The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 284: Warmth from the Cold

Xu Zhiyong stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Tom with a calm expression.

Next to the two people, residents of the base were coming and going, each carrying something in their hands.

Some people come to sell things, and some people come to buy things.

Although Yingtuan takeout is very popular among residents, Yingtuan takeout requires a handling fee.

Therefore, when most residents can get things themselves, they mention that they are operating the sales window in the mission hall to sell items.

Intelligent NPC Tom showed a polite and noble smile, "My respected employer, even if it is hundreds of degrees below zero, as long as you have enough crystal cores, Tom can keep this entire mission hall like spring all year round."

Xu Zhiyong: "."

How many hundred degrees below zero?

Why did Tom use hundreds of degrees below zero as an example?

Is this a coincidence or just a random comment?

Xu Zhiyong looked at Tom and couldn't see anything wrong in his eyes.

He smiled faintly, then turned and left.

At least Tom gave him a warning. If there were a temperature range beyond human imagination, at least the mission hall could protect the people at the base.

The three-story mission hall may not be enough.

Xu Zhiyong returned to the room on the second floor of the hotel. He did not come to the conference room until Guan Caiwei finished the meeting, leaving Zhang Jianye and Wei Qin behind.

The others discussed curiously as they walked out.

"The base commander left Captain Zhang and Captain Wei behind again. I don't know what happened."

"Probably ordering them to do something."

"Look at what Captain Wei and the others do next, and you'll know what to do."

"Will it be like an ice hall? Do you think we should follow suit this time?"

"You learned wrongly, can you afford the loss? If you have this spare time, you might as well go out and look for zombies more often."

"Now the zombies are getting farther and farther away, and there are zero-level zombies wandering near the base."

These zero-level zombies dug up crystal cores. Without fire superpowers, they couldn't cremate each other. This was why the zombies that had been dug up crystal cores slowly turned into zero-level zombies.

These zombies seem to have become vessels for cultivating crystal nuclei.

Some people with super powers ignore the hidden dangers of zombies in the future, and even deliberately leave zombie corpses after digging out the zombie crystal cores.


"The base commander."

Wei Qin and Zhang Jianye greeted each other at the same time. They shouted different names, glanced at each other, and then looked at Xu Zhiyong.

Guan Caiwei sat aside and said nothing.

Xu Zhiyong said: "Two of you, let's see who can spare the manpower to do this. The mission hall will continue to be built. If it can be built with a grassroots level, the grassroots level will be built. I want the mission hall to be able to accommodate 200,000 people."

Wei Qin and Zhang Jianye: "!!"

The two of them swallowed in fear. There were several groups, and their base only had less than 100,000 people.

Everyone who poured into the mission hall was probably crowded.

To describe it in one sentence, it can fit even if you squeeze it.

But standing close to each other is so uncomfortable.

Zhang Jianye coughed twice and said, "Boss, do you still need to continue to recruit survivors from outside?"

Of course, he would also like to ask why the mission hall, as a place for selling things, needs to accommodate so many people.

"Yes, our base has always needed survivors, whether they are ordinary people or people with special abilities." Xu Zhiyong looked at the two people, | "If the temperature exceeds the limit that our survivors can withstand, I am afraid that the only ones who can save everyone will be Mission Hall.”

“Therefore it is imperative to expand the mission hall.”

"Yes, base commander!"

Hearing the seriousness in Xu Zhiyong's tone, Zhang Jianye and Wei Qin both responded.

"Boss, leave this matter to our team. Our team is better at it, and the mission hall was built by the people under me at that time."

"I have no problem. I can assist Captain Wei. As long as Captain Wei needs it, you can use my manpower as you wish."

The two looked at each other and saw the intention to join forces in each other's eyes.

In the face of survival, everything can be compromised.

They are not a force. They always make small moves in order to expand their team and compete for points.

But he never does anything too extreme.

Therefore, when they joined forces at this time, the two of them had no grudges in their hearts.

As long as Xu Zhiyong remains the controller of this base, they can drop everything and respond to the call at any time.

The two left the conference room and walked out of the hotel.

"Looking at the reactions of the base director and Sister Guan, I'm afraid winter is coming soon." Zhang Jianye sighed: "No matter when it comes, I plan to let my family go back to the community room from the ice house at night to prepare for the winter."

"It's a good thing to be prepared in advance." Wei Qin rubbed his temples, "After all, the weather in these last days, who knows whether it will get cold overnight."

"In this case, let the people below let the news out that the weather may get cold overnight. No matter when it gets cold, it is always right to be prepared."

"Well, those space power users will probably have military coats in their own space."

"As soon as the weather gets colder, fire-based abilities become more popular."

"When are you still thinking about earning points?"

The two exchanged a few words and got busy.

So after Xiao Xiao and the other two rarely felt less hot, the residents and temporary residents of the security base became lively.

"Have you heard? The weather changes in this apocalypse are not as traceable as before. It might get cold overnight. Did you prepare any winter items when you collected supplies before?"

"I heard, I heard, the people under Team Zhang came to our ice rink to spread the news. How can this be wrong?"

"We have always been prepared. If it really gets cold overnight, I have to hurry up or go back to the community to take out winter items and prepare them in the evening."

"The brazier must also be prepared."

“It’s so hot in the summer, will it be so cold in the winter that the fire won’t even burn?”

While a group of people were discussing, they invited people from the same community to go back to their houses to prepare for the winter.

Although it was still hot and sweating profusely, everyone was discussing the cold winter.

Not only ordinary people discuss it, but also the team of superpowers.

Therefore, Xiao Xiao and others were just about to close their eyes and rest their minds when they heard a passing patrol discussing preparations for the winter, as if winter was about to arrive in the next second.

"Are these people mentally ill?"

Xiao Xiao even wondered if he had heard wrongly. He glanced at the fine sweat on the faces of his three subordinates, which once again proved that the weather was hot now.

No matter how surprised Xiao Xiao and the others were at the human brain circuitry in this base.

Everyone is still busy as they should be.

Residents who had enough points in their hands also bought some small items to keep out the cold in the mission hall just to be on the safe side.

These little points aren’t cheap, but they’ll protect you from the cold snap.

This was a superpower user who searched on the mission hall panel with the intention of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, he actually found it.

A group of people crowded in the mission hall to discuss the possible coming of this cold winter, as well as the small items that could be purchased in the mission hall to keep out the cold.

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