The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 327: The most embarrassing thing

"Chief of the Chengbei base, as the person in charge who has been entrusted with important responsibilities by the boss, you should set an example and support the rules and regulations of our base. You should also understand the painstaking efforts of our base director for you."

"?" A question mark slowly passed through the mind of the Chengbei base commander. His eyes stayed on Li Yi's chattering mouth and paused, "So, what do you need me to do?"

After saying that, he sighed deeply.

Li Yi quickly pulled the billboard to the director of the base in the north of the city and told him his recruitment requirements.

Then he said: "So you can help me find so many people, and I will leave as soon as I have the number."

Just when forces like Li Yi chose to recruit teammates at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Xu Zhiyong had quietly bid farewell to Guan Caiwei, and then went straight to find the spiritual zombie alone.

Zombie kings can appear everywhere, but not in Binghai City.

Xu Zhiyong planned to get rid of the fifth-level spiritual zombie based on the comprehensive strength of these superpowers in Binghai City.

As long as you take the time to find the fifth-level spiritual zombies and kill them, the remaining fourth-level zombies will not have such a wide range of control.

At most, use level suppression to make some zombies around you obey orders.

Once these zombies leave the range that level four zombies can suppress, the command will automatically expire.

It is not a spiritual zombie. Not only is the number of controllable zombies very small, but there are also many range restrictions.

So non-psychological zombies are not a threat.

Zombies are actually all transformed from the previous humans in Binghai City, so there will naturally be fewer people to kill.

Xu Zhiyong did not intend to kill all these zombies. He chose to kill the high-level zombies, and the remaining zombies could be kept to train the superpowers in Binghai City.

The addition of the four major bases in Binghai City has made the What-Touch Security Base more lively than ever.

The streets were crowded with people, and the superpower construction team under Wei Qin took advantage of the normal temperature to work overtime to expand the base and set up safety walls.

Wei Qin received Guan Caiwei's instructions to directly cover the entire base with the power grid.

This is to prevent attacks from aerial zombie animals.

There are still no birds, zombies, or animals in the sky. This unknown reason made the What-Touch Security Base unanimously decide to cover the aerial power grid under the support of Guan Caiwei at a meeting to be prepared.

In order to achieve this huge project, the demand for gold-based superpowers to create power grid support points has increased sharply.

So the survivors of the four major bases who had just moved into the warehouses of the second wall and the third wall had not had time to think about how to obtain supplies. A huge recruitment announcement was posted at the door of their one hundred large warehouses.

Once raw, twice cooked.

After experiencing the collective recruitment incident outside the base gate last night, the survivors who have moved in from the four major bases now understand the recruitment routine of the downtown base.

So after a while, the survivors who had temporarily settled in various large warehouses came forward to read the recruitment announcement.

"This is recruiting gold-type powers. The higher the level, the better the benefits. Unfortunately, I am not a gold-type power user."

"As much as you want, what are you doing recruiting so many gold-type superpowers? It's settled on a daily basis. Three points per day. One point can buy two big meat buns, meat buns as big as your face plate. Haha, this recruitment advertisement makes me salivate. It’s all gone.”

"Hey, I really want to apply for the job, but it's a pity that I don't have a metal power."

The gold-type superpowers in the major warehouses were excited. They had been asking about the survival information of the city center base for so many days, and it was finally time for them to show off their skills.

A group of people were gearing up and excitedly rushed to sign up.

"I, I have a metal-type superpower, am I in the early stage of the first level?"

"Okay, as long as it's a gold power, your daily salary will be calculated based on your power level."

"Brother, do you want those of us with non-metal powers?" There were also other people with non-metal powers who reluctantly pushed forward and asked.

The other people who were watching the excitement were stunned, and their eyes instantly shone on the person in charge of the hierarchy like a lamp.

The man was stunned and quickly said: "You other superpowers or ordinary people can go to the inner city to find jobs. The inner city still needs to recruit many people. Whether ordinary people or superpowers, there are places that need you. "

"Real or false? Hundreds of thousands of people in this base are not enough?" The survivors with non-metal powers watching from the four major bases were somewhat distrustful.

They had not been stationed outside the base for nothing for the past two days. They had more or less inquired about some basic information. For example, the number of survivors in this base was not much lower than the total number of people in their four major bases.

"Really, there are so many recruitment notices in the mission hall, for farmers, waiters, wood-type abilities, water-type abilities, and not to mention the construction team is particularly short of people. Our base is building winter buildings to prevent the extreme cold winter temperatures. Low, the base plans to build a large-scale cold-resistant building. This is an emergency construction building. In order to catch up with the construction deadline, we want to capture everyone and make them into young men."

"It doesn't take more than a few people to build a building. There are only so many gold-type superpowers. Excluding them, there will be hundreds of thousands of non-gold-type survivors in our four major bases. It's no joke."

"How can this be a joke? Our base is building a cold-warming project, and no one needs to collect the raw materials? What do you think those teams of superpowers that you see driving in and out of big trucks at the gate of the base every day do?"

"That means collecting the raw materials we need. Material processing does not require manpower? And construction does not require manpower?"

"These all require manpower. Don't be afraid that you can't find a job. There is no such thing in our base. Even those who are older and have not awakened their powers cannot be found. There are also people with powers who want nannies for their families. If you I feel like I’m old and don’t have any superpowers, so I can always be a nanny, right?”


The whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone didn't expect that this person was so confident. Did he really need so many people?

With the mentality of giving it a try, everyone stepped out of the land between the second and third walls for the first time and approached the inner city.

Halfway through, they found themselves meeting their compatriots.

When they got closer to chat, they realized that this kind of thing didn't just happen in front of the big warehouse where they lived temporarily.

Similar situations happened in front of other warehouses, so everyone decided to go to the so-called mission hall to have a look.

"I heard that this mission hall is a place where you can use points to buy things."

"Is this the point? Shopping is nothing, being able to order takeout anytime and anywhere is awesome."

"Tch, the coolest thing is that you can buy antidote and awakening liquid!"

"I said what are you arguing about? This isn't all about the mission hall. Anyway, no matter what you can buy, let's go over and take a look. This is the first time we have entered the inner city after coming to this base for so long. I would have known better. Come in early.”

"Aren't you scared? You feel like you're in an unfamiliar place, so it's safer to get together, haha."

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