The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 225: See the difference

Li Yi disagreed quite a bit: "Brother Li, you can't say that. Look at those first-level zombies and second-level zombies. They are not reckless. Their attack methods are not all straight-line injuries. They can also turn a little bit. Although The strategy is still low and of little use, but it does not prevent us from imagining that the higher their level, the more they know how to attack humans advantageously."

Ordinary people present rarely saw first- and second-level zombies, but members of the base's superpower team saw them more often.

Many times when people see mutated zombies, their first reaction is to run.

Among the people who came over from the Chengdong Base, Brother Li is a superpower.

As the captain of the security team at the gate of the base, there are very few zombies that can break through to the gate of the base. Brother Li also lacks experience in dealing with second-level zombies.

He has encountered first-order zombies many times, and he has also surrounded and exterminated first-order zombies with his teammates.

Even if there is not much difference between first-level zombies and zero-level zombies, you can still see the difference.

A zero-level zombie doesn't know how to dodge, while a first-level zombie will subconsciously turn its head when faced with a survivor attacking its head.

This kind of avoidance behavior appears in first-level zombies but not in zero-level zombies. What does it mean?

Brother Li became more and more frightened as he thought about it.

He subconsciously expressed his thoughts at the time, "This may be because the zombies have stronger reflexes after evolving."

Halfway through saying this, Brother Li was overthrown by himself.

To put it this way, doesn't it prove that the zombies knew how to hide when they were at level 0, but their reactions and movements were too slow and they didn't have time.

Xu Zhiyong glanced at the two of them lightly, stood up and said.

"Now that you've had enough rest, let's continue on our way."

Resting after walking for more than an hour is basically due to the fact that ordinary people in these bases in the east of the city are hungry and unwell for a long time.

It's also because there are some older people in the team.

Compared with those who are young and strong, older people have obviously lower physical strength.

In the end of the world, low physical strength means weak competitiveness and a disadvantage in grabbing supplies.

"We're ready to go at any time."

A group of people suddenly stood up.

This person just filled each of their kettles with water and distributed salt, although he did not give them food.

But this attitude of not caring about water and salt also gives them great hope.

Xu Zhiyong led the group of people out of the mall, and his spiritual power once again enveloped everyone.

Li Yi crossed his chest with his hands, his posture relaxed and freehand.

He clearly knows how powerful the boss is, and he has never been intimidated when walking next to him.

This is in sharp contrast to these people at the Chengdong Base.

Although the people at Chengdong Base also knew that Xu Zhiyong was very powerful, they did not have a clear understanding or specific feelings.

They are habitually cautious.

A group of people followed Xu Zhiyong, remaining silent and gentle.

Just as a group of people were passing by a street, there was talk in a tourist house on the roadside.

"Brother, come and take a look. There are so many ordinary people here. They are so brave. They dare to wander around at night!"

A female voice as sweet as a spiritual magpie called her brother.

A young man with a sturdy back came to the window, squinted at the outside, and chuckled, "These people are lucky, and they also know that we have just burned a batch of zombies nearby."

"But brother, don't you wonder why there are hundreds of ordinary people suddenly in this city? What is their destination? Brother, you have to see clearly, this is the direction to the city center. Are these people crazy? I don't know, the closer they get, the more they get closer. There are more zombies in the city center. Do you want to see what a mountain of corpses is before you die?"

The conversation in this hotel clearly appeared in Xu Zhiyong's ears. Not only that, he could also 'see' the posture of the two brothers and sisters standing.

"Brother, why don't we give it a try? I always feel that something is wrong with these people. There are no signs of fighting on their bodies, they just look dirty. What do you mean by these people? I don't believe that ordinary people dare to wander around at night. .”

It’s not like you’re full after eating.

The apocalypse has been here for so long, and the survivors have long developed some fixed habits.

When ordinary people go out, they usually hang out with people with super powers.

Problems that are easy to solve for superpowers are fatal dangers for ordinary people.

Therefore, many ordinary people stay as bait for zombies even if they know that they may be the ones with superpowers who are in danger. He will still choose to team up with people with super powers.

They team up with superpowers, who will only abandon them when they encounter themselves and need to escape.

If you don't team up with people with special abilities, there will be dangers everywhere.

The fatality rate is higher.

"There are so many ordinary people, and there are only two superpowers. It's not right." The young man looked at it for a while and concluded, "It's a weird combination."

"Really? Brother, let's follow up and have a look?"

The girl looked out the window and was eager to try. In the darkness, her eyes emitted a dark light, revealing a bit of fun.

"Be safe, just in case something big happens. There's something wrong with this group of people." The young man was more cautious and did not take the risk to follow because of his curiosity. "The end of the world is not like before, and it is not a place where we can do whatever we want. .”

The girl stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are always like this, before the end of the world, and you will be like this after the end of the world."

The young man frowned, "If you just make people worry less, I won't have such a headache."

The girl pursed her lips and raised a bright smile, "But brother, you are my only relative and the only person I trust in this world. I just like to see you worrying about me but being helpless."

This is the only warmth I have left in this world.

After the girl finished speaking, she jumped easily and jumped out of the window.

The whole figure is like a cat, walking leisurely in the dark night.

Xu Zhiyong, who was walking in front of the crowd, glanced at the direction where the girl jumped.

Ignoring the other party, he continued to lead the crowd, planning the safest route based on what he saw with his mental strength, and headed towards the city center.

"Hey!" The young man sighed, stretched out his hand to support the window frame, and swooped down like an eagle to catch up with the girl.

The girl smiled proudly, "I knew you would come."

"Brother, look at how stupid these people are, haha. That person is holding his stomach, he must be suffering from hunger. What do you think is the point of living for such a waste?"

This time, the girl did not lower her voice deliberately and paced slowly behind the crowd again.

Therefore, when her voice sounded, the people in the east base of the city were startled.

"When did this girl appear?"

"She looks unfamiliar. With her red lips and white teeth, she is definitely not someone from our team."

It goes without saying, but looking at the appearance, everyone knew that they were not people on the verge of starvation.

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