"Anyone who violates the laws of the base will be expelled from the base!"

"Anyone who violates the laws of the base will be expelled from the base!"

"Anyone who violates the laws of the base will be expelled from the base!"

Guan Caiwei's words fell behind, and the official residents of the base began to shout in unison.

The people who started shouting were scattered, but after a few times, everyone's voices became louder and uniform.

The newly arrived base in the east of the city was stunned.

Until Guan Caiwei left, the first reaction of everyone who came to the Chengdong Base, regardless of their personality, was to go to the temporary management center that Guan Caiwei just mentioned to see what the laws of the base were.

In the past, when arriving in a new place, everyone's first reaction would definitely be to think of ways to get food.

This was the first time they had moved to a new base, and their attention was divided between things like base laws.

"Okay, everyone has heard what Sister Guan just said. Sister Guan is equivalent to the manager in our base. She has the final say on all matters in the base. So you should tighten your clothes tighter. I believe If I am expelled from the base, it will be the stupidest thing you have ever done in the last days."

"People value self-rescue. If you really do something that violates the laws of the base, you are destroying yourself. That's all. Our base has free food for the first three days, so we are taking advantage of the pressure of survival when it is not the most urgent need. It’s better to study the laws of our base carefully.”

These words were what the residents of the base warned the first batch of people who came to the base.

As a result, as more and more people come to the base, it has now become a cliché used by base residents to warn newcomers.

Therefore, Li Yi also followed the example of the old residents he saw admonishing the newcomers on weekdays to explain the situation of the base to the hundreds of ordinary people who came to the east base of the city.

After listening to Li Yi's words, a group of people at the Chengdong base looked at each other and started discussing in private.

"Why do I sound a little frightened?"

"Don't talk about you, I am the same. It seems that the laws in this base are very strict."

"Is this law only strict for ordinary people, or is it also strict for people with super powers?"

As soon as the last question came out, everyone looked at the person who asked the question.

Yes, this is what everyone is most concerned about.

There can be laws, but for people who grew up in peacetime, what they need is laws that treat everyone equally.

It is not a law used to eat people like in the old society.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and someone among the crowd raised his voice.

"In addition to restricting us ordinary people, will this law also restrict people with supernatural powers?"

This ordinary person in Chengdong Base felt safe when he was talking among the crowd. He thought Li Yi couldn't see who was speaking.

Who knows that for people with special abilities, after their hearing is sharp, they can accurately determine the location of the person speaking.

Therefore, Li Yi saw the half-grown boy at a glance.

He chuckled and said, "What are you afraid of, kid? There are no laws regarding discrimination in our base. Everyone needs to abide by it."

"This is a law not only to protect you and the weak, but also to protect the overall harmony and stability of the base."

"In Sister Guan's words, our base must become the most orderly and lawful base after the end of the world, giving everyone a sense of security. The base is not only a refuge, but also the home of us humans."

"I believe that in the future, you, like everyone else living here, will want to work hard to maintain the peace and stability of our base, and maintain the oasis that appears like a miracle in this chaotic end of the world."

A group of people were in awe after hearing this. Even if they thought what Li Yi said was impossible, they still had a little hope.

"Okay, I've made it clear to you what needs to be said. If you have any questions, please contact the management of this ice house."

The manager is the old man who used to be in the centralized dormitory.

The old man heard Li Yi's words and waved his hand, "Yes, if you have any questions, you can come to me. In addition, you need to make a simple registration with me, and then go to the temporary registration office to supplement your information."

"According to the usual practice, you should register your information at the Temporary Resident Management Office and then be assigned to me. Since the temperature has been too high recently, the weather is hot, so you should make a simple registration with me first, and then be assigned to me by the Temporary Resident Management Office. The registration staff will come over to verify one by one and complete the personal information.”

The old man had to shout these words from time to time. From stumbling at the beginning to now being smooth and smooth, it was just a matter of shouting two more times.

Once you become proficient, it becomes natural and smooth.

A group of ordinary people at the Chengdong base looked at Li Yi blankly and then at the old man.

Finally, under the greeting of the old man, one by one began to line up to register personal information.

Fortunately, they had now entered the ice hall, which was cooler, so when they were asked to line up, no one objected.

The main thing is that everyone is thinking about what is the so-called law?

They are all a group of ordinary people who have no way out. In order to survive, they come out to gamble.

When they came to some kind of safe base, not only could they drink water at any time when they were thirsty, but they could also eat well.

Even though they still don't know why they are being treated so favorably, they feel a little panic about the unknown.

But that doesn't mean they don't want to stay here.

At least what the people at this base said was free food and accommodation for the first three days, which was a perfect attraction for them to pay attention to.

Everyone wants to survive the first three days and live well for three days, so that even if they die later, they can still be a well-fed ghost.

Instead of starving to death, dying of thirst, or dying of sun exposure.

When Li Yi returned to the dormitory, he was blocked by Xintong and others.

"Didn't you go out with the base commander? Why did you come back in such a short time?"

When he saw Xintong, the smile on Li Yi's face died before he could spread it.

Wen Shanshan almost laughed when she saw this scene.

Fortunately, he was concerned about the young man Li Yi's face and held back.

"I don't know what the boss is doing. It looks like he is trying to collect people."

Li Yi thought of Xu Zhiyong's series of operations and said hesitantly: "The boss seems to want a population, but these few hundred ordinary people, in order to bring people to the base, specially changed the itinerary and personally sent these people back. "

"Who are the men and women following the boss?"

Ye Qi thought curiously as he thought of the man and woman who were arranged by the boss to live in an empty room above the mission hall.

"Well, it's a long story. They were actually placed on the same floor by the boss. It seems that he planned to keep them close to him for easy control. Anyway, you don't need to be too friendly to this man and woman."

Li Yi touched his chin, "How is the power station going?"

"Things at the power station are probably going to have to be stopped first. Given the temperature, I'm afraid I won't be able to use the power even if it's possible."

Wen Shanshan sighed: "Not to mention that this temperature can cause problems with wires. These wires are the ordinary wires we have been using before the end of the world."

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