The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 76: Depends on fate

Just as Xu Zhiyong was comforting himself, three young girls with different looks walked towards the base in the north of the city.

"We have been to so many places in Binghai City, but we have never met him once."

One of the girls muttered. She had no aloof image in front of outsiders at all, and had a rather childish wrinkled, small and delicate nose.

"This kind of thing also depends on fate. If he is so strong, he will definitely be fine. Binghai City is so big. As long as he doesn't leave the city, he will meet him sooner or later."

"Yes, I think so too."

The three girls were discussing in whispers. When they were approaching the entrance of the base, one of them suddenly stopped.

The two people next to her subconsciously listened and said, "What's wrong?"

"You guys, look, is that... is it..."

The excited and familiar voice attracted Xu Zhiyong's attention, and he turned his head and glanced over there.

Xu Zhiyong was a little surprised when he saw the three faces.

He didn't expect to see Luo Xiaoya, Zhang Cai and Han Yanyan here.

Zhang Cai and the three of them had already recognized the man sitting cross-legged on the big rock.

The three young girls were so happy that they flew in the direction of the big rock like birds.

"Xu, Brother Xu, why are you here?"

"We have been at the base in the north of the city for so long, but we have never met."

"Where do you live on the base? We will visit you often in the future."

The three of them were so happy that they didn't expect that the person they tried so hard to meet again actually lived in the same base.

It seems that they were so unlucky in the past that they haven't met each other for so long.

Xu Zhiyong smiled faintly and thought that this was embarrassing. It was indeed easy for him to be misunderstood as someone from the north city base when he appeared here.

His face was calm, and he greeted calmly: "Long time no see."

Zhang Cai nodded, his eyes a little red and said: "Yes, Brother Xu, it's been a long time since we last met. If you hadn't helped us, we young girls might not only be unable to protect our loved ones, but we would also be unable to protect ourselves." It will end badly.”

"Yes, thanks to Brother Xu's help at that time." Han Yanyan nodded vigorously. Without supernatural powers, she would not be able to pick up her relatives at all. Some women will also encounter such tragic experiences.

Luo Xiaoya was a little shy and asked, "Brother Xu, do you want to go to our house for dinner? My house is next to Zhang Cai and Yan Yan's."

Xu Zhiyong raised his forehead and had to explain: "No, I don't live at the base in the north of the city. I still have some things to deal with for the time being. Let's eat next time."

"Brother Xu doesn't live in the base in the north of the city, so why live in the base? Let's move to the base where Brother Xu lives." Zhang Cai looked at Xu Zhiyong eagerly.

Her mother died at the beginning of this disaster, and if it weren't for Xu Zhiyong, she wouldn't be much better off.

For her, she wants to live in the same place as Xu Zhiyong.

Because it made her feel safe that she hadn't felt in a long time.

From every day after separation from Xu Zhiyong.

Even though Luo Xiaoya and Han Yanyan were there, even though they were both rare second-level superpowers, she still didn't feel safe.

In this devastated country, there is no sense of belonging.

Move to his base? Xu Zhiyong's eyes flashed, his face looking thoughtful.

"It's in the city center. If you want to move there, do it as soon as possible. I happen to be here to pick you up and we can go together."

It would be nice to have more superpowers in his base.

When the time comes to face off against other bases, if you cannot defeat them in terms of quantity, you must also crush them in terms of quality.

In this world, weakness is the original sin.

"So fast?" Luo Xiaoya said in surprise.

The three girls looked at each other and made a decision almost at the same time.

They didn't even have time to reminisce with Xu Zhiyong: "Brother Xu, wait for us, we will go back to the base to clean up immediately."

At the base in the north of the city, a young man hurried to the base director's administrative hall.

"Hey, Lao Xi, what are you in such a hurry for?"

"I have something to do with the base commander, so I won't rush to talk to you first." Lao Xi said this and ran to the room where the base commander was.

"What's going on?" I felt something was wrong when I asked, so I was bored and just followed him.

"Chief of the base." Lao Xi broke into the room and said, "Something happened."

"What's going on?" The base commander in the north of the city was wiping his collection of guns. He looked at Lao Xi with a stern face and said, "No matter what happens, don't panic."

"No, base director." Lao Xi said anxiously: "Didn't you ask me to look at those three flowers? I arranged for my little brother to live nearby, but today the three golden flowers are actually packing and moving."

"Moving?" the base director asked puzzledly: "Where to move?"

He vaguely felt that something was wrong. If he moved within the base, Lao Xi wouldn't be so panicked.

Could it be that...the base commander had an unknown premonition in his mind.

"The three of them plan to move out. There are only six or seven second-level superpowers in our entire base. If they go to other bases, it will be a heavy blow to our base."

Lao Xi said worriedly: "Basic Director, we can't let them go. We must find a way to keep them here."

What's more, this is the end of the world. The departure of these three people not only means that the strength of their base has become weaker, but also affects the security of their base.

"Let's go!" The base commander took the lead with a solemn expression and rushed towards the residence of Three Flowers at their base.

Along the way, the man from the base in the north of the city saw this scene and muttered to the people around him: "Our base commander doesn't look very good."

"Maybe something happened at the base."

While the two were chatting, someone interrupted and said, "Have you heard? Tao Xiaodong and his group are going to move away. Our base in the north of the city is quite large in Binghai City, and the base manager is fair. Where else do these people plan to go?" move?"

After hearing the conversation between the three people here, many people nearby gathered around.

One of the old women who lived near Zhang Cai and the three of them said: "What is this? When my son went out to do a base mission today to clean up the nearby zombies, he saw three golden flowers from our base rushing back. He followed him out of curiosity. , and found that these three little girls were actually asking their family members to pack their things and plan to move away.”

"What?" Passers-by were shocked.

Someone said: "Both of them are planning to move today. They won't be moving to the same place, right?"

"I haven't heard of any connection between these two parties. Are they so familiar with each other in private?"

"Why don't we follow her and have a look? Doesn't this aunt live nearby? Take us to have a look. I think if it's true, then they must have found a safer place to live."

In the last days, nothing is more important than having a safe place to live, food and water.

After hearing this, a group of people simply gathered together and walked towards the residence of Zhang Cai and the others.

They paid more attention to Zhang Cai than Tao Xiaodong.

After all, almost everyone in the base in the north of the city doesn't know these three young and beautiful second-level superpowers.

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