The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 80: Waiting to be slapped in the face

Lao Xi's face darkened and he said: "I know he is pretty good. I'm afraid he is a psychic psychic. He can rely on his strong mental power to avoid zombies in advance. From what you said, isn't it just that?"

Tao Xiaodong looked at me, Lao Xi, with a look that said, "You're too single and stupid." "You'll know next."

He thought the same thing as Lao Xi at first, but in fact, not only could they avoid most of the zombies in advance, but even if they couldn't be avoided, the zombies would still ignore humans like them as long as they didn't get too close.

This is not only a strong mental power, this fucking power is simply incredible.

Lao Xi looked at Tao Xiaodong's back suspiciously, with an angry expression of 'I believe you are a ghost'.

Dai Ningde could probably guess what the two talked about from the expressions on their faces. When Tao Xiaodong came over, Dai Ningde gloated in a low voice.

"This guy is just waiting to be slapped in the face by Boss Xu. Another famous scene in which the world view collapses is about to happen."

Xu Zhiyong's mental power was too strong, so he heard clearly what these people said.

However, most people would not believe it without experiencing it, so he had no idea about Lao Xi's reaction.

Facts speak louder than words.

He just hoped that after this journey, the other party would stop speaking in a weird manner, otherwise he didn't know how long his little guilt would last, or whether he would slap the other party to the ground in the next second.

"S-Sir." A member of the second brigade of the Chengbei Base looked at the side in astonishment and said, "Here, why didn't these zombies attack?"

Since the end of the world, which zombie can be so calm after seeing a living person?

If it weren't for the bruised skin color of the zombies, as well as the lack of parts and bleeding, he would have doubted that they were not zombies.

Lao Xi's eyelids twitched, and Tao Xiaodong's words instantly came to mind.

Zhang Cai also saw those zombies and said: "Brother Xu, you continue, I will get rid of these zombies."

Although the group of relatives following them were all ordinary people, they were not afraid.

They had also fought zombies before, and seeing that those few were small in number, they were still ordinary zombies with basically no threat, so naturally they were not afraid.

Xu Zhiyong raised his head: "No, they are coming too, so there is no need to provoke them."

After all, if Zhang Cai goes to fight zombies, he will step out of his protective circle. If his breath leaks out, he will cause other zombies to come around. There are many ordinary people in the team, which will cause turmoil and easily cause injuries.

Zhang Cai took a closer look and found that the zombies really had no intention of coming. He asked curiously: "Do these zombies have brains that can think? Why don't we rush here even if we know we can't win?"

Luo Xiaoya pursed her lips and said with a smile: "How is it possible? It's not a high-level zombie. In this case, humans still have a way to survive?"

Han Yanyan said: "After becoming a zombie, it can no longer be called a human being. Is it possible that zombies will gradually become like animals and have their own instinct to avoid danger? It does not mean that they have any IQ."

Hearing this, the others nodded and said, "What Yanyan said makes sense."

Even Lao Xi had a look of realization on his face when he heard this explanation.

After all, rather than believing that Xu Zhiyong did it man-made, he was more convinced that the zombies had evolved instincts like animals.

I heard these people talking quietly.

Tao Xiaodong, a member of the team, felt that Han Yanyan was very imaginative.

Why didn't they think of such a possibility at the time?

Is this the difference between people?

However, Tao Xiaodong and the others just gave each other a tacit smile.

Everyone looked at Lao Xi and the others as if they were watching a show.

As for relatives like Tao Xiaodong and others, they all told these things to their families because they wanted to persuade them to move.

Therefore, even if their relatives had doubts, they did not say anything, they just observed curiously.

Lao Xi walked towards Xu Zhiyong and said: "Brother Xu, these zombies seem to have changed after the red rain. Can you stop for a while? I plan to ask the team members to take a closer look at the situation."

"Every piece of information about zombies is very important to us. If we can let people in the base know in advance, a lot of harm can be avoided. I hope you can understand."

Lao Xi didn't want this person to think they were joking, so he told Xu Zhiyong about their powerful relationship.

"Okay." Seeing the persistence in the other party's eyes, Xu Zhiyong believed that he disagreed, and the people from the base in the north of the city also wanted to try it.

What's more, he doesn't want to give these people a wrong perception because of his own reasons.

In the end of the world, if you form a wrong understanding of zombies, you may lose your life as a result.

After Lao Xi persuaded Xu Zhiyong, he turned around and called a member of the Second Battalion of the Chengbei Base and warned: "Go and try, pay attention to safety."

The team members took the order, immediately took their weapons, and approached the zombies cautiously.

When he was about three meters away from the crowd, the zombies over there were like dogs smelling shit, and they rushed towards the second team member crazily.

"What's going on?" Lao Xi frowned and stared at the zombies. It couldn't be because of the distance. You must know that the distance between them and the zombies was enough for them to react.

"You come back and try?" Lao Xi thought of Tao Xiaodong's words and quickly ordered.

Upon hearing this, the team members immediately returned to the team.

The next second, the zombies who had reached the halfway point began to circle in place, sniffing for something.

"This..." Lao Xi's pupils dilated, and an idea vaguely emerged in his mind.

He couldn't help but think of Tao Xiaodong's meaningful eyes.

"Let's go!" Seeing that Lao Xi had finished trying, Xu Zhiyong seemed to have guessed something in his mind, so he called everyone to start again: "Don't stay too far away from me, otherwise zombies will easily gather."

Lao Xi was just guessing at first, but when he heard this, his scalp felt a little numb.

As he set off with the large army, he thought in a daze that there were such bizarre powers in the world.

Not only can you avoid zombies, but it can also help people around you avoid zombies.

If there is a member with this kind of special ability in the team when going on a mission, wouldn't the safety of the entire team be guaranteed?

As for this ability, it seems to have a limited range?

Lao Xi thought, wouldn't it be outrageous if there was no scope limit?

"It seems that the person named Xu has defensive powers."

Tao Xiaodong had just approached, intending to see how Lao Xi was being slapped in the face, when he happened to hear the other party murmuring.


He glanced at Lao Xi in surprise. Why hadn't he noticed that the other party had such an 'excellent' mind before?

Tao Xiaodong hugged the opponent's left and right arms, which were at least the commander of the base, and kindly reminded him: "Lao Xi, I advise you not to think like this, otherwise your face will hurt when the time comes."

What you see is rare, and maybe I do too.

Tao Xiaodong did not say this.

After all, the distance was so close, even if they lowered their voices and others could not hear clearly, Tao Xiaodong had no doubt that Boss Xu could hear them clearly.

Lao Xi glanced at Tao Xiaodong and said, "What can a simple-minded person like you know?"

Based on his pre-apocalyptic level, he knew that there were people with super powers in the country.

Therefore, although he felt that Xu Zhiyong's superpowers were somewhat powerful, he did not find it scary. After all, if the other party was a superpower user before the end of the world, he would probably be so powerful.

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