Xu Zhiyong nodded and said it was quite exaggerated. This guy looked like a pyramid schemer. Why hadn't he noticed that this guy had this ability before?

"Isn't it an exaggeration?"

The seventh child of Kamikaze Team stuttered.

Li Yi glared and denied with great force: "It's not an exaggeration! You saw with your own eyes how this takeaway appeared in my hands. These things are all true. How can other things be false?"

When everyone thought about it, it was the same thing.

Then two invisible flames popped out of his eyes, looking at Li Yi with a burning gaze.

Li Yi suddenly felt like a top star before the end of the world, and these were his little fans.

Looking at more than two thousand pairs of hot eyes, Li Yi shuddered and almost weakened his legs.

He quickly sat down, walked next to Xu Zhiyong, and said confidently: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the boss."

Xu Zhiyong: "."

His cold face instantly stopped the countless questions that were about to come out of everyone's mouth.

After the break, Xu Zhiyong took the person to the road and took out the large car contained in the space.

The convoy of more than two thousand people was so huge, it was like a long queue.

As we hurried along, the sky soon became bright.

In order to ensure that ordinary people can stick to the base.

The ice superpowers kept condensing ice cubes for these people to hold.

If this were before the end of the world, few ordinary people would be able to hold on.

However, more than half a year after the end of the world, his physical strength has long been different from the same.

Not as good as a person with super powers, but much stronger than myself before the end of the world.

Xu Zhiyong finally rushed back to the base with his convoy at noon.

The patrol team at the gate of the base was the first to discover that Xu Zhiyong was returning with someone.

A group of superpowers on duty saw the long motorcade and went early to ask someone to open the door for the base manager.

"The base commander is so kind. Every time he goes out, he does it to save people."

"Yeah, I thought I would be out for a long time this time, but I didn't expect to be back so soon."

"Looking at the convoy, there are quite a few people."

The convoy was getting closer and closer to the gate of the base, just as ordinary people were getting ready to get off the car and queue up to get in.

One side of the base gate was opened, and the entire convoy was let in without any obstruction.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and then thought about Li Yi saying that the boss was the base director, so they were not surprised.

There were still some people queuing up at the gate of the base. Seeing this scene, everyone looked envious.

They also really want to jump on the bus and sneak in without queuing.

The car was pulled directly to the ice pavilion, which is open to temporary residents.

In the two days since Xu Zhiyong was away, two more ice houses for temporary residents were completed.

Datong bunk beds, as well as bunk beds and bunk beds.

An ice house can fit many people into it.

The temporary resident management personnel immediately came to welcome these people and arranged them in, and then ordered the staff of the management office to come and register.

The entire temporary management office was extremely busy in an instant.

A group of camp survivors followed the instructions stupidly.

When they got off the car and stepped into the ice pavilion, their whole bodies came alive.

The heat that threatened to engulf them at any moment finally dissipated, and each one of them followed the instructions of the staff at the base's temporary registration office in a daze.

Xu Zhiyong's face turned cold almost as he approached the base.

He watched the survivors in the camp enter the ice hall and directly told Li Yi: "You are responsible for handling the follow-up matters."

Li Yi, who already had reception experience, nodded quickly: "Don't worry, boss, I'll take care of it."

After finishing the sentence quickly, Li Yi immediately closed his mouth.

Even though the big brother's face is just a little colder now, Li Yi feels the terrifying low pressure on the big brother's body.

"As for you." Xu Zhiyong looked at the people from the east, south, and north bases who were following him back, paused and said, "You can stroll around the base, or you can go back. Everything is based on the fact that you abide by the rules of the base."

"Don't worry, boss, we won't cause trouble."

"Yes, yes, we will be friendly to everyone in the base."

Xu Zhiyong said calmly: "Even ordinary people."

A group of superpowers were stunned for a second when they heard this, and immediately said: "Absolutely treat everyone equally and treat everyone kindly."

When Xu Zhiyong left, everyone began to murmur in their hearts.

"Boss, does this look a little strange?"

"You seem a little angry?"

“I don’t know who provoked the big boss.”


After everyone finished speaking, the image of the other party being blasted by Xu Zhiyong appeared in their minds, and they all shuddered.

Then the footsteps were surprisingly consistent, and they all followed.

"Will we be beaten into pig heads first for just watching the fun?"

"The subtext of the boss just now is that we will be fine if we don't cause trouble, and watching the fun doesn't count as causing trouble?"

When a group of superpowers heard this, they thought it made sense, so they followed him faster.

Xu Zhiyong was not unaware of the movement behind him, but he didn't even look back and walked towards the hotel step by step.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Zhiyong disappeared from the sight of Feihu and the group of superpowers.

The boss of the Kamikaze team, who was very experienced and wanted to see what was going on, said silently: "Operation is normal, boss is very fast."

A group of people looked at each other in confusion, then grabbed a person with powers passing by and asked: "Brother, which direction is the base located in?"

They were not sure whether Xu Zhiyong would go back to his home first when he returned to the base, but according to everyone's normal operation, usually in this case he would go back to his home first.

So Feihu directly asked where Xu Zhiyong lived.

"Did you see the roadside? Just follow the roadside. The hotel is located right where the boss lives."

Feihu, a group of superpowers, felt very cordial when they heard the word "big boss".

He chuckled and patted the superhuman on the shoulder, "Thanks, brother."

The proficiency in this tone made the superpower in the safe base also show a friendly smile.

So when Feihu and his group arrived near the hotel, they saw the enquirer they had met at the Kamikaze Team camp talking to Xu Zhiyong.

"Caiwei is my fiancée. If you don't quit, then there will be a duel between men. Only the victor is qualified to embrace the beauty."

Feihu and others' faces instantly showed horrific expressions.

"The marriage between you and me is only decided by the two families. I have never agreed to this matter."

Guan Caiwei gritted her teeth, looked at Xiao Xiao's eyes full of anger, and continued.

"And I made my attitude clear to you from the beginning. I even entered the entertainment industry in order to reject my family. With my behavior, I think it is enough to show my attitude. Why, are you, the Xiao family, willing to marry an actor?"

"Xiao Xiao, I thank you for still searching for me thousands of miles away in the last days, and I will repay your kindness." Even if she didn't need it, Guan Caiwei said sincerely: "But, this does not mean that I will agree to be with you. marriage."

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