Everyone: "."

"Our friends?" The second child looked at the two strangers in front of him with difficulty, and the other party's ingenious self-introduction was simply impressive.

"Yes, your friend." Old Resident A chuckled, not minding the slight disgust in the other's eyes. "Thanks for selling this mutated creature directly to the mission hall. If you want to buy it out, the points price is much higher than the selling price."

"How do you want to sell it?" the second child hesitated.

"Eating the flesh of mutated creatures can enhance the physical fitness of superpowers and ordinary people. It is especially effective for ordinary people, so do you still need to worry about sales?"

"We have tens of thousands of people in our base. It may take a few years for those lonely people among ordinary people to save enough points to buy an awakening liquid. They are on their own. If they buy an awakening liquid after a few years, their qualifications will be too poor. , if one bottle is not enough, don’t you have to spend points to save the points for the second bottle of awakening liquid?”

"So, to make it easier for them, why don't we sell mutated creatures. Selling the cooked food will not only satisfy their appetite, but also enhance their physical fitness."

"But none of us have such good skills." The second brother and the others had just tasted the delicacies sold by the survivors of this base.

Good guy, I have an intuition that this flavor should appear in super high-end restaurants before the end of the world.

Instead of showing up at a roadside stall.

Even if there are people in their camp who know how to cook, they cannot reach this level.

"Don't worry, don't we have a way? It's a little higher than the price given to you by the mission hall, not much higher, but at least it's more than selling it to the mission hall."

Hearing what the old resident A said, the other two looked at each other in shock.

"How about we go to the ice house where we stay in the camp to talk in detail first? We'll treat you to grilled fish."

"Okay, okay, absolutely okay." The two nodded with smiles, and left the mission hall with the second one in the eyes of a group of extremely astonished people.

Everyone left at the sales window is crazy.

"Damn it, these two are so stubborn."

"I just got such a big piece of mutated fish meat for free, now I'm taking advantage of it."

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Are we too thin-skinned?"

The discussion behind them reached the ears of the two old residents, and their faces suddenly turned red.

However, in order to earn more points, they just put their faces in their pockets. Putting this thing on again when they get home is a day of being a human being, not a day of being a slut.

The entire base was in full swing, and even Xiao Xiao and the others in the dungeon could clearly hear the excitement.

From time to time, laughter and laughter floated over them.

Being here feels like you are not in the end of the world, but in a parallel time and space.

In the eighth month of the apocalypse, the blood moon finally changed.

After a few nights of fading blood color, more and more people are noticing the change in the color of the Blood Moon.

Most of the survivors still alive on this land are guessing what the changes in the blood moon mean.

Outside the security base, two hundred soldiers with special abilities in the central combat area looked at the direction of the stars that were glowing in the darkness.

"Sir, I'm afraid they are trapped inside."

"Our commander is a fourth-level superpower. Could it be that the one who can trap him is a fifth-level one?"

"Then do we need to rescue people?"

"No signal has been received. If there is still no distress signal tonight, we will send a team of ten people to go in and have a look."

What are the plans of the two hundred superpowers in the central combat area? The patrol team at the security base is not interested at all.

Just because one of the patrol team captains asked the baby Yi Zhi that he rented from Li Yi to explore, the Yi Zhi came back and shook the sapling.

what does that mean?

This means that this team is not only not fat, but also very thin.

The crystal core in your pocket is cleaner than the expression on your face, so what use do these people have?

"A bunch of garbage, but they don't have a crystal core. They are too poor."

"Maybe there are a few, but at least there are two hundred second-level superpowers. How can they be so poor."

A group of patrols on duty tonight were puzzled.

"You can't say that. They have killed a lot of zombies or mutated animals on their way from Kyoto, right? How could they not have any crystal nuclei?"

"You mean these crystal nuclei were handed over?"

The team leader immediately nodded to his team members and said, "You guys wait, I'll go see what's going on first, and I'll share the gains equally."

The other teams who were about to follow heard the word "deuce" and silently retracted their half-stepped foot.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you to win."

"Be sure to ask them where the crystal core is, and don't be polite."

"It's okay not to use torture. We need to think more and use our brains to find ways to torture people without hurting them."

"Okay, we remember it." The team leader led the members out of everyone's sight, and the ten people came all the way to the top of the dungeon where the four Xiao Xiaos were imprisoned.

Team leader: "Are you ready?"

The space superpower in the team said: "Well, I'm ready. I've bought everything."

Team leader: "Let's go down now!"

After saying that, he immediately jumped down and entered the dungeon, and the remaining nine people immediately followed.

Xiao Xiao and the others looked at the patrol team that came back inexplicably.

"Brother, we just went to talk to the members of the two hundred superpower team below you."

Xiao Xiao: "??"

The four of them looked at the team leader with doubtful expressions.

The squad leader stiffened. Could it be that his exaggerated performance was discovered?

However, in order to continue the drama, the team leader pretended not to notice the death stares from Xiao Xiao and others.

"Brother, I know you must be shocked now and can't figure out why your subordinates betrayed you."

The team leader clapped his hands, and the space superpower immediately came to serve as a food passer. A basin appeared in his hand, and the basin was covered with a silver lid.

"Let's see what this is." The team leader picked up the lid and smiled. The smell of grilled fish instantly hit his nostrils.

Xiao Xiao and the four of them ate dry food for two days, and it was still the kind of dry food that cut their throats.

At this time, when I saw the grilled fish in front of me, if I hadn't closed my mouth quickly, my saliva would have fallen out.

The team leader saw that the four people were focusing on the grilled fish and took the opportunity to ask.

"Is the crystal core in your body?"

Xiao Xiao: "." Everyone in this base must be crazy.

Do you think he is a beggar who has been hungry for a long time on the roadside?

Just want to extract information from a piece of grilled fish?

"Why are you asking about the crystal core?" Xiao Xiao really wanted to wonder if these people wanted to snatch the crystal core. But when he saw them dying, but did not search them at all, he felt that there must be some misunderstanding. .

"Hehe, that's it." The team leader shoveled the grilled fish in front of Xiao Xiao. "One grilled fish, two second-order crystal cores, isn't it expensive?"

The three subordinates in the central combat area swallowed tacitly and turned their attention from the grilled fish to their commander.

Xiao Xiao's mood suddenly became complicated.

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