The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 191: Internal Secrets

"Rent it out? Earn living expenses?" Wang Qing had a question mark on his forehead.

Li Yi smiled awkwardly and said: "You will know later. These are internal secrets. I can't tell you now."

What the hell can he say is because those little aliens are too young and not very strong, but they were accidentally discovered to be good at raising children. So now families with children in the base, in order to liberate the labor force, will use the little aliens. Did Zhizhu go over to help look after the children?

Think about it, when he put down his rhetoric, he was shattered by reality within a few days.

The transplant team became the toddler team.

It's simply terrible.

If there hadn't been a special place in the base to watch over children, the supply of his little alien plant would still exceed the demand, and the market would be even hotter.

"Okay." Wang Qing saw that Li Yi really didn't want to say anything, and had no intention of forcing him.

"Okay, what are you two mumbling about? Come over quickly and let's discuss the matter." Xintong said loudly.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qing joined the superpower team as an official teammate for the first time, and he was very grateful.

He still doesn't know anything about the superpowers in the base, but he only feels that his life is finally in his own hands, and he no longer has no hope like ordinary people.

Although his ability is still very weak now, there is hope that it will continue to grow.

Ordinary people can only be ordinary people throughout their lives. Whether inside or outside the base, their lives will be in danger at any time.

It's just that it's safer inside the base than outside.

"We are discussing how to recruit teammates and strengthen our team." Xintong said vigorously, as if he was going to do something big, "We want to develop our team into the most powerful team in the base."

Xu Zhiyong downstairs shook his head when he heard these heroic words. He was really young. Not like him.

Xu Zhiyong looked at the bright sun above his head, feeling somewhat inexplicable worries in his heart.

"Hey, it's so hot today. Brother, hurry up and use your power to make ice."

"Go away, I sell ice for a lot of money now, no."

"Damn it, we're still not brothers."

"It's so obvious, can't you see it?"

Xu Zhiyong walked around the base and saw people coming and going, many of whom were discussing the increasingly hot weather.

"When will it be cool today? It's so hot in late autumn. Will it still be so hot in winter?"

"While there aren't many people grabbing quilts now, I think it's better to sort out some quilts. I feel that when the weather gets colder, it will get even colder. After all, it's so hot even when it's hot."

"We'll wait until the weather cools down. If I touch the quilt now, I might as well die from reality. It's too hot."

"Forget it, let's go back and rest first, then go out at night."

"Mao Yao, if you don't do it now, hurry up and earn some points, awaken two more powers, how will you live in the future? I suspect the weather is getting more and more extreme. You see, when it's hot, there are more people with ice powers, so it's not as difficult as us. Endure it. When the weather gets colder in the future, those with fire powers will also feel more comfortable. So the weather is unbearable now, but in the daytime under the sun, there are fewer zombies, making it easier to fight."

"That makes sense. I'm hot right now, but I don't want to be so cold when the time comes. I just want to walk around and earn points by hitting crystal cores."

"It's a pity that we don't have fire powers, otherwise we would have to burn those zombies to ashes to prevent them from wandering around again after a while."

"Don't be so angry. Just think of it as a renewable resource. Their little heads are an environment suitable for the growth of crystal nuclei."

Listening to these fragmentary remarks, Xu Zhiyong came to Guan Caiwei.

With a serious and delicate face, she purified the soil.

Seeing Xu Zhiyong coming over, Guan Caiwei curled her lips and said, "When the base awakens another batch of purification abilities, I will be liberated."

The power user who was waiting for the soil to be purified grinned and said: "Sister Guan, don't think about it. There are so many superpowers in the base, and I haven't seen anyone else who has awakened the purification function besides you. Ability."

The man touched his nose and said with a smile: "It's not as easy to find a bunch of purifiers in real life as in the game."

Guan Caiwei pursed her lips unhappily and said angrily: "Shut your crow mouth. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

The man's face froze with laughter, he scratched his hair in embarrassment, and muttered: Hey, the boss lady of our base was angry again.

Xu Zhiyong didn't say a word, but just stretched out his hand to help Guan Caiwei purify the soil that was moved by the power users.

A group of people waiting around for the soil to be purified saw this scene and felt the smell of the soil being purified. They couldn't help but take a breath.

Damn it!

How awesome is their base manager?

This idea flashed across everyone's heads like crazy.

After Xu Zhiyong finished purifying the soil by eliminating the fools from the Second Gang base, he took Guan Caiwei and left.

The remaining group of people moved their soil and left, spreading the news throughout the base.

Although it was a bit messy at the entrance of the mission hall, many vendors were whispering to each other.

"Did you hear that?"

When the person who is not waiting to listen speaks, the person who speaks continues?

"It turns out that in our base, in addition to Sister Guan who can purify supernatural powers, the base manager can also purify supernatural powers."

Everyone who heard this gossip looked in the direction of the mission hall in shock.

Everyone in the base basically knows that in addition to the mission hall, their base commander and many key members of the base also live in that building.

This news made everyone excited.

"So we can still think about awakening the purification power?"

"I used to wonder if only women could awaken the power of purification. Now I see that the base commander also has it, and I am instantly relieved."

"This is equivalent to being a wet nurse in the army. If you are accidentally scratched by a zombie, you can save your life by using the purification power. It saves the cost of a bottle of antidote. You don't have to be so careless during the fight."

"Yes, it's very troublesome. There really is a purifier in the team. It is estimated that the antidote is only used for relatively deep wounds that are not strong enough to prevent infection. Thinking about it this way, not only do you have less worries when fighting zombies , which increases our chances of winning and also allows us to save a lot of points.”

"I hope my second power will awaken and purify it."

"Nima, your first one is the attack type, and your second one definitely wants to be the healing type."

On the way back, Guan Caiwei was still sighing at the straightforwardness of the people at the base, and she didn't even know to keep her voice down when she spoke in private.

Then he lamented that the recent weather has made it impossible for ordinary people to do anything outside. It is too hot.

She tilted her head to Xu Zhiyong and said, "I'm afraid some small bases won't be able to survive the winter. This isn't the end of the world. If you have any difficulties, you can just go to your superiors to solve them."

"Calling them together to make arrangements, let everyone prepare quickly while no one is rushing to grab winter supplies. It will be cold by then, and even if the electricity is turned on, it may not be able to use it. It is best to prepare some firewood, suitable for placing in a large fire pit The burning kind."

Xu Zhiyong knows better than others the fact that this hot day will get hotter and winter will get colder.

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