"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster in front."

Wang Da saw someone chatting in the middle and forgot to move forward, so he urged.

It took more than half an hour for a group of people to arrive.

Li Yi sat on the table, looked at the people in front of him, took out a stack of forms and handed them to them.

"Write down what you were good at before the end of the world, and also register your abilities and abilities levels. Then tomorrow we will notify those who are hired by us on the bulletin board here."

"Thank you, thank you." A teammate of Wang Da took the form and distributed it to everyone in turn.

A group of people gathered around looking at each other's forms.

"Hey, what were you good at before the end of the world? I didn't expect to fill in the list of what you were good at before the end of the world. So does it count if I'm good at playing games?"

"I am also good at watching TV. I can watch it for eighteen hours out of the twenty-four hours a day. Do you think I can write about it?"

Wang Da listened to the discussion of his teammates, raised his head and glanced at them, his eyes were like looking at a group of pollution sources.

He turned his head, looked at Poisonous Scorpion who was thinking deeply, and said, "Brother, what do you want to fill in for this specialty? How do I feel that joining a large-scale group mission at the base is no different from participating in job fairs before."

Wang Da began to bite his pen in frustration.

I feel like this is the end of the world, yet I still have to write.

Sure enough, nothing can stop the continuation of human civilization.

As long as there is one person alive on earth, this person will continue to write.

Don't you see that Robinson has arrived on a desert island, still counting the days as a human being.

Hey, Wang Da looked at the form with a headache and sighed.

"I don't know." Venomous Scorpion actually already has an idea in mind. He just heard those people say that the manpower was gathered to clean up the power station. Now that the power station has been cleaned up, the base's current method of using generators to generate electricity can no longer meet everyone's needs.

Thinking that the base wants to occupy a small power station and then electrify it, in addition to the need to consider using force to clean up the power station and protect the power station.

I'm afraid we just need staff who are good at this.

It is impossible to occupy the power station and the electricity will be automatically turned on?

In fact, these Wang Da and others have also thought about it, but they always hope to recruit talents in other fields. After all, their team does not have talents who know electricians.

"I wonder if being able to develop old photos is considered a specialty?" Wang Da thought for a while and couldn't think of anything he was good at, so he just picked up a pen and wrote it down.

Although his skills are average and he only learned a little bit when he was a child, compared to his teammates who are good at playing games and watching TV, it can be regarded as a relatively serious specialty.

Life is not easy, Wang Da sighed again.

After a group of people handed the form to Li Yi, they turned around and started discussing.

"Is there any hope? There are so many people queuing up, and I see there are quite a lot of people with super powers. Hey, I have never been so nervous during the college entrance examination."

"Is it better to study? Or is it better to earn points and buy awakening liquid to upgrade your abilities now?"

"People must be educated, but, haha, it's great to be able to ride a horse and have strength. I still prefer this thing to studying."

"I would rather study, at least there is no threat to my life."

"Peace has its own value, and the current period of chaos has the same meaning as the period of chaos. Maybe this is a great movement to optimize human beings."

Wang Da shook his head, wiped his sweat and said: "You still have the strength to beep, hurry up and cool down the whole block of ice."

One of Wang Da's teammates immediately hugged his fingers and said: "No, I was just going to run to set up a stall. Every piece of ice condensed is just a waste of points. How can it be wasted like this?"

"..." Wang Da glanced at his teammates speechlessly and said, "You might as well just take advantage of the money and forget it."

"Can you blame me?" the latter said confidently: "It's not because there are only so many superpowers in the body, and it takes a long time to recover after using them up. I sell out one wave every day, recover for a period of time, and continue to sell one wave the next day. What is this? ? This is a way to make money, captain. No one will pay attention to me in winter. This is an opportunity for our ice powers to make a fortune."

A group of people left noisily. Li Yi worked overtime to select the people, and then went to the bulletin board with Wang Qing early in the morning to post the selected names.

In order to avoid someone's name being repeated, they also carefully noted the ability after the name.

Xu Zhiyong watched Li Yi and the others making this matter lively and did not interfere.

Li Yi can do whatever he wants. He will only give out a total number of points, and Li Yi will distribute them themselves.

Just when Xu Zhiyong felt that everything was on the right track and the base would become more and more perfect, the master chef of the base canteen came to the door.

Guan Caiwei invited the master to sit on the sofa, and then said, "Did something happen in the canteen?"

Xu Zhiyong sat aside and said nothing. Guan Caiwei was usually responsible for managing these chores at the base. It was best for him to listen in at this time.

The master felt the coolness in the room, and his irritable mood instantly calmed down a lot.

"It's like this. When the base was first established, we raided a shopping mall. There was a lot of salt in the shopping mall and supermarket, which was enough for us. Now more and more people are eating in the canteen, and the salt is consumed faster. .”

The master paused and said, "Salt is no better than green plants. Without it, those with superpowers can still use their superpowers to spawn them."

Guan Caiwei and Xu Zhiyong looked at each other.

The two of them really didn't pay attention to the salt matter.

It’s the little things that are easily overlooked in life.

"People cannot lack salt, especially when the weather is hot." Xu Zhiyong said thoughtfully.

Guan Caiwei thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid the other residents don't have much salt in their hands. They just collect enough for themselves."

"How long can the salt in the cafeteria last?" Xu Zhiyong looked at the master chef.

The master made an estimate and said: "About more than a month, and this is when the population of the base stops growing."

Guan Caiwei nodded and said: "Master, please go back and do your work first. We will find a way to solve this matter."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the cafeteria first."

After the master left, only Xu Zhiyong and Guan Caiwei were left.

Xu Zhiyong thought for a while and said: "This matter is a bit difficult to handle. According to the distance before the end of the world, we are not far from the sea. But according to the current distance, we are not close to the sea."

He thought about the situation in the sea. "The most important thing is whether the purified sea salt can still be used? According to the current situation in the outside world, both soil and water contain sources of pollution. If people consume it excessively, they will turn into zombies. It can be seen that the situation in the sea may not be optimistic."

"In this case, the matter will be difficult." Guan Caiwei frowned and said, "Is there no other way?"

"It seems that we need a group of purifiers," Xu Zhiyong looked at Guan Caiwei and said, "If you use the purification power to purify the sea water first, and then extract the sea salt, I'm afraid it can still be used."

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