The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 19: If you have any questions, go to Baidu

Li Yi was surprised and said: "Why does it depend on looks? Even if I'm not good-looking, the kids behind me are pretty good-looking, right?"

Xu Zhiyong was too lazy to continue explaining. He glanced at the group of people lazily and said, "If you have any questions about Baidu, don't ask me."

He passed through the crowd and walked out of the hotel.

When Xu Zhiyong left, a group of people were left deep in thought.

"Oh." Li Yi suddenly realized, remembering the novels he had read before the end of the world, and taught Guan Caiwei and others about the things in them.

"So what you're saying is that all mutant creatures will have that crystal nucleus in their brains in the future? Even zombies are no exception?"

Li Yi nodded and said, "Yes, that's what the book says."

Xintong and Guan Caiwei subconsciously touched the back of their heads.

Guan Caiwei calmed down and found the bug in Li Yi's concept.

"But Ye Qi and Wen Shanshan don't have super powers. Just now Xu Zhiyong said that only you and the little carrots behind you don't have super powers."

Li Yi: "."

He felt like an arrow had been shot in his chest.

"Yes, none of us have." Ye Qi and his wife nodded.

"It's better to wait until the boss comes back, and the goddess will find out." Li Yi smiled and greeted Xintong.

"Let's move the things up quickly. There are still some things that haven't been moved over there. If zombies from other places wander here, we won't be able to move the supplies over there."

"Then let's move quickly!"

Xintong was responsible for the survival of thirteen children alone. She didn't have so much time to think so much. After hearing Li Yi's words, she quickly took a group of children to the second floor to find a room to live in.

As a result, when the two went up, they found that only 204 and 205 were uninhabited in the protective shield.

So Li Yi took several little boys to live in one room, and Xintong took several little girls to live in one room.

Before entering the room, he glanced at the hotel corridor and suddenly said something.

"Fortunately, we were lucky enough to get two rooms, otherwise we would end up crowding the corridor with other people. It would be terrible."

Others who happened to hear this said: "."

The end is coming, another one has gone crazy.

The end came and chaos began on the fifth day.

A group of students hiding in school are going through a difficult time.

"What should I do? Those zombies seem to be crazy. They didn't respond as long as they didn't make a sound before. Why are they knocking on our door now?"

"I can't stand it, let's fight those monsters."

Accompanied by several curses in a male voice, there were also thin and muffled screams.

The scream seemed to be strangled in the throat and cut off by life.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria became extremely depressing.

"No, I can't stand it. How long are we going to hide here? If we get out early, we might still be alive. If we continue like this, we will go crazy even if we don't die!"

One of the teenagers stood up, pushed away the crowd, and planned to walk towards the window.

There was broken glass all over the floor, and countless zombies reached in from the outside to grab something.

Bruised arms give me goosebumps.

There were old people, middle-aged people, boys and girls in the crowd all looking at the boy.

"Fight out! There is no water in this cafeteria anyway. Three of us have already contracted the virus from drinking the tap water. If we stay here, we will die. If we fight out, we still have a chance to survive."

Another boy of seventeen or eighteen years old could not stand the oppression of waiting to die here and stood up.

Before the remaining people could hesitate, suddenly the door on one side of the cafeteria became shaky, and there seemed to be a zombie with huge strength on the other side using brute force to remove the door.

A group of people looked at the door nervously, and they were the first to flee towards the door in the opposite direction. Then everyone seemed to have a chain reaction.


A loud bang sounded behind the crowd, and everyone ran frantically towards the door in the other direction.


A scream came from behind. Someone looked back and saw an older teacher being torn to pieces by a zombie who burst in through the door.

This scene made everyone who looked back tremble in their hearts and run forward harder and harder.

"Don't look, run away!" One of the teachers noticed that a student heard the noise and looked back, and yelled in a hoarse voice to stop the other student's movement.

If you don't look at this situation, you may still have the strength to run, but if you look at it, you will be frightened and dominated by the fear in your heart, and you will not be able to run fast.

The remaining people didn't even dare to look. Their hearts beat rapidly. They subconsciously didn't want to think too much and ran wildly outside following the crowd.

That school bus parked at their school may be their only way to survive now.

Two of the girls, about eighteen years old, ran very hard, but their movements were restricted by the crowd.

There were about a hundred people in their group, and they all ran to the door at the same time. The crowd was so crowded that many people couldn't move.

However, in life and death situations, no one dares to feel sympathy, and no man will show mercy to her.

In the face of life, no one wants to compromise for the other.

"Ayi, here we come, the zombies are here..." One of the girls couldn't help but turn around, feeling horrified in her heart and the corners of her lips turned white. Her heart began to beat uncontrollably.

"Don't be afraid!" The girl named Ayi who was supporting her beside her said in a deep voice. Her calm voice concealed fear and she tried to stay calm.

Ayi tightened the scarf around her head and held the dagger under her sleeve firmly.

"Don't be afraid!"

She spoke again, not knowing whether to give courage to the other person or to herself.

Ayi licked her dry lips to force herself to calm down, and she continued to squeeze outside with her best friend.

" me..."


Behind the two of them, another person fell into the hands of the zombies. He only had time to cry out for help before he was torn apart.

The smell of death in the rear was depressing, and the crowd became increasingly restless.

Ayi looked at the door in front of her that seemed particularly narrow at this moment. The crazy running crowd had blocked the place. Everyone just wanted to run out, but the way out was even more congested.

But at this time, no one will think carefully about how to become orderly, and everyone will rush to escape.

Such thoughts flashed through Ayi's mind, and she became calmer under the extreme danger.

"Let's go through that window instead of the front door."

Ayi decisively gave up and got out from here. According to the current speed, they stayed back, and it was very likely that they would fall into the hands of the zombies before they could get out.

The desire to survive made Ayi's brain run wildly, and she dragged her best friend to the side with all her strength.

"Ayi, Ayi, what are you doing? No, no, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of Ayi!"

The other girl looked at her friend in panic, with only despair at the end of her slightly upturned eyes.

She thought that Ayi might have given up, but she didn't want to die yet, she was still very young.

Ayi didn't have time to explain, so she ran to the closed window on the side, took a deep breath, let go of her good friend's hand, picked up the stool on the side and smashed it against the glass.

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