"We just know that when we knew them, they came out from under the sand." The Kamikaze boss pointed to the front, "You see, from there, the sand transformed into normal land. We call it the safety line. You know. why?"

Li Yi: "??"

Xu Zhiyong had no expression, and just looked at the captain of the kamikaze power user group, their boss, quietly.

"Because for some unknown reason, those devil red ants are only active under the sand and will never appear under the soil."

"Absolutely?" After hearing this, Xu Zhiyong smiled, looked at the members of the Kamikaze Superpower team and said: "The reason why you can cause these zombie animals to go crazy is because a potion was poured on your car. If it goes well, , it’s this potion that attracts these zombie animals.”


All eight people were stunned. They must have doubted whether there was something in the car.

"There are also potions that can attract zombie animals." Li Yi clicked his tongue and directly said what the members of the Kamikaze Superpowers were thinking.

"As far as I know, there is a plant that has mutated and can emit a smell that attracts zombie animals of a lower level than itself. In other words, this is the way this mutant plant has evolved to hunt."

Xu Zhiyong knew this because he had seen it on his way back to Binghai City from the county town below, where he stretched his mental strength.

He saw countless alien plants along the way. After many alien plants evolved, they needed energy to continue upgrading, and various ways of hunting were derived.

The methods of attracting food evolved by carnivorous alien plants include living creatures and zombies.

A few vegetarian-type alien plants also have ways to attract zombies or zombie animals. They are only interested in the crystal nuclei in the heads of these zombie creatures, unlike carnivorous-type alien plants that are also interested in the bodies of living creatures.

After listening to Xu Zhiyong's explanation, the eight people's faces turned pale.

"There are actually such alien plants." They don't deal with alien plants much. Living by the sea, they deal more with things crawling out of the sea and zombies.

"As long as there are survivors in this world, the zombies will be killed one day, unless the zombies are born with wisdom and take over the world. Otherwise, alien plants and beasts will still be the biggest hidden danger in the human world."

The Kamikaze boss murmured to himself: "After all, if one zombie is burned to death, there will be one less one. Irregular plants and alien plants will continue to be born."

"Doesn't that mean that the world may one day have zombies disappear and become a world where humans, alien plants, and alien beasts coexist?" Li Yi scratched the back of his head, "If you say this, why do I feel that the end of the world doesn't look like the end of the world?" , but it is a way for Blue Star to evolve us humans."

"Those who survived this disaster and lived to the end, no matter what, let alone those with superpowers, even ordinary people have absolutely outstanding physical fitness. In the words of the pre-apocalypse, there is no weakling who can survive to the end. Most of the last ones are humans who have awakened their powers, and the offspring they will give birth to will only be stronger."

"This is a dead end!" Li Yi shook his hands and felt that his sudden idea seemed quite like that.

"Wait here!" Xu Zhiyong's eyes narrowed, he said this to Li Yi, and the figure disappeared in front of everyone.

This is just an illusion caused by Xu Zhiyong's too fast speed to others.

A few people took a closer look and found Xu Zhiyong dozens of meters away from them.

"Hiss, he walked so far in the blink of an eye. If I hadn't looked around, I would have thought he just disappeared. This is really amazing."

"What should we do? Do you still want this car?"

Listening to the discussion among the brothers in the team, the Kamikaze boss made a decision, "Let's leave this matter as it is. The seventh and eighth brothers are safer during the day. You can quickly drive these two cars farther away and throw them away."

"Hurry up. I don't know when those smelling zombies will appear nearby. The big boss is not around right now."

When the Kamikaze boss said this, he glanced in Li Yi's direction.

As soon as Xu Zhiyong left, Li Yi immediately got in the car and looked paralyzed.

Sweat was pouring from his face. If someone didn't know better, they would have thought that this man was hopeless and not far from death.

"It's too hot!" Feeling the eyes of the group of people next to him, Li Yi yelled lazily while lying in his position.

He followed the boss and rarely had a hot moment, and suddenly felt it. Li Yi just wanted to go back to the base ice hall to eat ice.

"These are all human sufferings." Li Yi felt like a fish stranded on the shore.

Although he is a superpower, his superpower is not of the combat type. In such a hot day, he can only rely on the physical fitness of the superpower to resist.

"The old Versailles." The same thought came to the minds of the eight members of the Kamikaze Team.

They looked at Li Yi with eyes filled with jealousy, envy, and hatred. It was only then that they realized that the reason for the lack of enthusiasm just now was because of the young man who left.

This young man is too awesome.

Watching Lao Qi and Lao Ba drive away the car and throw it away, some of the remaining members of the Kamikaze Superpower Team stayed in place to guard the things removed from the car, and some followed the Kamikaze boss to Li Yi's car.

Li Yi glanced at the people who came to his car window.

He frowned and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Although there was a big difference between the appearance of this conversation and the image of Erha just in front of Xu Zhiyong, Kamikaze and others also clearly felt that there had been a change.

However, the Kamikaze boss only hesitated for a second, and then asked: "Brother, I'm sorry to ask you, did you really encounter red devil ants when you went to the beach just now?"

"Those things are so densely packed and swarming, it's hard not to encounter them, right?" Li Yi, who was so hot that he almost stuck out his tongue, spoke in a more impatient tone than usual.

He thought that when the weather got hot, his temper would rise.

"Can you please tell me how you escaped from the devil's red ants?" The Kamikaze boss wanted to know how strong the young man who left was, and he froze a dozen zombie animals with a wave of his hand.

Although they felt that the power fluctuations in the young man in the car were of the first level, no one dared to be rude.

Didn’t you see that the transplant that just came out for toothpicking is of the third level?

Or is it the kind of alien plant that has achieved personal freedom, can run around, and can be big or small?

To be honest, although they are close to the sea and have less chance of encountering strange plants, they have never heard of any strange plants that can grow in size or size.

This scene really frightened the eight people in the Kamikaze Superpower Team.

When they first saw it, their eyes almost bulged out.

If they hadn't stared at the zombie animals following them in the blink of an eye as they left the young man, who didn't know whether the two were friends or foes, and who probably couldn't escape, the members of the Kamikaze team would have escaped long ago.

How could I see such a terrifying scene and still stand there stupidly.

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