The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 58: What does it mean to be you?


Xu Zhiyong had a question mark on his forehead.

What do you mean?

Probably seeing that Xu Zhiyong didn't understand what she meant, Zhang Yan pursed her lips and said, "These zombie animals and zombies that were burned to ashes by fire were all your work, right? Did you save our group of people?"

Xu Zhiyong spread his hands and said helplessly: "Isn't this an obvious thing?"

He didn't intend to be Lei Feng, so of course he had to acknowledge his 'great achievements'.

Despite this speculation, Zhang Yan and the others were stunned for a moment when Xu Zhiyong admitted it.

It took them two seconds to react, and then they thanked Xu Zhiyong one after another.

"Thank you for your help. If you need us in the future, you can just tell us."

"That's right, big brother, thank you. Although we don't have much ability, as long as we are alive, we can still do what we can."

The other people who had not spoken nodded their heads after hearing the words and agreed very much. They looked at the young man in front of them gratefully.

If it weren't for this young man, all of them would have ended up here.

Although the appearance of this young man is a bit strange, it is understandable given that he is so powerful.

"Don't be grateful too early." Xu Zhiyong smiled slightly and said, "After all, I am not saving you for free."

Everyone was stunned, the gratitude in their hearts solidified in their throats, and the eyes they looked at Xu Zhiyong became complicated for a moment.

Although this does not affect that they are still grateful to each other, but when they say this, it will. Let their gratitude freeze.

Zhang Yan was still safer than this group of teenagers and girls. She just shook her head and said immediately: "No matter what, if you hadn't saved us, it's hard to say whether our group would have survived in the future. If you need anything, , you can tell us and we will try our best.”

Zhang Yan didn't say anything, they wanted to repay her, but if the request was too excessive or vicious, she didn't intend to refuse just because the other party offered to help.

"I need a lot of workers to help repair the base. Seeing how strong you all are, you can be used as workers for my base."

A group of people: "."

What did they just hear?

Whether it was Zhang Yan, Wang Wei who was rescued at the last moment, or Luo Xiaojun who had just finished drinking the medicine, everyone looked at Xu Zhiyong in the same way at this moment.

It’s simply hard to describe.

Zhang Yan controlled her slightly out-of-control expression and asked, "Are you serious?"

Xu Zhiyong clicked his tongue and asked doubtfully: "Do I look like I'm telling a joke?"

No, no, you're not talking, we just heard a joke.

A group of them were either students or teachers, occasionally mixed with some people who happened to be around the school before the end of the world.

No one looks like a worker.

Why did this person think he could become a worker by saving them?

"What, you guys want to default on your debt?" Xu Zhiyong narrowed his eyes and looked at everyone's expressions starting to look bad.

Everyone quickly said: "Yes, yes, we are willing."

Zhang Yan paused, then asked despite the pressure in her heart: "May I ask, where is this base?"

"Okay, everyone, don't wait any longer. The remaining few have drank the medicine. It's getting late. Go back and eat early." Xu Zhiyong looked at his watch and found that it was already late and he didn't have time to hang out with this group of people. He hesitated and urged.

Several people looked at each other and hesitated for a few seconds, but they still chose to take the medicine in their hands.

After all, if they don't give in, they may become one of the zombies soon.

What difference does it make whether you take medicine or not?

What's more, they didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but they always felt that Luo Xiaojun's face looked better after a while after drinking the medicine.

This is why they drank the medicine of unknown origin after thinking about it for a while.

A group of people followed the young man who suddenly appeared in their sights, walking all the way towards the base the other party mentioned.

They were still in a trance as they walked on the road.

I don’t know how this young man led the way, but there were very few zombies along the way. When they encountered them, they were reduced to ashes in the flames before it was their turn to take action.

Until they saw a five-star hotel with a row of conspicuous words hanging on the hotel.

That red, that Chinese red, is particularly eye-catching.

"What a safe base!"

The name of this base reminded them of someone else's mention of a weird base built in a hotel in the city center. Look at their current location, and then look at the name.

Could this be the weird base that the teams met on the way?

Is this the purpose they have been searching for for countless days?

A group of people stopped in front of the hotel and looked at each other.

"Hey, the boss has brought new people back?" Li Yi stuck his head out from the second floor, looked at the group of people below and smiled, and then he quickly ran downstairs.

Li Yi greeted everyone with a smile and said enthusiastically: "Everyone, come in quickly. As long as we step into this hotel, we will be brothers and sisters."

The arrival of this group of people not only attracted the attention of Li Yi, but also attracted the attention of other people in the base.

Everyone who had time ran to the lobby to look at the group of people Xu Zhiyong brought back.

Even Ayi was pulled down by Xintong.

Ayi originally just glanced at them. She was not very interested in these people.

But when she glanced over, she vaguely noticed that those faces looked familiar.

Then she saw a timid person standing out from behind the crowd.

That face, even if it was covered, she could still recognize it by its familiar posture and movements.

"Ayi, Ayi." Xintong waved his hand in front of Ayi's eyes and said, "Why are you so dazed?"

Ayi lowered her eyes, covering up the complexity in her eyes, and said, "I saw an acquaintance."

"Acquaintance, who? Who is your acquaintance?" When the people watching at the base heard the noise, they all looked at Ayi.

Ayi smiled, pointed to the door, and said, "Well, when the end began, I hid in the school with them."


The others didn't think too much and said, "Then you are quite destined, haha."

"It's just that I didn't expect that we could get together after being separated."

“It’s mainly our base that attracts people.”

"It seems that today has become Ayi's base camp for recognizing relatives."

Everyone talked and laughed, but their attention was focused on the new group of people.

Especially these people cautiously and tentatively walked to the base, and then collectively froze at the door of the hotel.

Li Yi and the others knew what was going on without even asking.

I remember they were like this at that time.

I must have heard that mechanical electronic sound.

Sure enough, Zhang Yan, as the representative of a group of people, when she heard the weird electronic sound in her mind, she subconsciously looked at Xu Zhiyong and said, "What, what is going on?"

"You just agree. I worked so hard to bring you back. Naturally, I want you to become members of my base and contribute to my base."

Xu Zhiyong smiled faintly, crossed his hands across his chest, and waited for these people's reactions.

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