The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 68: There is no more real place than the base

Everyone complained, but they still followed the kid's line of sight very carefully, curious about what the kid saw.

Then their knees went weak and they almost knelt down and called daddy to the mission panel.

Is this peat real?

A group of people have big doubts in their little heads.

Even Yan Yi was shocked and said: "Is this true?

"Eh?" Xintong, who was moving soil to earn points, saw the surprised and uncertain look of this group of people, put down the two baskets of soil in his hands, and approached the task panel.

When she stretched her head and took a look, she knew what was going on.

"You're asking this. People in our base have used it, so it must be true." She thought for a while and added: "Our base never engages in fraud."

After all, she was able to survive with thirteen children aged between five and six. Is there any more real place than their base?

If the base was a lie, the base director wouldn't take such good care of them.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Yan Yi and the others all turned to look at the person who suddenly made the sound behind them.

She is a young woman in her twenties. Her eyes are not as numb as those outside. Instead, she is full of hope and energy.

At this glance, Yan Yi and the others knew that the other party was from Xu Zhiyong's base without even asking.

Only the people in this base have such a mental outlook.

Yan Yi looked at the woman in front of him and asked, "Can we replace the antidote and awakening fluid with something else?"

"For example, for things like food that are equally important in the end of the world, our current core reserves are not that large."

In fact, if you take out all the crystal nuclei in the research base, you can get 500 points.

But the crystal core has other functions, so Yan Yicai decided to see if he could exchange the antidote and awakening fluid with other things.

"Ah?" Xintong was stunned for a second, then pointed upstairs and said: "Our base director is not here, so we can only ask Sister Guan about this matter."

"Sister Guan?" the kid repeated subconsciously.

"Yes." Xintong nodded, thinking that these people didn't know Guan Caiwei's existence, and explained: "The base director often doesn't care about the base's affairs, and Sister Guan is usually in charge."

"Can you please help me make an introduction?" Yan Yi's eyes flashed and he smiled at Xintong.

"Then wait a minute, I'll give you a message." This was a big deal after all, and Xintong didn't make a decision on her own. She loaded up two baskets of soil again and walked upstairs, deliberately passing by the second floor to give Guan Caiwei a message. Brought a message.

Guan Caiwei came to the lobby and saw Yan Yi and his group.

She stepped forward calmly, smiled slightly and said, "I heard that you guys have something to do with me?"

Yan Yi looked at the delicate-looking woman in front of him and said seriously: "Ms. Guan, we intend to buy the antidote and awakening liquid from your base. However, there are not so many crystal nuclei for a while, so we want to buy it in other ways. Do you want to buy it in other ways?" How about the next one?"

"So that's it." Guan Caiwei nodded gently, with the smile on her face unchanged and said: "Sit over here."

She led a group of people to the sofa in the lobby. A group of people sat down and then said: "What can your base come up with that would please our base?"

This base is quite mysterious. The teams that come every time are very disciplined. It seems that it has been formed for a long time and is definitely not a force established after the end of the world.

Therefore, Guan Caiwei and Xu Zhiyong have always speculated that this base is either a personal force before the end of the world, or it is linked to the Guo family.

Either way, they might be able to get what they need.

Yan Yi took a deep look at Guan Caiwei. He thought that this kind of thing required Xu Zhiyong to make a decision, and he was even ready to wait.

He didn't expect that the female star in front of him could make the decision. It seemed that he needed to re-evaluate this woman.

Maybe it's not just because of her good looks.


Yan Yi revealed his bargaining chip.

He did not choose to throw away everything the base had, but selectively said some.


Guan Caiwei glanced at Yan Yi in surprise and said, "Okay!"

She didn't expect that these people were observing carefully. There was no shortage of awakening fluid and antidote in the base. In fact, the so-called antidote was diluted awakening fluid.

Xu Zhiyong agreed to sell 500 points just because he didn't want these people to be too ambitious in the battle with zombies, which would turn out to be fatal.

After all, the spiritual liquid can detoxify the virus, but it only enhances resistance, but cannot bring the dead back to life.

The two discussed it and Yan Yi decided to exchange for two bottles of awakening liquid and five bottles of antidote.

Guan Caiwei didn't give them a lot at once. The antidote was originally diluted awakening fluid, and five tubes were equivalent to one bottle of awakening fluid.

She is equivalent to limiting the amount to three bottles of awakening liquid. This number can satisfy the other party's research, and also satisfy their side who don't want to give too much.

After all, the amount of awakening liquid is limited.

After discussing the most important matter, Yan Yi immediately planned to take people back to get a batch of medicines.

The kid hurriedly said: "Captain Yan, I will stay here. My strength is not worth it and it will slow down your progress."

He would never say that he didn't want to leave and wanted to eat delicious food right away.

Anyway, he didn't get the awakening liquid and antidote now, so there was no point in following him back now.

Maybe you can learn more about this weird base here.

Yan Si immediately said: "The kid has no strength. Even a three-year-old child can knock him down. Even this base is not very safe. Boss, I apply for personal protection of the kid."

Then the two looked at each other in tacit understanding and almost gave each other a thumbs up.

Is this the telepathy coming from the foodie room?

The kid nodded secretly, it must be.

Yan Yi didn't need to look at these two people to know what they were hiding.

However, he glanced at Guan Caiwei calmly, and thought that they had not stayed at the base for a long time despite their repeated visits, and he had some more thoughts in his mind.

So in the expectant eyes of Yan Si and Xiao Gui, Yan Yi slowly nodded and said: "It's better that you two are here, so that we can get back as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yi looked at Guan Caiwei and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to bother Ms. Guan a lot."

Guan Caiwei smiled politely and said, "Captain Yan, you don't have to be polite."

Yan Yi didn't waste any time, he achieved his goal and immediately rushed to the base with his people.

As for the seeds mentioned by Team He, there is not much difference between one day earlier and one day later.

What's more important now is the antidote and awakening fluid.

Guan Caiwei called Zhang Yan who was passing by to accompany Xiao Gui and the others, then turned around and went upstairs to practice her powers.

During this time, their base also found that exhausting their own abilities and then meditating to recover could improve their abilities faster.

Therefore, even if she did not go out to kill zombies, Guan Caiwei did not waste time.

The kid remembered Guan Caiwei's introduction to the woman in front of him, and smiled honestly: "Sister Zhang Yan, is there anything interesting in this base?"

He wanted to know more about this base.

As soon as Xiao Gui finished speaking, he turned around and saw the unexplainable expression on Yan Si's face.

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