Xu Zhiyong raised the envelope in his hand and said, "I have received the news. Please reply to the central combat area and we accept the mission they sent."

"Oh, ah. Are we going to listen to the central combat area in the future?" Jiang Wu came back to his senses, feeling a little complicated. The idol actually made a joke to him, but he didn't understand and was still being stupid. This made him happy. The emotion that made him sad.

"We just listen to what they say we are willing to do, and we just listen to what they don't want to do." Xu Zhiyong said with a smile: "Judging from the comprehensive strength of the superpowers in the central combat area who are staying with us at this time, we know that they cannot be weak. . Sure enough, having the strength of scientific research is the cornerstone of a strong country or city."

Xu Zhiyong integrated the information he heard from the occasional discussions between Xiao Xiao and his group. It was that as soon as the end of the world arrived, the scientific research forces in the central combat area were studying zombies and later on the use of crystal nuclei.

If a person with superpowers directly uses the crystal core, he will increase his chance of being infected by the virus.

And the probability is almost 50-50.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, almost no one with superpowers would do this.

In the central combat area, these crystal nuclei can be used to make potions, which can then be used for superpower training.

This is simply equivalent to the fact that the superpower users in the safe base are all a group of ascetic monks. Every time they use up their superpowers, they slowly recover.

However, the soldiers in the central combat area can fight and take drugs to recover at the same time.

Drug addicts grow faster than ascetics.

However, the ascetic monks in his base are different from the ascetic monks in other places outside. After drinking spiritual liquid, even ordinary spiritual liquid, the potential for growth is far beyond that of ordinary superpowers.

Therefore, in the short term, Xu Zhiyong does not plan to go head-to-head with the central combat area. After all, this base still retains some large weapons.

It's just that when these weapons are used, they will kill one thousand enemies but only lose eight hundred, so they won't be used until the base's survival moment.

Xu Zhiyong can kill everyone in this base by himself.

But he is not crazy. Instead of killing, as he urgently needs to increase the number of survivors in his base, he prefers to grow stronger slowly and make those people bow down with the strong strength of the base.

Otherwise, even if he forcibly kills all the senior officials in the central combat area, the remaining personnel will be able to join what kind of base with peace of mind?

I'm afraid it will cause the harmonious atmosphere of the base to fall apart.

This is the ideal manor he built for Guan Caiwei, not a piece of dregs that was forcibly integrated.

So Xu Zhiyong chose to take the second approach.

He directly used his mental power to notify several people in charge of the base to come to the conference room for a meeting.

Even Guan Caiwei, who was doing land purification work, received a notice from Xu Zhiyong.

So several managers at the base put down what they were doing and came to the conference room.

"Base Commander!"

"Sister Guan!"

Zhang Jianye, Wei Qin, Zhang Yan, Li Yi, Ye Qi and others were already sitting in the conference room. When they saw Xu Zhiyong and Guan Caiwei walking in, they all said hello.

"Well, without further ado, everyone is busy with their work, so I will go straight to the point. Do you all know the signal base station that Xiao Xiao and his group spent a week building for us in the central combat area?"

Zhang Jianye and the others nodded quickly. Among them, Zhang Jianye could be said to be the person who knew the most. Even if others didn't know the details, they had received news about this matter.

"A telegram was sent to us from the central combat area today. You can read the contents of the telegram."

Xu Zhiyong took out the envelope handed over by Jiang Wu and placed it on the table.

Zhang Jianye took the paper out of the envelope and read it ten lines at a time. After reading it, he passed it to Wei Qin next to him.

There was not much in the telegram, and a group of people read it quickly.

"What do they mean by the central battle area? Do you really think this is before the end of the world, and they want us to bow down and obey his orders in the name of that person?"

"This is too ridiculous, who would want to do that?"

"I heard that there are three other teams with the same strength as Xiao Xiao's group who went to the Longxi area, Longbei area, and Longdong area. I think based on the strength of this team, if we switch to other bases, for example, Xiao Xiao They are coming from bases in the west and north of Binghai City. This team alone can intimidate the people in a base and make it obedient."

"So what you're saying is that our base doesn't look down on this combat capability, so that doesn't mean other bases can resist? Or even if they have the strength to narrowly win, they don't dare to resist considering that this is just an advance force?"

"In other words, this group of turtles in the central combat area really have the strength to integrate other places. At least have the ability to make the three bases in the other three places in the southeast, northwest and north obey their orders?"

"Good fellow, if we don't agree when the time comes, won't we become a thorn in the side?"

"Then the central combat area is not allowed to send a larger team to deal with the thorn head?"

Xu Zhiyong curled his fingers and tapped on the table.

The sound of "dong dong" silenced the red-faced people who were arguing.

Guan Caiwei then said: "There is no doubt that we have the strength to resist them. But please don't forget that on the first day when the base commander came back from the coastal area, he asked me to arrange manpower to pay attention to the abnormalities of the undersea creatures."

"Once the Haiyan Zone passes, the Chengdong Base will be the first line of defense, and we will be the second line of defense. Are you confident that we can resist the mutated marine creatures that come out of the deep sea?"

"You have also eaten the meat of these mutated sea creatures. The group at the coastal camp brought back a lot of them. Everyone also noticed that these sea creatures are actually mutated creatures, not zombies."

"According to the news from our observers there, after these marine creatures come ashore, some can persist for half a day before returning to the ocean, some can persist for one day, and some can persist for two days. The longer they can persist, the farther they reach the ice. The time of the sea market will be shorter."

"One of the most important news is that mutated creatures on the seabed have encountered zombies after being in Shanghai. Some marine creatures will also turn into zombies after being bitten, and will stay on land directly and will not return to the ocean."

"what does that mean?"

Guan Caiwei looked at everyone, her indifferent expression was exactly the same as Xu Zhiyong's.

Everyone was almost too embarrassed to show off. Sure enough, the boss's woman was sneaking around the boss and had the same expression as the boss.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Guan Caiwei continued.

"This means that there are no zombies on the seabed, they are all mutated creatures. The good news is that these things are edible, but the bad news is that these creatures, which are more numerous than those on land, will become zombies once they come ashore and are attacked and infected by zombies. A member of the army. We won’t be able to kill them all. Unless we can enter the deep sea and kill all the underwater creatures, it is possible to prevent the emergence of zombies."

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