The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 356: History of Blood and Tears

"It's all a history of blood and tears. Hey, don't mention it. The more I mention it, the more I want to cry." One of the members of the small group waved his hand and covered his chest to express his extreme sadness.

The dozen or so people nodded with concern, but no, it was no problem for them, the weakest members of the team, to earn dozens of points when they went on a mission. They could do it as long as they worked hard.

But looking at those who can earn hundreds of points just by killing zombies, plus the points exchanged for crystal cores, it will definitely be no problem to get thousands of points after returning from the entire mission.

Compared with these dozens of points and thousands of points, who can be reconciled?

"Don't worry, we have brought all the tools. When the time comes, we can put some bait to attract mutant animals. This thing is my secret weapon."

"Is this thing really effective? Don't attract too many mutated creatures, we just can't take them down."

"We are not far away from the big army. If there are too many, we will call others quickly. Besides, it's just this little thing. It shouldn't be that awesome. If it was so awesome, I would have formed a group to catch the mutant creatures."

Yes, that's right, their small team of a dozen people did more than kill zombies this time. The main purpose is to use the strength of the team and plan to throw bait nearby to attract mutant animals.

Catching mutated animals alive is worth a lot of points.

Whether it is sold in the base market or in the mission hall, it is a lot of points.

In the past, it wasn't that they didn't want to, but they were afraid that the mutated animals they attracted would be too lethal, and that they, like themselves, would not be able to catch them and would instead end up serving them as snacks in the mutated animals' mouths.

It's different now, there are large troops here, and their strong base commander follows them.

It would be a shame for them not to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Xu Zhiyong did not expect that he would be attracted by the ointment and follow this small group for a while, and then he would get such great news.

"Looks like he's planning to cause trouble." Xu Zhiyong touched his chin. The trip that originally seemed boring to him suddenly had an 'unexpected surprise'.

This gave Xu Zhiyong, as a ‘Buddhist master’, a bit of a headache.

After all, he is the "baby" of his own base, and Xu Zhiyong can only focus on this "troubleshooting team".

The dozen or so people who had no idea that they and others had been named troublemakers were continuing to discuss their plans.

In short, the working group never thought that they would leave such a "brilliant" image in the heart of the base commander they respected and admired in this way.

"In this case, where did you find the medicine that was used as a bait? Let's look for it next time." The leader of the working group said longingly: "We don't use it on weekdays, so as not to involve ourselves, so we only use it in large groups like this." It is used for comprehensive tasks. Anyway, during the tasks in the task hall, you can also do other things, it is not mandatory to complete it."

The member of the team who owned the bait said regretfully: "I picked up this medicine when I went out to the four major bases with them last time. I saw a medicine bottle at that time, and I thought it didn't matter what kind of medicine bottle it was. In the end of the world, all medicines are worth it." Points, maybe it’s really a medicine bottle and I can take it back and sell it for a good price. Who knows, I picked it up and opened it and found a kind of powder inside.”

"The medicine bottle of the apocalypse is still neatly on the ground. I think it probably fell from someone else's body." The member of the working group who picked up the medicine sighed, "Think about it. If this medicine bottle had been outside all the time, it would have been dead long ago. It broke under high temperature. Someone else must have installed something in it. Then I did some experiments with this idea in mind."

Several other people knew what happened next.

On the way back after going to the four major bases, this guy mixed up some medicinal powder, which attracted a rabbit.

Fortunately, there is not much powder, otherwise it would cause unrest.

Unfortunately, the size of the rabbit was only as high as an adult's knees, so there were only a few bites of meat among everyone.

Others didn't know, but they still knew when this guy took out the medicine bottle and mysteriously said he was going to do an experiment.

When he saw that the mutated rabbit rushed towards this guy regardless, the rabbit's eyes turned red, and he didn't understand anything.

It's probably the medicine this guy has.

The rest of them changed the topic, so that their teammates would not suspect that they were the ones who brought the rabbit here.

At that time, they only felt that this medicine was dangerous and didn't think much about it. If it hadn't been brought up during this group mission, they would have almost forgotten the existence of this medicine powder.

"Do you think the person who dropped the medicine powder is someone from our base?" The leader of the working group was a little confused. "Maybe they are looking for something. If we make too much noise, won't we be discovered by the owner of the medicine powder?"

Tangled is tangled.

Who can resist the delicious taste of mutant beasts?

After a night's rest, early the next morning, the remaining wanderers found that these people from the city center base began to set off in great force.

Their large army seems to be moving in the same direction, but each has its own small team. Overall, it is not neat and a bit chaotic.

This makes the eyes of family members who are used to planting flowers in neat rows somewhat uncomfortable.

Think about how neatly they saw the members of the army walking before the end of the world.

Why. The irregularity is still being accepted, but the unbridled noise makes the homeless people very puzzled.

"These guys have no worries about making such a loud noise that it will attract the surrounding zombies."

"Don't be ridiculous, I feel like they have this idea in mind."

"The energy is so high. We never dare to sleep to death when we rest outside. These people look in high spirits after a night's rest."

"There are all kinds of weapons in the hands, and the one carrying the ax is probably a power user."

The remaining wanderers around were communicating privately.

They were curious about the purpose of this group of supernatural beings coming out of the city center.

To be able to dispatch so many people is probably a big deal.

How many zombies are left in Binghai City?

If you switch to red dots, you will see dense red dots scattered all over the map. Only the circle in the city center does not have any red dots, and the number of red dots gradually increases outward.

In one direction, due to the advancement of the team, there was no red dot on the way forward.

If you were a survivor in any city, or a survivor in those bases in any city, your scalp would be numb after seeing it, and your first reaction would be how to avoid it.

However, the official residents of the safe base who had received chicken blood and had a perfect night's rest faced zombies, but they were like dogs seeing meat buns.

They will make meat buns. Well. No. . Is the dog out of sight?

A group of people followed Xu Zhiyong's instructions and kept moving forward.

The zombies encountered along the way were eliminated in minutes.

As soon as many official residents raised their hands, the war was over.

Not to mention the first kill, they didn't even get a single kill.

The troubleshooting team was among this group, and a dozen or so people had snatched several zombies in total.

This was after they were highly focused and robbed the zombies together without saying a word.

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