The two parties looked at each other and smiled. The survivors of the four major bases found that the people in the city center base were not as xenophobic and arrogant as they thought, and there was no scene showing them looking down on them.

The survivors in the city center base have already developed a characteristic of tolerance because they often accept outside survivors.

Everyone has a sense of tolerance for the survivors who are new to the base.

"This is a very inclusive base. There are security teams passing by at any time, and the shops on both sides are actually open."

Saying goodbye to the kind-hearted resident of the downtown base just now, the survivors of the four major bases began to look at the inner city.

They saw a group of women chattering into a clothing store.

They also saw a group of children running into the candy store laughing and joking.

I also saw several senior men walking into a hot pot restaurant and a fish shop together.

It's full of life.

It almost made them suspect that they were back before the end.

Another person appeared to have injured his foot and was carried into a pharmacy.

"Quickly give way, this construction worker's foot was smashed, please give way."

"Hey, why don't you be careful? It's easy to get injured when working on a construction site. Go see a doctor quickly."

"Yes, yes, the injured are ordinary people. Ordinary people have to be more careful. We are not as strong and flexible as those with supernatural powers."

"It's okay. Save more points. Sooner or later we will become superpowers. When the time comes, we can go out and kill zombies, earn more points, and eliminate the zombies and zombie animals in our Binghai City as soon as possible."

"Even if these are eliminated, there will still be mutated plants."

"Mutated plants can be considered a kind of plant. Just treat them as evolved plants. They are better than zombies and zombie animals."

The survivors of the four major bases listened to the discussions of these people, and felt a sense of contradictory peace in their hearts.

Walking on the street, how long has it been since you heard such peaceful discussions?

In their former base, negative emotions such as complaints, despair, rage, and loneliness were everywhere.

In the past, when walking on the road, all I heard was cursing and each other yelling at each other.

"I think we can find hope here."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd became quiet, and the survivors of the four bases looked around silently.


This is what they will be destroyed after the end of the world.

Useless and valuable.

It seems that humans can survive without it.

Only those who can't really feel it know that living in the world is like eating food without any taste, without light and color, leaving only black and white.

Screams and gunshots reached Xu Zhiyong's ears.

He paused while looking for the fifth-level spiritual zombies, and was slightly surprised when he mentally sensed the scene in front of him.

He has moved all four bases to his own, but there are still so many survivors outside?

Xu Zhiyong moved his feet and instantly looked across the building in front of him and looked at the scene behind him.

The flesh and blood were lifted up by the zombie's sharp green claws, and the strong smell of blood hit his face, and the rotten smell filled the chaotic world.

At a glance, one could see turbid and blue faces, roaring sounds, and excited limbs rushing towards the survivors.

Xu Zhiyong's arrival did not attract the attention of the survivors who were fighting the zombies.

It didn't even attract the attention of zombies who were thirsty when they smelled flesh and blood.

His stealth skills allowed both humans and zombies to completely ignore him.

The zombies opened their mouths with blood, and some could even see pieces of flesh torn between their teeth.


Sure enough, you can't expect zombies to be clean, that's a civilization that only humans can have.

The survivors who are fighting bloody battles with zombies have only one thought in their minds: despair!

Survival is human instinct. Even if they know that they will die sooner or later if they are consumed by zombies like this, everyone still has no idea of ​​stopping and waiting for death.

Who can watch zombies eating their own flesh and blood?

Even if they were bitten by zombies, these people did not give up the idea of ​​continuing to kill zombies.

Killing at least one is enough, killing two makes a profit.

The behavior of the survivors in dealing with zombies is quite similar to that of the people's warriors fighting against the invading army of an island country before the end of the world.

Liang Chao is the leader of this group of survivors and the person with the highest strength in their village.

He looked at the densely packed zombies in front of him and couldn't kill them all, feeling a little desperate.

Before the end of the world, he settled in this village and planned to adjust his condition before returning to Binghai City to inherit the company according to his parents' wishes.

Unexpectedly, the apocalypse was coming. Because he had studied martial arts, was good at Sanda, was a young man, and had awakened the ice power, he became the voice of the village.

He was also courageous enough to lead his people to kill the zombies in several nearby villages and integrate them when the apocalypse broke out.

There are more or less people staying at home in several villages. The total number of people staying at home is one to two thousand.

Mostly children and elderly people.

There are also many middle-aged and elderly people.

Fortunately, people in the village have done farm work, and some people in their fifties are as strong as young people in their twenties in the city.

So they took advantage of the period when the zombies were still relatively weak and built a wall around the village, gathering people from several villages inside.

Then integrate the old people and children who have awakened their abilities, divide them into groups, and arrange tasks according to their abilities.

Liang Chao's strong management and leadership skills allowed the village to retain the pre-apocalyptic order and become more united.

Later, young people came back to the village one after another to find their families, adding more force value to the village.

After all, people who can kill people from the outside are basically superpowers.

Even if he is not a superpower, his personal strength is much higher than that of ordinary people.

I always thought that there was no shortage of food in the village they sealed off, and life was much easier than what I saw outside when I occasionally went out.

Unexpectedly, we encountered a zombie wave.

If the superpowers they were patrolling outside had not discovered it early, more than 2,000 people in the village would have died in the zombie wave.

Everyone abandoned everything and gathered and left as quickly as possible.

I didn’t bring anything with me the whole time and rushed like crazy.

However, they were still stopped by the advance troops of zombies.

Why were Liang Chao and the others so sure they were the advance troops? It was probably because the large forces behind them couldn't catch up with them, and some speed zombies actually integrated and accelerated to catch up with them.

The behavior of the zombies made Liang Chao immediately conclude that they were the advance troops.

There must be high-level zombies taking command inside.

Yes, Liang Chao has no doubt that high-level zombies have such abilities.

He had long discovered that the higher the level of zombies, the more intelligent they began to recover.

Who knows what level a zombie will reach when it reaches its original intelligence?

"Boss, be careful."

Liang Chao used his superpower too much, and his whole body was extremely tired, and his five senses around him gradually weakened. During the fight, you must devote all your mental energy to prevent yourself from falling behind.

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