The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 268: It’s impossible to make a boat out of a canoe

These people stood there and criticized Xu Zhiyong and the others one after another, with righteous expressions on their faces, as if they were exposing the sinister intentions of Xu Zhiyong and others for the survivors.

No one knew much about Xu Zhiyong and Li Yi, and some people even saw them for the first time, but the ones who spoke were survivors who had been together in the camp for a while.

So many people were a little shaken.

It was only because I trusted the members of the Kamikaze Team that I didn't regret it.

Probably because they saw that the words of people like themselves did not have the desired effect, these people who were hiding in the crowd simply walked out.

Some teams of superpowers who usually work together formed a thread as if agreed upon, and under the leadership of a middle-aged man, they stopped in front of Xu Zhiyong and others.

The speed of superpowers is faster than that of ordinary people. Even if Xu Zhiyong takes most of the people in the camp to leave first, they can't beat the overall speed of these superpowers.

Xu Zhiyong looked at the twenty or so superpowers who were standing in front of him, and then glanced at some superpowers and ordinary people standing in the camp behind him who were obviously out of sorts and couldn't figure out what was going on, and chuckled.

There was a girl in the middle-aged men's team. The girl stared at the kamikaze members with eyes full of disgust and hatred.

"You can leave if you want. If you take the food away, I'm afraid that won't work. If you leave the food, you can talk about anything."

The middle-aged man raised his voice and spoke to the superpowers in the rear who had nothing to do with him and the ordinary people who were cowering in place and did not dare to participate and who did not follow Xu Zhiyong away.

"You just let them leave like this? They took away all the rice in the granary. Is this fair to us? Do you think we will still have food after they leave?"

This statement caused a stir among those who planned to stay in the camp.

Whether they are members of superpowers who have their own supplies or ordinary people who don't have much supplies at all, no one can ignore the rice grains in the hands of the Kamikaze team members.

Today, when we are eating less food, who can get more supplies, and who will choose to give up?

Looking at the middle-aged man, there are more than twenty superpowers on the side, while the Kamikaze team, with eight people, plus some superpowers who followed, only has about a dozen people.

As for ordinary people, it can be completely ignored.

Therefore, some people with supernatural powers began to take action.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man shouted loudly: "Do you still have to hesitate? If you hesitate to make a decision, you will not be qualified to participate."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice of a superpower sounded.

"I also think you should keep the rice and food. I'm not doing it for myself. I'm doing it for so many ordinary people who stay in the camp. In this end of the world, they no longer have the ability to resist. I can't bear to eat the supplies in their hands in the future. At the end of the day, we are facing the situation of starving to death.”

"Yes, in order for these ordinary people to stay in the camp, I also think the Kamikaze team should hand over the food."

"Hand over the food!"

"Hand over the food!"

After some hesitation from the middle-aged man, seven or eight more superpowers walked out one after another.

The members of the Kamikaze team are anxious. It's not that they are afraid of fighting these people, but the boss said that the mutated creatures on the seabed are coming to the camp soon. Fighting at this time is simply wasting time.

The last thing they can't waste now is time.

Therefore, everyone looked anxious at the behavior of the middle-aged man.

He has a hot temper and even wants to use his fists without saying anything.

Just when the members of the kamikaze team were planning to ask Xu Zhiyong to help lead the people away while they stayed to confront the superpowers in the base, they heard Xu Zhiyong make a faint sound.

"Oh, taking advantage of the fire is such a nice thing to say," Xu Zhiyong curled his lips, his deep and calm eyes seemed to clearly see all the schemes of the middle-aged man and others, this look made the middle-aged man feel terrified.

The middle-aged man kept his face calm, "Stop talking nonsense, hand over the food, and I will let you leave."

"That little food?" Xu Zhiyong raised his eyebrows, "Is this worth your calculations for so long?"

"Tsk, tsk, you're a little too poor." Li Yi looked at the middle-aged man as if he were a beggar, which made the middle-aged man even more angry.

It's just that he is not an ordinary person, so he can naturally hold back this anger and does not explode at this time.

"Cut the nonsense and hand over the food, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. There are so many people waiting for food to survive. I think if you are in a hurry to leave, you will be willing to keep this food. After all, it is heavy to carry with you. This person who predicted that there will be marine life Those who attack us should also be able to predict where supplies will be."

Yes, the people in the camp regarded what Xu Zhiyong said as Xu Zhiyong's prophecy.

They initially thought that Xu Zhiyong had awakened his superpower, but when they took a look in the dark, they discovered that this man didn't even have any superpower fluctuations.

The kind-hearted fools of the Kamikaze Team are willing to be deceived by an ordinary person. They are not fools like the Kamikaze Team who can be deceived with just a few words.

"Are you in a hurry?" Xu Zhiyong sneered, "You are not overestimating your own capabilities!"

"You ride on the horse"

Halfway through the curse, everyone noticed that the middle-aged man's body was rising into the air.


Before anyone could react, he hit the ground hard.

The flying dust captivated the eyes of the onlookers, and they all rubbed their eyes vigorously.

Immediately after realizing what happened, they all looked at Xu Zhiyong in shock.

The next second, these people all retreated, and Xu Zhiyong's front turned into an open space in a few seconds. There is no one anymore.

"I thought they were all hard-boned." Xu Zhiyong shook his head. Yun Danfeng turned his head lightly and said to the people following him: "It's just a fly. Let's continue on our way."

Everyone:. .

Is this the legendary human fly that evolved from a human into a fly?

Everyone swallowed their saliva and stood in awe of Xu Zhiyong.

It's because they don't deserve it. They are blind and didn't realize that this was a big boss.

A second-level superpower can hit whenever he wants, with ease and no pressure, as if a hundred people standing in front of him are not enough for him to hit.

No one thought it was a fluke, and no one dared to question it.

When Xu Zhiyong set off again with his people, the members of the kamikaze team discovered that the team had grown.

Although ordinary people do not have awakened powers, it does not mean that they do not understand anything, have no knowledge, and do not have the ability to think independently.

On the contrary, before the end of the world, there will be no shortage of elites among these people.

There is no shortage of smart people either.

Therefore, this confrontation between camp forces that seemed like a child's play and ended in less than three minutes directly caused all the ordinary people to change their minds and follow the large army in unison.

Even the very few people who have not changed their minds have passively chosen to follow because the majority of the troops have chosen to leave.

In the end of the world, without superpowers, it is difficult to survive on one's own strength.

After all, a canoe cannot make a boat.

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