The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 86: Quite interesting

Just when Ma Er Kuai's legs softened and he knelt down, the man turned around and left in the darkness to wander around.

Ma Er just took a deep breath, his legs were weak and he leaned down to lean on his teammates.

Then he whispered: "Just now, did I admit the wrong person just now?"

He still couldn't believe it and asked others for proof.

The teammate said with concern: "Don't doubt it, you are just an adult."

Wuwuwuwu Ma Er's heart was filled with blood and tears.

"Do you think the adults heard what we said and came here specifically?"

The teammate patted Ma Er on the shoulder with a heavy look on his face and said, "Take care!"

This was just a small episode in the dark night. Xu Zhiyong also heard the words of the man nicknamed Ma Er.

He smiled, thinking this Ma Er was quite interesting.

The residents in the security base didn’t know if they really hadn’t thought about it or if they had seen through it without telling it, so they planned to pretend they didn’t know anything and follow him around to eat and drink.

Even these residents can basically enjoy ordinary spiritual liquid later.

Maji was the first to discuss this kind of thing and let him hear it.

If I had to talk about any skills, would it be to use super-god-level spiritual liquid every day?

The amount of super god-level spiritual liquid is not large, and this thing cannot be mass-produced for other people.

Even though the amount of ordinary spiritual liquid is large, you will also get it as a gift every day you sign in.

But compared to the needs of ordinary people still alive on the earth, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Being able to produce ordinary spiritual liquid is already Xu Zhiyong's greatest kindness.

Early the next morning, everyone packed up their things and followed Xu Zhiyong quietly.

This time, no one had any doubts.

It was almost noon, and everyone came to the outside of some safe base.

When a group of people saw the scarlet words on the five-star hotel, they almost suspected that they were dazzled.

When I turned around and saw that the people around me had the same expression, I immediately realized, oh, they are not dazzled.

No wonder Xu Zhiyong never mentioned the name of the base from beginning to end, causing them to think that the base was just called the base.

Ma Er couldn't help laughing, lowered his head and said to his teammates: "I'm afraid some rebellious young man didn't come up with this name."

"Ahem!" Hearing someone in his team muttering, Lao Xi, as a leader, immediately coughed twice, with a strong warning in his cough.

His teammates looked at Ma Er deeply with a look that said, "You're dead."

Xu Zhiyong thought that if the smile in Lao Xi's eyes was not so obvious, maybe he would pretend he didn't know.

"Not long after we were in this hotel, this sign was put up. I don't know who made it." Xu Zhiyong said without changing his face. As long as it is stable, no one can be sure of the truth.

Lao Xi hesitated for a second, half-convinced.

The reason for half-confidence is just because after spending time with Xu Zhiyong, I feel that he doesn't look like a middle-class person.

I suspect it's because the boss of this base is Xu Zhiyong. Without his approval, who would dare to put up such a sign?

But as someone who had seen Xu Zhiyong's power, he didn't dare to say anything.

"Hey, there's a group of people standing outside, and the leader seems to be the director of your base." Yan Er was looking for Li Yi, and accidentally saw a group of people standing on the street outside the hotel, and casually pulled someone over and said.

Immediately, Yan Er glared at the person he held and said, "Good boy, I'm still looking for you. Why are you here? I also said that the person ran away somewhere."

"Chief of the base." Li Yi shook off Yan Er's hand and rushed to Xu Zhiyong excitedly: "Is this a new person who is going to join our base?"

"??" Xu Zhiyong felt that if he didn't come back for a few days, the boy's enthusiasm would increase again. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What?"

Li Yi chuckled, rubbed his hands and said, "Our base happens to be short of manpower. It would be great if this is a newcomer."

"Yes, everyone plans to restore power, but because the power generation is too loud, they dare not do it for fear of attracting zombies. So we tried to find some gasoline and diesel generators and tried them in the base. Unexpectedly, the base The sound inside didn’t attract zombies at all.”

"So the base has restored power?" Xu Zhiyong was a little surprised. He didn't expect these people to know how to use the function of the protective shield to restore power.

Li Yi nodded happily.

"So, what does this have to do with whether new people are here or not?"

"Hehe, don't I tell the base commander the good news first, so that he can feel everyone's achievements."

Xu Zhiyong: Just supply oil to the generator and it can be repaired. It’s an incredible achievement.

"Speak humanly." Xu Zhiyong glanced at Li Yi lightly.

The latter immediately straightened up and said seriously: "So I thought we could build a water storage tank, renovate the base's water pipes, and improve the water supply. Everyone is busy, and I am in urgent need of manpower."

This is a big project, and if it succeeds, it should be rewarded with a lot of points.

Li Yi thought about the awakening liquid above the mission hall, and his mouth watered even in his dreams.

How could the pace of the First Emperor of his generation be stifled by a small superpower.

As long as he works harder, uses his brain, earns more points, and drinks more spiritual liquid, he won't be unable to awaken his powers!

Li Yi's eyes were burning with fire, and his heart was full of pride.

Xu Zhiyong: ".Do you provide clean water?"

Nowadays, most of the water cannot even be used for washing, and all depends on water-based powers.

The idea is good, but there is a lack of water.

It’s nothing to think about when you’re short of water.

Li Yi hesitated and glanced at Xu Zhiyong, then looked at the hundreds of pairs of bright eyes behind him.

In the end, he could only hold back a vague sentence: "What, don't we have Sister Wei?"

Xu Zhiyong glanced at Li Yi suspiciously, what does this matter have to do with Caiwei?

Li Yi Li Yi almost cried, he did not dare to explain in public.

What if I tell you that some of these strangers are criminals who are here to cause harm and snatch Sister Wei away?

"We'll talk about it later." Looking at Li Yi's expression, Xu Zhiyong knew that it was inconvenient for the boy to talk about something. He turned around and said to the people who had been waiting quietly behind him: "Let's go in first."

This time, hundreds of people entered the base, and no one heard the electronic sound in their mind.

Whether it's Li Yi or the residents in the base who find new people coming to watch the excitement:.

Looking at the normal expressions on these people's faces, everyone knew that these people were not official residents yet.

Everyone discussed in private and found that all the official residents of the base had been affirmed by the weird electronic voice.

So the residents also know what to say and what not to say.

How should we treat newcomers temporarily?

Xu Zhiyong casually waved to a familiar resident.

The other party stepped forward and said, "The base commander needs to ask me to do something."

"Take them to visit our base, especially the specialties of our base." Xu Zhiyong pointed at the people in Laoxi and said: "They are from the base in the north of the city and plan to establish trade relations with us."

"Trade relations." This person looked confused. When he saw Yan Er's group, he suddenly said, "Just like the researcher base?"

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