The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 222: This guy is interesting

"Why do we have to eat in public?" Brother Li asked in his soul, feeling puzzled in every possible way.

"This is a secret!" Li Yi chuckled, blinked, and said, "You will understand it tonight."

In fact, Li Yi just said it casually, and he guessed that the boss must have his own intentions for doing this.

Brother Li didn't understand, but when he heard what Li Yi said, he thought about it.

Otherwise, who would have nothing to do?

Xu Zhiyong picked up a piece of fat beef with chopsticks and ate it with relish.

Hot pot is indeed the most romantic encounter in human destiny.


A series of swallowing sounds rang out in the spicy-scented air.

Xu Zhiyong's expression remained unchanged as he continued to cook the meat with his hands.


Gulu gulu!

More and more saliva came out.

Then someone gradually approached where Xu Zhiyong and the others were sitting.

The steps are slow, but moving forward in a real way.

Brother Li: "!!"

All his random thoughts disappeared one after another, and his overwhelming feeling was no match for the allure of hot pot.

Brother Li no longer cared whether the atmosphere was weird or not. The others didn't look at him, so he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat the beef.

Compared with Brother Li's thoughts, Li Yi is relatively calm.

How could a person who followed a big boss never see a big scene?

What’s the point of eating hot pot in front of a bunch of hungry ordinary people?

He can also eat it in front of a group of zombies.

Anyway, the big boss is here, so Li Yi just needs to follow suit.

What are you thinking about when the boss is here? Is it delicious to have hairy tripe in your mouth?

When these people walked ten meters away from Xu Zhiyong's table, they felt a resistance coming from under their feet.

The next second, a wall of ice rose from the ground.

The superpowers at the east base of the city saw this scene and did not stop them.

After all, they can endure it better than ordinary people.

Although he is greedy, his stomach is usually full.

After all, the end of the world is less than half a year away, and it’s not yet time to run out of ammunition and food.

Therefore, even if a person with superpowers is in a bit of embarrassment, they can still ensure that they have food every day.

So all the ordinary people looked at the people on the other side of the wall eating hot pot through a transparent ice wall.

The aroma of hot pot spreads along the air above the wall.

Xiangde's entire base was suffering.

The commander of the Chengdong base stood at the door, looking at the movement on Xu Zhiyong's side, speechless for a long time.

Even though he had seen countless things in his life, he was left speechless by what Xu Zhiyong did.

"Basic Commander, do you want to stop it?" One of the superpowers following the base commander at the Chengdong Base asked.

"No need!" The commander of the Chengdong base shook his head.

The mental superpower at the Chengdong base chuckled lightly, pointed at Xu Zhiyong and said: "This kid is interesting. You want to say that he committed a crime in the base. How can he be guilty of eating a hot pot meal? You want to say that he did not commit a crime. , for him to do this in front of a group of hungry ordinary people is simply unconscionable."

The superpowers next to the commander of the base in the east of the city wildly agreed in their hearts.

Although this mental superpower in the base relies on the fact that he is the only mental type, he is rude in his words and actions, and can beat people to death.

But now that they heard him say that to Xu Zhiyong and the others, a group of people realized that the insulting words sounded so sweet when they were not blamed on them.

"This Captain Li really enjoyed the hot pot. If I had known I would have tried it too." Someone said, looking at Captain Li enviously.

The commander of the Chengdong Base turned around and returned to the house.

Others followed suit and left.

After the hot pot meal, the aroma of the hot pot in the basement still lingers.

A group of ordinary people returned to their original positions, holding their hungry stomachs and forcing themselves to sleep.

They can't compete with the superpowers, and they can't grab it even if they want to.

In your dream, you might even dream about the feast you had before the end of the world.

After Brother Li finished the sumptuous meal, he and Xu Zhiyong separated.

He had to rush home to discuss it with his old mother.

Let the old mother go quietly first when the time comes.

As for things, now everything can be given up except food and water.

Brother Li quietly told his mother what had happened.

"Here, stay well and leave as soon as you say it."

Mother Li was full of panic about this apocalypse, but she loved her son and knew that if it weren't for her being alive, her son would not cherish life and would have gone out looking for his wife and daughter.

If it were before the end of the world and his wife and daughter were missing, Mother Li would be the first to support her without her son having to say anything.

If she didn't find her son, how could she deny such a cruel son?

But the problem is that this is the end of the world. What is the difference between going out to find people in this world and seeking death?

Only if her old bones are still alive and her children are concerned about her old skin, will they be more cautious.

"I have inquired about the base in the city center. The living atmosphere there is more friendly to ordinary people."

Brother Li didn't say that if the superpowers sent to the beach to investigate the situation couldn't find food, most ordinary people in the base would starve to death.

There will definitely be turmoil in the Chengdong base by then.

"Mom, think about it, how many fresh ingredients did the third-level ice superpower bring out? And look at how well they have grown in the last days, you know that their base must not be short of supplies."

Yes, that hot pot meal was what made Brother Li completely determined to leave.

Especially the way the two of them were used to it showed that their daily diet was not much different.

"Here, mom doesn't understand this like you do. If you make up your mind, mom will just leave with you."

Mother Li has always been a decisive person. The meaning of her existence is to accompany her son. Since his son wants to leave, she will follow him.

When she encounters zombies, the worst she can do is block them with her body, trying to buy time for her son.

"Mom, please be quiet and load up the food and water supplies at home first. It's almost my turn to be on duty at the base gate. I'll go check it out first and then come back."

"Go, go, don't worry about Mom." Mother Li waved her hand and waited for her son to leave before sitting on the tent floor.

"Hey! What a shame."

Mother Li sighed heavily.

I don’t know if I can reach the base in the city center alive this time.

I don’t even know if that base is really more friendly to ordinary people as my son said.

"Look, this is probably not what we were worried about."

On the playground, a group of ordinary people gathered together to chat.

It's just that the content of their chat was very obscure, leaving the other monks confused and confused.

"I also think the variety of dishes is really rich."

"It's a pity that I can't eat it. I don't know if I will have this opportunity before I die."

"Then since we don't have to worry about them, we can go there safely at night."

"...Go, what are you thinking? Those two people don't seem to be doing that. Hey, no matter what you say. I just want to have a good meal before I die. If I don't have hot pot, barbecue will do."

“The unscrupulous hotpot.”

These people were obviously discussing whether Xu Zhiyong and Li Yi deceived people into using them as food reserves, and whether the base behind them was eating human flesh.

However, seeing the rich hot pot today, they felt that they could eat hot pot, so why not reserve food?

I haven’t seen so many dishes, how can I have it if I don’t have the ability?

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