The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 21: Make enough food and clothing by yourself


What kind of safe base is this?

Ayi thought the man who suddenly appeared was joking, even though the man casually mentioned the name of a hotel she had seen before.

As for the security base, there may be one, but the end of the world is only a few days away. Even if it is capable of establishing a security base, it should be national power.

The government has always been serious, and a name like this is a farce.

What's more, the government will establish a security base in a hotel?

It's a national joke.

Ayi didn't take these words to heart.

She drank the potion and chased after her best friend.

Suddenly, Ayi felt a heat all over her body, and the next second her heart moved, and a trickle as thick as a line flowed out from her index finger.

water! !

Ayi's hands shook, her whole body staggered, and she almost fell to the ground.

It's him!

It's definitely that potion!

Ayi stopped abruptly and turned to look at where the man was standing just now.

There was no one there.

Not even a man's back could be seen.

"Ayi, Ayi... follow up quickly, hurry up..."

The voice of my best friend’s thin call kept coming from the front.

She could only put away her complicated feelings, hide her pistol, and chase outside.

The pistol on her body may be a weapon for her to save her life, but she cannot let anyone know about it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Xu Zhiyong continued to run towards the research center in Binghai City.

He should rescue some talents in this area and do something small for the future development of his security base.

For example, a dark base always needs light.

There are many lighting things in the system, but none of them are as convenient as having electricity.

But when he arrived at the nearest research institute, it was already empty, leaving some swaying zombies behind.

"Tsk, this is not good news."

Xu Zhiyong raised his eyebrows, violently destroyed some security doors, and then put all the instruments inside into the system space.

Since there is no one here, he has to take away these equally valuable precision instruments.

Xu Zhiyong robbed the research center, took out a map of Binghai City and looked at it for a few times, then turned around and ran towards the relatively nearby Agricultural and Sideline Products Seed Center.

There are various seeds there, and he can collect those seeds. There are few people and it is okay to rely on system rewards.

Once there are more people, he will be overwhelmed just by relying on the food rewarded by the system to sustain everyone in the base.

"I can make enough food and clothing by myself. It's not because I'm lazy, I'm just unswervingly implementing the beautiful virtues left by my ancestors."

Xu Zhiyong almost cried because he still retained such beautiful thoughts.

"Hoo ho ho"

Ayi moved her steps with difficulty. She didn't expect that she was about to catch up with the car. Those people were so frightened by the zombies chasing behind them that they drove away in the car.

She couldn't help but smile bitterly, but she didn't expect that her best friend, the friend she had protected with all her heart after the apocalypse, kept screaming.

"Drive, drive quickly."

Apart from the expression of fear and wanting to run away madly, that familiar face looked at her and the abandoned person behind her without any worry or unbearability.

If it weren't for that mysterious man who awakened her superpower and her body was much stronger than before, she might have been devoured by a zombie by now.

"Ayi...huhu...I can't hold on any longer...huhu...just go away and don't worry about us."

" too...Ayi...just run away."

There were dozens of people, but now only five or six people escaped.

They were all five or six people in good physical condition.

Ayi was breathing heavily, her eyes full of confusion.

To be honest, she could hardly hold on anymore.

However, she still encouraged everyone, saying words that she didn't know were true or false. She didn't even dare to mention the name of the base at such a desperate time, so she could only speak vaguely.

"Don't give up, everyone. Huh, huh... there is a safe base ahead. As long as we reach the safe base, we will be saved."

She now desperately hoped that the man was not joking casually.

It was just the joke-like name that made Ayi feel cold.

The few people who escaped after Ayi had wry smiles on their faces and ran mechanically with their legs.

If this continues, they will fall into the mouths of zombies sooner or later.

It's not like they didn't try to hide in a certain house along the way.

However, in a populous city like Binghai City, no matter which community you enter, you have to pass through the zombies wandering inside first.

Just think about how many people will live in a community and what proportion will become zombies. Stepping into a community now is like entering a coffin early.

As for the glass windows of those stores on the street that looked like they would be smashed by zombies, there was no way they could provide them with a refuge.

Zombies will never get tired, but human physical strength will continue to decline. Even if most zombies cannot run as fast as humans, fatigue will still make humans losers.

The world is so big that there is no place where they can hide.

The bustling city that was once proud of has become a paradise for zombies when the apocalypse comes.

Suddenly, several people looked shocked and uncertain. They didn't dare to stop, but they were hesitant in their hearts.

"What, what's going on?"

"Why does the front become empty?"

Yes, empty and clean.

Just because there are no green and purple zombies at first glance.

"What exactly is going on."

Someone is uneasy.

Someone was surprised.

Ayi didn't know why there were so few zombies after running here.

She gritted her teeth, braced herself and reminded: "It's nearby. The safe base I mentioned is nearby. It should be here soon."

If the address the man left was correct, it should be here.

"what is that!"

Someone said in shock.

Ayi and others looked at their companions.

A light blue screen enveloped the first and second floors of the hotel.

A row of dazzling red letters hangs above the hotel.

"What a safe base."

Someone made a noise.

They ran to the blue protective shield almost mechanically.

Almost at the same time, an electronic sound reached everyone's ears.

"Welcome to what's the safe base? Have you chosen to become an official resident of the base?"

Ayi and others had different expressions, and they were surprised that this mechanical voice could pronounce their names accurately.

One of them opened his mouth in confusion: "Since when did our country have such high technology behind the back of the people?"

Yes, they subconsciously regard the things in front of them as high technology.

Whether it's electronic sound or this mysterious blue barrier.

"How do you choose this thing? It doesn't even have a keyboard, and zombies are chasing it."

Just when Ayi and the others were worried, a warning voice came from the second floor.

"Just recite it silently in your heart!"

A few people didn't have time to say thank you, so they hurriedly said yes silently, and then quickly stepped into the hotel lobby.

When they were about to run upstairs, they looked back and saw that the zombies seemed to be dizzy when they ran in front of the blue screen, staggering and scattering in other directions.

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