Because Xu Zhiyong's operations on the system panel were invisible to others, Guan Caiwei didn't react when she suddenly heard the man say this.

"Open your bracelet and take a look." Xu Zhiyong reminded.

"Ah." Guan Caiwei looked down at the silver bracelet on her wrist, then clicked on the virtual screen and saw a reminder that permissions were open.

She clicked on the four words permission opening, and the virtual screen immediately jumped to the permission opening page.

Guan Caiwei read it word by word and looked happily at the man beside her.

"Can I post tasks in the task hall?" She also saw that she could set point bounties behind these tasks.

"Not only that, I set up an area in the mission hall to set up a celebrity list. The top 100 people who have received bounty points will appear on the list."

Xu Zhiyong smiled and said, "This person can be a superpower or an ordinary person."

In addition, he also set up attribute point redemption.

"But usually there are only people with super powers." Guan Caiwei sighed, "How can ordinary people complete those tasks?"

"We have tried our best to give everyone a way to change their destiny." Xu Zhiyong pointed to her bracelet, "Officially release your first mission."

So whether they were busy at the base, chatting, or going on missions outside, fighting zombies to earn crystal cores, etc., the wristbands of the official residents of the safe base vibrated silently.

There was no sound, but he could feel the bracelet vibrate a few times on his arm.

Those who were fighting planned to end the fight and see what happened.

Official residents who have free time click on their bracelets immediately.

A virtual screen that can only be seen by the owner of the bracelet appears in front of you for the first time.


"We have a large-scale mission at our base."

“Holy shit, holy shit, awsl.”

"You actually get points as rewards for participating in the mission."

After leading the large group at the seaside camp, Li Yi was resting in the room. He also felt the vibration of his bracelet, but he didn't open it immediately. He thought it was someone sending a message in the last group chat.

Unexpectedly, there were continuous sounds of howling ghosts and wolves, which seriously aroused Li Yi's curiosity.

He simply returned to normal from his limp state and clicked on the bracelet to check the situation.

"Will the bracelet settle points based on participation in tasks?"

"This is a ready-made way to earn points."

"What's going on with this celebrity list?"

Li Yi opened the door and came to Ye Qi and Wen Shanshan's house in a few seconds.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa, discussing the newly opened business in this mission hall. Several people were discussing the content of the mission released this time, which was to capture the two hundred people outside the camp.

"One head is worth 0.5 points. It's so damn convenient to be so close to the base. It's like points delivered to your door."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Wen Shanshan rolled her eyes, "Obviously there is another task with higher points. Persuading a person to join our base is only one point. It is twice as many points as catching a person's head. "

Li Yi was speechless and choked, "Sister, I heard that these outsiders are from the central combat area. Do you know where the central combat area is? It is Kyoto before the end of the world, in the middle of politics and culture. There are the most advanced talents and the most advanced people. A place with awesome armed forces and the most powerful scientific research technology. Anyway, even if a pot of flowers is dropped, it may kill an elite."

"If nothing else, the central combat area is probably the first place to return to normal. I'm talking about communications and technology."

He chuckled, "When it comes to supplies and awakening potions, we are definitely the best here."

"Ours is also the most suitable place to live. It is not only the cradle of ordinary people, but also the place where people with supernatural powers can reach the sky."

Wen Shanshan: "."

Ye Qi: ". Those who don't know better would think that you were engaged in enrollment activities before the end of the world."

While the three were arguing, a frightening cry sounded outside the hotel.

The sound was extremely loud, and it sounded like someone with a huge lung capacity.

It directly frightened Li Yi and the other two people.

"Ah... Points can be exchanged for attribute points. It's awesome."

Li Yi said in shock: "This is the end of the world, and finally a psychopath appears after so long?"

Although the sound was loud just now, because the person yelling was too high-pitched, they didn't hear clearly what was being yelled.

"Go out and see what's going on outside."

The three of them closed the door and walked out of the hotel.

Night is a carnival for many people, especially ordinary people.

As the official residents of the security base, in addition to people with super powers, there are also many ordinary people.

When Li Yi and the other three walked out, someone greeted them.

"That's Li Yiye, the base commander's favorite, our base's number one favorite. Learn from him, he's the strongest at holding thighs."

"Tell your voice lower. Li Yi is a superpower. Not only did I hear what you said, he also heard it." The companion groaned weakly.

"Who was yelling about something just now?"

Li Yi looked at the pedestrians on the street and asked aloud.

As for the two people discussing the identity of his first favorite, Li Yi smiled in his heart and let these people continue the discussion.

"It sounds like they are shouting about some attribute points. This is not the stuff among netizens. We have been disconnected from the Internet for many years. I guess I heard it wrong."

"Attribute points?"

The people who were still walking on the street seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and they all turned their heads and looked at the speaker with bright eyes.

Then everyone who owned the bracelet started tinkering.

Li Yi: "??"

He was still thinking about attribute points, and the people with bracelets around him, including Wen Shanshan and Ye Qi, were already studying the things on the bracelets.

"Oh, it's really an attribute point."

"I bought it. These attribute points are redeemed based on the points accumulated by the characters in the mission hall. There is no other channel for the time being."

"Hey, everyone, look at the small print at the end, do you see it? The introduction to attribute points is in this sentence."

"There are only extra points that you can't think of, and there are no extra points that I can't do!"

The last words sounded, and the street fell into a deathly silence.

"Which idiot wrote this commentary?" Li Yi, who was attracted and opened his bracelet to look at the attribute points, couldn't help but muttered.

"So the attribute points mean what we think?"

"Who knows? This mission is so troublesome, and you have to arrest people, or you have to convince the other party. After all, there are still two hundred second-level superpowers, let alone two hundred cabbages."

"Then I don't want to take on the mission."

"I don't want to pick it up either. Whoever wants to pick it up can pick it up. Why don't I go out and fight some zombies to earn points."

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