The total population of Xu Zhiyong and his base simply does not have the ability to absorb the survivors of the four major bases at once. Their total populations are similar to each other. If the survivors of the four major bases merge in, it will only completely destroy the civilized order established by their base in the end of the world.

When half of the people are not civilized and do not abide by the law, the remaining half will change in order to prevent their own interests from being harmed and their safety from being endangered.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Zhiyong planned to divide the land originally intended for farmland to the people of the four major bases.

"Now that the weather is okay, you can go to the territory you have allocated and quickly organize ordinary people to start construction and build the living places you need. As for the survivors of your base, you need to go out to hunt for things like crystal nuclei and go to the mission hall to buy supplies. Feed themselves."

Hundreds of thousands of people came to the base together.

It is impossible for the base canteen to provide meals as usual.

Therefore, ordinary people among the hundreds of thousands of survivors can only be used to build buildings. It just so happens that there is no place to live in the four major bases, so the superpowers are thrown out to build crystal cores. There are so many things to buy in the mission hall, especially food. In terms of value, it’s cheap and filling.

In such an environment, it is difficult to justify a person with superpowers who cannot support himself.

So when the hundreds of thousands of survivors who were laying on the floor in a circle at the gate of the security base were panicking, a high-level meeting inside the base decided where they would belong.

With so many survivors from the four major bases, they moved all the way, and the vastness attracted many zombies to follow them in pursuit of the smell.

The group that followed earlier were all killed by Zhang Jianye and his large force at that time.

The few that arrived late were killed by the patrol.

The patrols on duty tonight cheered up and looked forward to a few more crystal cores being delivered to their doorsteps.

The survivors who happened to be laying on the outside saw this scene and started talking.

"These patrols at the base in the city center have rosy faces and fleshy cheeks. You can tell by looking at them that they have eaten enough."

"Do you think any of the people in the city center base we have seen these days have not had enough to eat?"

"That's right, the most outrageous thing is the takeaway. Good guy, when I saw that thing appearing, I almost peeed in fear."

"Fortunately our base was defeated, otherwise we wouldn't have such a good life."

Those who spoke were a few ordinary people without any special powers.

Their words were heard by a superpower who used to be a squad leader at the base. Ordinary people would try to please him when they saw him.

Who knew that the superpowers in the base in the city center would be so weird these days, and the superpowers in the four major bases would treat them in the same manner as ordinary people.

When he even saw him raising his head to kick an ordinary person, he knocked him down first and gave him a warning.

At that time, the superhuman was stunned.

The gap in status change was extremely unacceptable to the superhuman who was once the squad leader.

At this time, he heard these ordinary people talking. He couldn't take action due to the patrol teams at many nearby city center bases.

Then he taunted: "A few bowls of porridge have bought you poor devils."

These ordinary people before the end of the world are not people who know nothing. Some of them are still teachers, and some are clerks. Not to mention how good their jobs are, but they still have general knowledge.

Hearing what this superpower said, one of the ordinary people said sarcastically: "This porridge is free, as if you can give out several bowls of porridge."

Although the people in the downtown base along the way eat better than they do.

But that was earned by others.

And these people didn't have much food, but the downtown base gave them a bowl of porridge for every meal for free.

Have they ever had this benefit?

Ordinary people are thankful that they are not bullied, not to mention that they can receive the same food as those with superpowers?

And they can also see that the management methods of these people in the city center base are completely different from those of the four major bases.

The four major bases follow the principle that strength comes first, and those with special abilities have a higher status than ordinary people.

Very much like the nobles and slaves in feudal society.

However, the downtown base has been saying that everyone will be treated equally. Whether it is a person with super powers who makes a mistake or an ordinary person who makes a mistake, they will be punished equally.

They are also prohibited from fighting each other, especially the phenomenon of superpowers beating ordinary people.

Therefore, ordinary people without superpowers have nothing to fear.

They are not irrational, they still treat ordinary people with powers with awe.

For the type who punches and kicks them, is there any point in trying to please the other person?

Therefore, many ordinary people's attitudes towards certain people with superpowers have changed.

Generally speaking, they are still afraid of people with supernatural powers and will subconsciously respect them.

There are a few people with special powers who can already argue with each other without being polite.

"Young man, if you can't fight in a martial arts fight, can I beat you in a literary fight?"

Several ordinary people looked at this superpower with disdain.

"You, you!" The superpower said viciously: "How dare you be so rampant without superpowers? If you don't have superpowers, you should just keep your tail between your legs. When you enter the base, these patrol team members will not be with you. I think Why are you so arrogant?"

"Stupid stuff!"

Several ordinary people didn't want to pay attention to him at all, and all rolled their eyes.

They didn't know who was responsible. They had already found out, otherwise they would dare to attack that idiot like this?

"Don't worry. During the few days on the road, I asked the superpowers standing outside us to escort our base in the city center. He was very kind."

Before this ordinary person finished speaking, the others laughed and said, "Is that superpower in the city center unkind?"

Completely different from those superhuman beings in their four major bases.

One is like a successfully evolved human being, and the other is like a successfully evolved beast.

Two species.

"Don't interrupt, let's get down to business. He told me that when we enter the base, there will be members of the security team on every street, and there will be a guard room for us to report the crime."

"I heard that ordinary people don't have to worry about safety inside."

"The superpowers in the city center also told me about some unsolved cases in their base. The reason why their base is so peaceful, in addition to the strong security, is because there are some unsolved cases that occur in the base from time to time."

At this time, not only a few ordinary people, but also other people around were attracted, and they were all curious about what this so-called unsolved case was.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this ordinary person recounted in a measured tone: "One time, an adult actually wanted to beat a child in the corner. This was so crazy and insane. It was simply a mental illness."

"But as soon as he made his move and his fist was halfway raised, he was thrown away by an invisible force and fell to serious injuries. There are many similar things. The most bizarre one was that a man with the power of invisibility wanted to sneak into a young girl. Halfway through the door of my room, I was grabbed by an invisible force and smashed to the ground."

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