The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 161: Will not restrict behavior

Guan Caiwei covered her lips and chuckled: "You are the boss, I will do whatever you want."

When Xu Zhiyong heard the word 'big brother', he half-smiled and said, "Imitate them in teasing me?"

Guan Caiwei quickly raised her hands in a gesture of surrender: "No way, no way, I don't dare, I don't dare."

Two days later, the construction of the base's first line of defense was completed.

There are two doors at the front and rear. The front door is used by base members to enter and exit on weekdays. The back door is not open on weekdays and is reserved for special occasions.

In order to prevent zombies from crossing the fence from other high-rise buildings, many buildings near the base were directly pushed flat.

To this end, Zhang Jianye and Wei Qin also organized manpower to clean up the surrounding area.

Early on the morning of the fourth day, all base residents who had been notified gathered on the street outside the mission hall.

With the wall in place and the surrounding high-rise buildings being pushed flat, everyone dared to come out and walk around as they pleased while staying at the base.

A dedicated security team patrols the perimeter of the wall at all times to ensure everyone's safety.

Therefore, everyone now feels very safe walking on the streets in the base.

"Why did the base commander call us together?"

"I don't know. Didn't Captain Wei Qin and Captain Zhang Jianye finish recruiting members of the security team a few days ago? Is it possible that the base will be forming others?"

"We go to the mission hall to buy and sell things in our base, so there shouldn't be anything needed to build, right?"

"We'll find out later when the base grows."

"Hey, people like us who came to the base later have never seen the base commander. It's just a good time to take a look today. I heard that the base commander is the strongest in the base. Do you know what level he has reached now?"

"I don't know, who knows."

"I think the strongest person in our base should be Sister Guan. Sister Guan is a fourth-level superpower."

"Sister Guan helps purify the water and the soil used for planting. She uses a lot of superpowers, which naturally leads to faster upgrades. Didn't you see that because of Sister Guan's incident, everyone is now practicing superpowers regularly at the base?"

The sounds of various discussions entered Xu Zhiyong's ears, and he took Guan Caiwei out of the hotel door.

Everyone fell silent instantly when they saw Xu Zhiyong and Guan Caiwei, the two people with the most power in the base.

Xu Zhiyong looked at the dense crowd of people on the street. He used his powers to make the sound spread wider and said loudly: "We are summoned today for the sake of the base."

"Our base has always not restricted everyone's behavior. As long as they don't commit crimes or commit crimes, the base will not take care of them."

"But as the number of people in the base continues to increase, there are also many complicated things."

"So I am gathering everyone together to announce that the recruitment of administrative personnel is about to begin. Anyone who has previous management experience can sign up at Wen Shanshan's office, and Caiwei will conduct the interview at that time."

"This group of recruiters is mainly responsible for handling various administrative affairs of the base to facilitate better management of the base."

"In terms of treatment, it is naturally the same as that of members of the base security team. Points will be distributed to your wristbands every month."

After Xu Zhiyong finished speaking, someone raised their hands.

He looked at the young man who raised his hand, nodded and said, "You can ask if you have any questions."

The young man who raised his hand mustered up the courage to ask: "Chief of the base, you also know that only formal residents of the base have this special bracelet. We temporary residents do not have this kind of bracelet. We temporary residents usually go to the base to buy and sell things." Residents exchange.”

"In the last days, you can provide everyone with a safe base. Even if buying and selling things is not as convenient as formal residents, everyone is quite satisfied. But now, we temporary residents don't want to miss this recruitment event. In terms of management ability, although I personally don't That’s fine, but many of our temporary residents have good management skills.”

"Since the base director announced such a big event today, and we temporary residents are also present, I would like to ask, can we temporary residents participate in this recruitment event? We also want to become civil servants in the apocalypse."

Everyone looked at the young man who spoke.

Especially the more than a thousand temporary residents.

What they are paying attention to is not the recruitment activities, but Xu Zhiyong just said that the base will issue points to the staff as wages, which means that in order to receive wages, they must have bracelets. Having a bracelet means that they are an official resident of the base.

If any temporary resident is selected, he will not only become a civil servant in the apocalypse, but also become an official resident of the base.

This is simply a step to the top.

After seeing the magic of this base, everyone never thought of leaving.

Perhaps civil servants have limited appeal in the pre-apocalyptic period.

But now as a civil servant at this base, this is simply a life-saving talisman.

Especially for ordinary people who have not awakened their powers, it is a life-saving talisman.

Not only is it a life-saving talisman, it can also generate income for the family, allowing the family to survive in the last days.

For a moment, the temporary residents who thought about these things became excited.

Even if it was just their own self-cultivation, some people raised their hands and asked: "Basic Director, if temporary residents can do it, can we temporary residents without special powers also be able to respond?"

Xu Zhiyong smiled lightly and took a deep look at everyone.

Then in the expectant eyes of everyone, he smiled loudly and said firmly: "Yes, why not?"

"We have dedicated members of the security team responsible for our security. To handle administrative matters, it doesn't matter if you have special abilities or not? The important thing is that you have experience in this field. Talents have a place even in the end of the world."

"Civil officers have administrative staff, and military officers have security team members. Only when we have a clear division of labor can we build the base better. Of course, because of the advent of the apocalypse, everyone's force value has generally increased. In order to make the administrative staff's law enforcement process smoother, the base has also decided to recruit a team of Hundreds of law enforcement members. The security team maintains the security of the entire base, and the law enforcement team maintains daily security within the base."

"Those who are interested in the law enforcement team can contact Ye Qi to sign up, but this is only for those with special abilities."

"Chief of the base, there are also people with supernatural powers among our temporary residents. Can we also participate?"

"As long as your character and strength are up to par, of course you can!"

Xu Zhiyong's words made everyone below couldn't help but cheer.

Especially the temporary residents cheered louder.

Even if it’s not yourself, it might be someone close to you.

Guan Caiwei couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Seeing that since arriving at the base, the numbness on these people's faces has gradually disappeared, and they have hope for the future.

She felt that the man beside her was not only powerful, but also a light in this apocalyptic world.

It was he who gave everyone hope to live.

It was also him who gave ordinary people more opportunities to become superpowers.

She believed that under his leadership, the base would grow bigger and bigger, becoming the largest base in Binghai City and even the entire country of China, and eventually become the most powerful refuge for mankind.

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