The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 150: Beat the loneliness

Is this the point?

He's so crooked that he has no friends, what a weird thing to focus on.

Facing Xu Zhiyong's disgusted eyes, Li Yi pointed at his opponent aggrievedly.

Compared to the former, of course his boss was sitting in the car with him, so why did he know about this?

As for Li Zhao, do these strangers have any conscience? He's not interested!

If you have a conscience, you won't let him eat two more pieces of braised pork.

"Superficial." Xu Zhiyong clicked his tongue, feeling that this young man Li Yi was hopeless.

While rushing on the road, Li Yi went to the truck compartment behind to feed the exotic animals. He wondered if Li Yi had seen too much of the white meat on the pigs in the car, and the greedy expression appeared on his face.

Li Yi's face turned into a tiger: "I am loyal to my heart!"

Xu Zhiyong: I believed your lies!

The tiger jumped up and slapped a group of Wei and Qin people with its huge palms.

Its pupils showed human disdain, looking at the group of humans in front of it like humans looking at fleas.

"Good boy, this tiger looks so smart!"

"Hurry up and hide away. I'll slap you on the ground and you won't be able to buckle it out. You'll know it's not as smart as it looks."

"Everyone, please pay attention!" Li Zhao's eyes twitched as he thought about the tiger's ice power.

Sure enough, as the tiger's big palm swept over, the ice power instantly spread towards them along the tiger's palm.

If a group of people hadn't moved quickly, the solid layer of ice covering the ground would have sealed them away.

This made everyone even more defensive.

However, the people on Xu Zhiyong's side were determined not to admit defeat, and no matter how timid they were, they couldn't show it.

Even if you have to show it, it’s not cowardly, just be cautious!

"Everyone, please spread out and don't get together as targets!" Zhang Jianye reminded in a loud voice.

"If you're not fast enough, just stay away and use your gun!" Wei Qin glanced at the people on his side.

There are a few power-type users whose speed is not fast enough in front of the third-level alien beasts, and they could barely escape just now.

If this third-level tiger were to directly attack these power-type users, I'm afraid these people would be injured.

This thought just flashed through Wei Qin's mind.

He saw the giant tiger's body leaping into the air and suddenly turning sharply, and then shot back.

Directly launch the main attack at the slower power-type users.

Wei Qin:! !


He yelled!

However, it was too late. There was already a huge gap in strength between the second level and the third level.

What's more, people with the same level of abilities are basically no match for the alien beasts.

Especially this ferocious beast seems to be the darling of the doomsday.

Both strength and speed are greatly improved, evolving into a strange beast.

Some even awakened a special ability.

Compared with humans, only those who have awakened superpowers are superpowers. Although the physical indexes in various aspects have improved, except for the aspects affected by superpowers, other indicators are only better than ordinary people.

This is simply incomparable to alien beasts.

A group of superpowers watched helplessly as several sharp icicles penetrated several power superpowers.

They had no doubt that if they blinked they would see the corpses of their companions scurrying above.

However, they had no time to react.

At this moment, everyone had a clearer understanding of the third-level beasts that had awakened their powers.

This sky seems to be frozen!


Like the faint sound of wood burning silently in a fire.

It's like thunder striking everyone's ears.

When they came to their senses, they saw the extremely sharp ice shattering into ice shards as fine as sand and falling on the asphalt surface of the highway.

The next second, it turned into water under the hot temperature and dried in the sun.

Everyone: "!!"

They felt relieved.

The people on Xu Zhiyong's side realized what was going on in an instant, and their faces were all beaming with joy, and their morale was greatly boosted!

Wei Qin hurriedly spoke out: "The speed power users work together to contain the tiger. The power power users are waiting for the opportunity. The other power users will attack from a distance. Don't get so close. First, lure the tiger away from the highway. Come, and then the earth-type superpowers will try to trap this big guy with superpowers. No one is repairing the roads now, so please take it easy and don't damage it."

Under the obstruction of Wei Qin, a group of people quickly divided labor and cooperated.

Li Zhao and the others were dumbfounded.

Except for staying vigilant to prevent being attacked by strange beasts, all the thoughts are used to doubt life.

"So, what just happened?" Team B of Li Zhao's team murmured in a low voice.

"Good guy, the ice crumbled into pieces for no apparent reason. If the sound of it falling to the ground hadn't brought us back to our senses, I wouldn't have reacted at all."

"It seems like who is different?"

"Are these stupid people..." Team Member A forced the word "force" back from his mouth and said with an idea: "There is a master hidden among the big guys?"

"How long has it been since the end of the world? Can you still be more ferocious than this tiger?"

A group of people were chattering, watching Wei Qin and Zhang Jianye cooperate with each other to suppress the third-order alien beasts. Li Zhao suddenly found that he had no use here.

He felt that he had just taken care of himself before, but look at these weird superpowers who still have guns in their hands.

Using guns with superpowers can also save superpowers and leave you with some ability to face surprises.

Li Zhao was secretly worried that Wei Qin and others had weapons.

Wei Qin and others discovered something even more shocking.

Wang Mang stared at the tiger in front of him in stunned silence.

Good guy, he shot it out and made him feel lonely?

What's going on? There are no traces left on this tiger.

When Li Yi saw this scene from the driver's seat, he was like an audience immersed in the movie, wanting to beat up this group of guys who looked suspicious of life during the fight.

What is the concept of level three tiger?

The boss said that the body of a third-level alien beast is equivalent to an ordinary copper wall.

It's normal for bullets to hit but not penetrate. Why do you have doubts about life if you have nothing to do?

How can we live normally in the last days?

"Look at these clumsy people, I can't wait to awaken their powers in me, and then help them fight now!"

Li Yi looked at the battlefield in front of him and said with indignation.

Xu Zhiyong glanced at the guy in the driver's seat without saying anything. He always felt that this guy looked like the keyboard warrior who could be seen everywhere on the Internet before the end of the world.

Xu Zhiyong was right. This is what Li Yi thinks now. He feels that shouting twice does not require him to go to the battlefield.

"Since the gun is useless, everyone put it away and quickly lead the tiger out of the highway and use superpowers to kill the tiger." Wei Qin took a deep look at the domineering tiger.

It was also the first time for him to face the pressure of a third-level alien beast, which he had never encountered before.

If it weren't for the fact that the base commander was in charge, his first reaction would have been to stop the men from escaping as quickly as Li Zhao did.

If you run too slowly, you will become a snack for this tiger.

This tiger was not there when they came, but it was already blocking their way on their way back.

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