The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 255: Divine Wind Superpower

The fire dragon rushed towards the waves of sand. The creatures under the sand seemed to feel the threat of death and turned over the sand to reveal their original forms.

Each fist-sized creature looks like a red ant, densely packed with bright red.

The light reflected by these creatures in the sun instantly stung Li Yi's eyes.

"Turn around!"

Xu Zhiyong shouted coldly, and Li Yi quickly turned around, facing away from the dense red ants.

That hard and blood-red shell always gives people a sense of weirdness and fear.



An ear-piercing sound sounded.

Xu Zhiyong squinted at the fist-sized insect that died under the red dragon, and a burning smell came out.

This smell seemed to stimulate other red hard-shelled bugs, and all the bugs rushed towards Xu Zhiyong.

These fist-sized bugs have eyes the size of rice grains on their heads.

The dark eyes stared at Xu Zhiyong, without a trace of emotion, only the smell of bloodlust.

Even Xu Zhiyong also suffered from trypophobia.

He no longer hesitated, no matter what this thing was, a hurricane whirled past.

The battle was like a tornado.

The densely packed insects were crushed by the hurricane, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of bright red blood with a little bit of flesh dripped on Li Yi's cheek.

He reached out and touched it, looked down, and almost screamed when he saw the bloody flesh on his fingers.

Li Yi glanced out of the corner of his eye and almost committed suicide by committing seppuku.

"Boss, don't we still have many civilized ways to kill insects?" Why are we so frantic? Li Yi was crying in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything.

What if he accuses the boss and the boss dislikes his bad tone, and then someone is in a bad mood and lets him have the ability to do it on his own, what can he do? Can you stand in front of these bugs and squawk?

Or should we reason with these swarming insects?

Xu Zhiyong glanced at him lightly, then jumped into the car.

"Drive around the beach and check the situation."

"No problem, boss." Li Yi was still unambiguous when he was doing business. He stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and quickly left this nightmare place.

"I don't know if these things are very lethal, but they are disgusting." Li Yi has never driven so fast before, and this is the first time he has driven so fast.

One is that the beach is empty and you are not afraid of encountering anything.

Second, there were those densely packed red ants that were as big as a fist behind him. He only needed to take a closer look, and his hands and feet would have their own ideas.

“The beach looks so peaceful!”

Li Yi drove for a while and after leaving the place where he was, he found that other places were very quiet.

"I'm afraid not." Xu Zhiyong discovered that the dangerous things on the beach were underneath.

I don’t know what kind of creatures they are, but these creatures are all active under the sand.

In another direction not far from the seaside, two cars drove wildly.

"Damn! Why are these zombie animals chasing us like crazy in every direction we drive!"

"This direction is to the seaside, don't drive this way, change direction quickly!"

The people in the two cars argued endlessly and used their guns to shoot the zombie animals following them.

"Hurry up and change directions. You are seeking death. Don't take everyone with you. None of those people who went to the beach will come back alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the superpowers in both cars seemed to have pressed the pause button.

"Did you hear anything just now? Is it my imagination?" One of them had some doubts about life, but when he said this, he still aimed his gun at the zombie animals behind him.

They have persisted for a day and a night, and even the bodies of superpowers cannot withstand it.

At first, they dared to use their superpowers to attack the zombie animals following them. When the superpowers were consumed a lot and the zombie animals got rid of one group and encountered another group, they realized something was wrong.

The entire team no longer dares to use abilities at will. This may be their trump card to buy themselves time to survive.

A group of people began to take out guns and knives prepared in the car.

Even bullets can be used sparingly.

The people who were originally in the same team, after so many months in the apocalypse, have long had a relatively harmonious relationship with each other.

They even abandoned their pre-apocalyptic name and named the team Kamikaze Squad, ranking them according to age.

However, after a day and night of desperate escape, no one could talk to each other properly anymore, and communication at their fingertips was all about yelling.

"It sounds like a car horn." Another person said hesitantly, not sure if his guess was correct.

"It sounded like a whistle to me. It seems that everyone just heard it."

A group of people looked solemn, and even the two team members responsible for driving looked cautious.

"Why are there whistles on this beach!" The leader of the Kamikaze team, who had never spoken, murmured, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Yes." The third child nodded, "Our eight pairs of eyes can see clearly. Some of the supernatural beings who used to live on the edge of the coast were walking on the beach, and they disappeared, and then there was only one person left. A pile of bones.”

Everyone shuddered. In the early days of the apocalypse, they were worried that things on land would mutate, and the creatures in the sea would also mutate.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, a group of people moved their camp point further inland.

We didn't leave the seaside directly because supplies in big cities would run out sooner or later.

On the contrary, the products in the sea, even if no one works on them, will still continue to flow.

Running towards the future and constantly eating, the eight of them did not return directly to the inland city.

It was also because the place they chose to camp was a factory building. The factory building was very solid, surrounded by open space and few people, which meant there were few zombies.

Unfortunately, there is no vegetation, so there is no need to worry about foreign vegetation hurting people.

They repaired and strengthened the factory building, and even set up telescopes to make it easier to observe surrounding safety issues at any time.

Unexpectedly, with the telescope, they could see the team of superpowers turning into bones while walking on the beach.

The densely packed red bugs emerged from the ground with a roar, covering people instantly.

When these red bugs retreated underground again, only a pile of fragmented bones remained on the ground.

This scene remains unforgettable to this day and is the main reason why they avoid the seaside.

"Maybe the car left at the beach was rattled by something." Lao Wu casually told Lao Seven and Lao Ba, "You two should be careful when driving, don't be surrounded by these zombie animals."

"Also, stay away from the direction of our factory. There are so many survivors taking refuge there. If these zombie animals are brought there, no one will survive."

As soon as Lao Wu said these words, the people in the two cars fell silent.

Originally, they were the only people in the factory, but something happened at sea behind them, and everyone moved back. As expected, many people moved into their factory.

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