The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 131: Teaching exotic beasts

One person and one tree squatted on the ground, and Li Yi looked at the big tree distressedly.

"Do you really want me to pick up some exotic beasts and teach them to me?" The image of groups of alien beasts squatting on the ground and learning to write from him appeared in his mind. His blood pressure almost exceeded the limit, and he wailed: "This How can I talk to them in the future?"

He muttered: "These are all meat, meat. If you become my student, can I still raise a knife to slaughter them?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt sad. He didn't think it was a reward for a moment. This was obviously mental torture.

After lunch, Wei Qin and the others left with the woman who wanted to go home.

With dozens of people gone, the school was quite deserted.

In fact, for a school with hundreds of people, if there are only a few dozen people, everyone should not feel deserted.

But if these dozens of people were replaced by powerful supernatural beings...

The survivors in the small town just wanted to hold their heads and cry, they felt so insecure.

They were used to those superpowers patrolling 24 hours a day to protect the safety of the base. Now they have become some of the original superpowers in the town. They just want to carry two more knives with them.

In the past, a zombie beast broke into the base from time to time. They thought it was normal. After all, it was the end of the world.


They just want to go back to the time when the group of superpowers from Binghai City are around, and they feel full of security when they sleep at night.

"Be alert."

"Now there is no group of superpowers from Binghai City to help guard the school."

Everyone reminded each other not to forget those dangerous nights after staying in a comfortable environment for a few days.

Ordinary people are thinking about what they should do if alien plants attack.

Jiang Zhi was stopped by other ordinary people he knew in the town.

These people gathered around Jiang Zhi and asked.

"Jiang Zhi, after these Binghai City superpowers return from Murakami, are they going to return to Binghai City?"

"Are you going to follow this group of superpowers?"

Jiang Zhi: Isn’t this nonsense?

"Did they say how they would accommodate us?"

"Yes, yes, are those superpowers willing to take us away?"

"None of us have superpowers. Nowadays, these zombies and those mutant plants are becoming more and more powerful, especially in a small place like ours. We used to have a lot of dogs and cats, but now zombie cats and zombie dogs attack from time to time. If we, the superpowers in Binghai City, leave, how long can our small base last?"

"Maybe the superpowers in our town will also leave behind them, denouncing us as a burden."

Jiang Zhi became more and more excited as they talked and said quickly: "Everyone, please be patient and calm down."

"You will follow the group of superpowers in Binghai City anyway, so of course you should be calm. How can we be calm with the situation like us?"

"That's right, Jiang Zhi, there are tens of thousands of people in our town. Now they are dead and gone, and there are less than a thousand people left. Everyone can survive until now, and no one wants to die."

Jiang Zhi nodded understandingly and said, "I know too, but you don't need to panic. You see, although Brother Wang Mang and the others have temporarily left school, aren't their relatives and family members who don't have powers still in school?"

"Our base is safe for the time being. If it were not safe, Brother Wang Mang and the others wouldn't dare to do this, right?"

A group of people looked at each other.

"Speaking of which, I also saw a group of people sent back by Captain Zhang's team of superpowers that day. His parents seem to be still in our school."

"Everyone knows what is going on in our school right now. How dare they leave their loved ones here without fear of anything happening? They are too worried."

Jiang Zhi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly as a group of people began to echo the big-hearted words of the superpowers in Binghai City.

He remembered that he had this doubt at the time, and asked Brother Wang Mang tactfully.

As a result, Brother Wang Mang laughed and said: The boss can stand up to all of them, what are you afraid of?

At that time, Brother Wang Mang's face was full of confidence in the big boss.

Jiang Zhi knew who the Big Boss was. Big Boss was Brother Wang Mang’s private honorific for their base commander.

Seeing the group of people in front of him getting louder and louder, Jiang Zhi retracted his thoughts and stretched out his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Listen to me, not all the superpowers in Binghai City have left. Aren't there still two of them here?"

"Don't worry, they are very strong, don't worry."

A group of people stayed where they were, and they naturally knew the two people who stayed in the school.

It seems that one of them is the base commander of the base where this group of superpowers is located.

There is another person who often follows the base commander. The group of young people also call this person the base commander's leg pendant. They like to follow them wherever they go.

"They are all base directors, or base directors from a big place like Binghai City. They should be very powerful, right?"

"I heard that group of superpowers talking about it, saying that their base commander is the strongest."

"You can't fight dozens of people by yourself, right? One person's power is limited after all."

"It's the end of the world, and there are zombies. It's better not to speculate on these superpowers based on pre-apocalyptic thinking, just in case those high-level superpowers are that awesome."

"Okay, everyone, please feel at ease for now. If you really want to follow them to Binghai City, or follow them and take the road to the county seat, we will wait until these superpowers come back." Jiang Zhi comforted everyone and turned to leave. I was still muttering in my heart just how powerful this base commander was.

But he didn't tell this group of people that the leg pendant next to the base commander was said to be an ordinary person.

If I really tell everyone about this, they will feel even more uneasy.

After Jiang Zhi left, the remaining people discussed for a long time and felt that Jiang Zhi was right. It was really dangerous, and the group of superpowers in Binghai City would not let their relatives stay here.

The group of people then dispersed and went about their own business.

They usually leave campus in groups.

Whether it's collecting supplies or besieging zombies.

Some people are worried about their family members and plan to stay at school today to check on the situation.

Old Man Wang is one such person. He is already in his forties. Because he looks older and has the surname Wang, he used to be called Old Man Wang.

He remembered that the base director and the others were out of reach, but the young man named Li Yi next to the base director could still go find him and inquire about the situation.

He mentioned this idea to other classmates who planned to stay in school to see the situation, and everyone agreed.

As a result, Old Man Wang and the others walked around the entire campus three or four times, and also visited the dormitory twice, but they never found the young man named Li Yi.

"It's strange. I never heard that Li Yi couldn't find anyone when he left school."

"Yes, we have searched for it several times."

A group of people gathered together, puzzled.

They also went to the door to ask the people on duty, but they all said they had not seen this person go out.

"We just came over from the playground, what do you think we saw?" Two ordinary people ran to everyone panting.

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