables, rice, oil, etc. After all, the hotel has employees. Food and accommodation.”

"We are not hotel people here."

A group of people all looked at the gentle and carefree woman sitting next to Li Yongkang.

The woman, who was in her mid-twenties, felt nervous when facing everyone's gaze, and looked at Li Yongkang helplessly.

"Mr. Li, my work scope is within the residence area of ​​VIP customers like you. Even when I eat, I go to the hotel staff dining area. I really don't pay attention to the place where supplies are stored."

"I just took everyone to see the kitchen, and there was nothing in it. I don't know about the other warehouses at all."

The woman was a little nervous and a little scared. What she said was true. She was not a kitchen person, so how could she know where those things were stored.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, she looked at Li Yongkang and said, "By the way, Mr. Li, the people in the kitchen must know."

Xia Bo warned, "Beauty, among us survivors, have you seen the people in the kitchen?"

"Except for you staff serving upstairs, I'm afraid all those downstairs have become food for the zombies."

The young woman trembled and said, "I don't know about that one. My life is tied to you, Mr. Xia. If I knew the location of the warehouse, I would have told you already. The people on the second floor must have emptied the supplies." "

Li Yongkang had been listening to the discussion, and then suddenly said: "Aside from the second floor and us, what if there is a third party?"

As soon as this question came out, there was a sudden silence in the room.

A person on the fifth floor suddenly laughed and said: "How is this possible? Everyone knows how many zombies there are downstairs. If those people in the lobby are alive now, there is no way there will be no movement at all."

When Xu Zhiyong heard these people's words, he smiled playfully and murmured in his heart.

"Not hopelessly stupid."

Except for the rooms where living people live, he basically cleaned the entire hotel.

Xu Zhiyong knew about the strangeness in the underground parking lot as early as when it was being cleaned.

But as long as he doesn't mess with him, people with his system will naturally not have any opinions on that little material.

While the group of people on the seventh floor were discussing, Xu Zhiyong saw the couple from 203 walking out of the room and walking towards him.

Xu Zhiyong said to Guan Caiwei, who was practicing supernatural powers next to him: "There are guests coming, please open the door."

Although this man had been in the house today, Guan Caiwei didn't doubt his words at all and walked straight to the door.

Ye Qi raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but he saw the door being opened without warning.

He met the big star's face and said enthusiastically: "What a coincidence, you are also planning to go out? Should we go together?"

Guan Caiwei raised her eyes and said, "Come in, I have no plans to go out for the time being."

Ye Qi's mind was full of questions. What was he going to do if he didn't go out? It's impossible to see the couple coming to visit through the door, right?

Putting this funny thought out of his mind, Ye Qi walked into the room with his wife Wen Shanshan.

"This room is really big. It's actually a family suite. It also has a kitchen. I thought it was the same as our 203."

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